Make Killers Scary Again

My current spook build is what I like to call Doctor Rage. The Add-ons are Carter's Notes Calm and Class Two Calm. The perks are Monitor and Abuse, Unnerving Presense, Overwhelming Presense, and Coulrophobia, I offer Broken Glasses, A Jigsaw Piece, or a Murky Reagent if I can.
I start the match in treatment mode with a whopping twelve metre terror radius. Then I search the level in treatment mode, once I find a survivor I switch to treatment mode and hit them with madness and three debuffs while also having an enormous terror radius. Use the change to scare them out of their minds.
-New Trapper:Devour Hope,Make your choice,Nurses Calling,Overcharge.
as add-ons take the iredescent stone and the purple bag.use all your traps at pallets and do a 4 gen strat, as you hook someone leave so u can get both perks working,this scares most of the players because most of pallets /vault windows are bear trapped and if they wanna do a gen you just overcharge it. Most ppl usually dont see devoure hope until you mori them, and if they take it before that usually remain 2 guys and 1 disconnects just so the other takes the hatch.P.S:(you can hide the fact that you have Devoure hope by sending someone to a bear trap,do it twice and you have a free mori)0 -
The only scary killer is jumpscare myers against a non-SWF or a good nurse scaring you with her actual power.