Please Add settings Volume Music IN-GAME (Chases, endless collapse...)

Hi here,
I submit you this request because how it is frustrating to do not hear and miss the hatch because his sound ("aaaaaah") is covered by chases music or the ending collapse music (for me, it is not a uselful or even the best ambient music neither :S) in-game.
I play all the time with headphones because we need to care about it to survive/to kill. When I play killer, I never got any problem to spot the hatch with his sound (still when I'm using chainsaw or some noisy powers to move me). But when I am survivor, it is absolutely a awful and laborious pain to localize it by the hearing: I spot usually more later than the killer behind me :/ and as he can close the hatch more faster, I can't jump in and go out... Finnaly, I always give stupidly my life for free... Lot of fun indeed !
I am sure I will never has this problem again if I can set perfectly the musics volume in-game.
Can devs add this to his patch notes & add another little volume bar in the options menu, please ?
Many thanks to consider it as an useful submission :P
If this happened, the new way to play the game is to have all music completely turned off so you could hear the killer/survivor better, making the game more unbalanced.
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It thought it could be an useful thing to set properly his own music volume in-game. We have few options in the menu, the "music volume" settings concerns only the menu music... What a useful option, yea I can set off my speakers or my headphones to do the same effect...
But I'm not sure to understand what do you mean if we have the music in-game option in settings should make the game "unbalanced" as you say... I appreciate enough the ambient musics to keep them on [on].
Some players had played the game with any sound at all and they do not necessarily die during the trial.
Few months ago, we all have known problems about music sounds in-game: they were missing for everyone, we just have the heart beat when the killer was close of survivors. It doesn't seem unbalanced for any, I mean I didn't noticed topics about an unbalanced bug concerning the missing sounds.
Just the game felt more motionless and a bit more empty, deadly static...
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The music balance, however annoying it is sometimes, is by design. If you could tweak individual audio settings, it would be very exploitable.
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Ok you must have right, it should be another way to exploit a game already exploited *think about survivor graphic resolution*.
If we want to exploit it, we still can exploit it...
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wonder if you could go into the game files and turn off the music.....
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Good idea, I think it is technically possible to do it but I really don't know if we are allow to do it...
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Sound in a game shouldn't be balanced by adding in loud music... if being able to adjust the music volume would suddenly unbalance the game, that's bad design. If that is the case, the devs should balance the sounds separately, because players should be allowed to adjust the music volume.
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If it would be possible, I bet you would regret it because of how strong killers would become being able to hear stuff which usually is covered by the music.
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As a killer. I would love music off.
I'll then be able to hear footsteps direction real tight after hit.
lockers opening/closing for mile.
Survivors breath for miles, even from lockers. and crys for even longer
Sounds really helps balance the game.
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I agree with you. I can see how some people would attempt to abuse this, but I also get tired of the sudden, loud music in my ears when I didn't see that Meg in the corn but the game did.
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If the sounds were balanced so that they're fine without music, and players can then choose to put music over them if they want and adjust the volume of said music, then it shouldn't be an issue. It's the crazy mix we have now that's a problem.
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True true. It is quite jarring to go from patrolling gens to the sudden intense chase music.
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Or when you hook a guy and they die. You gotta deal with the entire loud and dumb death sequence