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How do YOU feel about keys?

joshuashep22 Member Posts: 236

A sequel to my previous poll how do YOU feel about borrowed time.

Anyway how do YOU feel about keys?

How do YOU feel about keys? 59 votes

NMCKEGibberishDaddyTrappersGirlNoShinyPonyDreskird_dexSteelDragon 7 votes
Amazing survivor item
InnCognito[Deleted User]TorkoalKingKevin_Bacon 4 votes
Perfectly balanced as all things should be
OnryosTapeRentalsCreeRoyaltyKennishi 3 votes
Situational but powerful
BossArk_the_BonsaiStevoFibijeanWINTERSSpacingLlamasJacoby2041StagnanceMicheal_MyersKnucklesJawsIsTheNextKillerAzurlynxMochanGrootDudeBazzajackxEaBenZ0KillermainBTWm8RicardiBacardiCarlosylu 25 votes
Needs some tweaking
HommeBizarreOogieBoogieAkiTheKittenPennosukeAhoyWolfthekateanonymous31337ToxicboiiTunnelVisionHellraisingPredatorgaydavidking 11 votes
I'm a killer main so I hate em
Just use Franklin's demise
PigsterClaudettesUncle 2 votes
I don't like em
se05239dfrenchieeCreepingcam1070Rin_is_my_waifuTodgeweiht 5 votes
Just remove keys
musstang62 1 vote
What are keys?
hinoutoumei 1 vote


  • se05239
    se05239 Member Posts: 3,919
    I don't like em

    I really don't like them. Cannot disagree that they do fit a niche in the game, though.

  • ClaudettesUncle
    ClaudettesUncle Member Posts: 29
    Just use Franklin's demise

    Just use franklins, simple and effective counter against (from my view balanced) keys.

    NMCKE Member Posts: 8,245

    In my opinion, both roles shouldn't be able to "skip" some of their objective if it doesn't take skill.

    What keys should be balanced around:

    BNP "skips" a small portion of the survivors' objective, but it requires some skill from the owner to land all of the skill checks.

  • Mochan
    Mochan Member Posts: 2,886
    Situational but powerful

    Keys are extremely situational, but very powerful and can save you from certain death.

    The keys have very specific requirements to use, tied to how many survivors are still alive and how many gens are done. This is a clear restriction for their use and is perfectly balanced. After meeting the requirement you still need to find the hatch without getting killed.

    It's a great item in my opinion, I don't really get why so many killers are against it. I get that they can feel cheated out of that 4K they thought was a sure clincher, but I blame EGC on that. Nobody asked for EGC but killers wanted to be able to close the hatch, feeling it's a sure win if they do. Keys "steal" that sure win from them and it leaves a lot of killers salty.

    But really, they're fine and are balanced.

  • Toxicboii
    Toxicboii Member Posts: 442
    Needs some tweaking

    A literal free win in your hands.

    Regardless of state of the match.

  • Carlosylu
    Carlosylu Member Posts: 2,948
    Situational but powerful

    I have to tell you that my usual SWF team does this specific tactic: "if we see the killer has Franklins we go and drop the key at a spot we ALL know about, the hatch spawns, one goes for it and we leave".

    If this tactic spreads you'll be doomed

  • CreeRoyalty
    CreeRoyalty Member Posts: 66
    Perfectly balanced as all things should be

    If you think keys are OP I'm assuming you're a killer main with NOED

  • Micheal_Myers
    Micheal_Myers Member Posts: 1,147
    Situational but powerful

    Keys are Powerful and could let survivors escape, but it is verrrrry situational. I had 2 Survivors bring in a Skeleton Key and a Dull Key.

    They both got sacrificed because of their decisions. They both had White Ward and had addons to see Survivors Auras.

    They all died to a Myers ;)

  • anonymous31337
    anonymous31337 Member Posts: 192
    Needs some tweaking

    Just make hatch spawn for 3 survivors only after all gens are finished.

    Everything else is fine IMO

  • Creepingcam1070
    Creepingcam1070 Member Posts: 330
    I don't like em

    Keys can go suck it. But they dont need a nerf.

  • OogieBoogie
    OogieBoogie Member Posts: 186
    Needs some tweaking

    For some reason there seems to be a common misunderstanding. The issue is NOT 4 survivors escaping after all gens are done. It's 2-3 survivors escaping while there are still 1-2 gens left. The killer cannot stand over the hatch AND guard gens. It takes a very short amount of time for the survivors to run up to the hatch, press M1 and jump in. This means the killer has to stay close to the hatch to close it (after at least one person escapes), meaning they're not watching gens. That puts them in a lose/lose scenario.

    And no, Franklin's Demise is not a counter to keys. I don't understand why people keep parroting that. At best, you'll knock the key out of their hand while they run toward the hatch. Then what? Are you gonna stand guard over a tiny key that can easily be picked up and used by anyone in seconds? Then the gens pop and gates open and you still lose. If you wanna get rid of it for good you'd have to hit them 10 times, and by then they're likely dead anyway. There's nothing stopping survivors from simply coming back for the key when you're busy guarding gens. Better yet, they could just hide the key and come back for it later and there's nothing you can do about it.