Can we get rid of keys ?

It's bad enough that survivors get a last chance mechanic in the form of the hatch, no need for this stupid pandering thing called Keys.
Was doing a decent job at locking down a three gen perimeter with Bubba just to get a big
"fk YoU, DeVs gaVe Us KeYs".
Oh yes, why not auto kill everyone at end game to make it easier for you... it's not like keys appear on bloodweb as often as your pink/purple crap. It's our only chance in end game as killers always find the hatch first since they can see it too early.
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I am all for getting rid of keys if Moris also get removed.
Remove both of these lame "end the game early" mechanics, thanks.
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Real quick. Killers DON'T get to see hatch early in end game. I find it with sound. I'd rather yall have a chance to get away. No need to lump all killers in with OP.
Now, for the thread as a whole: This is only going to go poorly with the start being as upset as it was.
Sadly Moris will not be removed most likely as they have to make the animations for each one. I do think that Ebony needs work though.
Keys and Moris are the Two most (Arguably) talked about things in the game. Devs will get to them, but for now, let's stay civil and have fun in the Fog.
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Keep Cypress Mori (Uncommon) or just make it part of the base mechanics then, as it only affects the last Survivor anyways.
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I'm not against that. Though alot of Killers would say that it would not be worth it. Over all, I think The Devs are on a good path atm. They will figure it out. (cause honestly, I've no fricken clue how to do it and I don't want that pressure of figuring it out. They can handle that)
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We don't get any second chances. How would you feel killers had a switch to kill at least 1 survivor once the gates were open and all 4 were alive? Would you called it fair or a consolation prize Bs?
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Killers don't have any second chances as survivors do with the hatch.
How would you feel if killers had a switch to kill at least one survivor once the gates were powered and all 4 were alive?
Now, that would be something wouldn't it.
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Want to get rid of keys? Stop hatch closings, period. The bias is already killer sided.
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I think one way to push things in the right direction is to make it so only one Survivor can escape with a Key at a time. After someone opens the Hatch with a Key, they escape and the Hatch closes. Even if there are only two people left and one escapes with the Key, Hatch still closes and that last Survivor is SOL unless they also have a Key.
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It's not like you can run Plunderer's and find a key almost every game while killers can't search chests for rare addons.
Survivors can see the hatch just as early as killers do and they even have a perk to help them find it.
The hatch closing and the survivor opening it with a key is NOT the problem.
One survivor dying with 1 gen left and the other 3 survivors escape for free because they have a key? THAT is the problem.
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Get past rank 10 mate.
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Keys should only be removed or nerfed if the same thing happens to Moris, and overpowered killer addons like Prayer Beads or Iridiscent Head. Since Insta heals have already taken a hit.
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Sorry couldn't hear you past the whining.
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I find it really interesting how you say in most of your posts that "The Bias (or Devs) are Killer sided." When alot of people disagree with you. Oh and that your replies never "Quote" the person to let them know you are insulting them (most of the time)
Let's take a moment for common sense.
Do the Devs want to favor one side so the other side quits and there game dies, thus losing them ALL the money they get from the game?
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Side Note: No need to be so rude. It's a game. Take some time to chill.
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Now this is a bit better. Though some achievements would have to be reworked.
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If you see someone with key in the lobby, just add Franklin to yours perks
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That doesn't work because the Key can just be picked up later.
Now, if the Killer could also step on a Key and break it... 🤔
Hmm...and then you can add another add-on that makes the Key unbreakable...
Could this be the solution I was looking for to balance Keys out?
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There's ways to deal with that
There's a chance of 80% of try to get it back, Soo keep that place on mind.
Tunnel that survivor and remove him earlier.
Searching for key and getting it back is risky and probably a waste of time, but almost everyone does.
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One, that percentage is made up.
Two, even if you do tunnel that person out of the game, that doesn't stop anyone else from grabbing the Key when it is convenient. That goes extra for SWF. Survivor progress doesn't have to grind to a halt because someone dropped a key to Franklin's.
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Key is a high valuable item, I have seen killers just getting into matches to use Franklin then quit, sit in the key or just tunnel and mori who else is wearing a key
They even change theirs nick to "item robber", "item stealer" heh
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ECG is already annoying with ushering in tons of DC's. Keys can stay as far as I am concerned. If a survivor hatches on me. I congrats to them and talk about their escape. It feels amazing. Like this RUSH of fear. Leave it.