Hillbilly can sprint 90° now?
He can do a 90 at the start of the sprint
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Well, he had to charge from a distance to roll up the ramp, and then bang 90° into the excavator to hit me.
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Could be a vacuum maybe? But Billy's sensitivity for his chainsaw is highly increased at the start of the sprint, so that could be the case too. Without a clip its hard to tell.
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It doesn't happen all the time (thankfully), but once a while I'd to meet a hillbilly who can charge from far away and make acute angle turns around a wall to get to me with a critical hit. Kinda tough to record a match after it has happened.
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PC. Have to manually switch on Geforce Experience recording. But usually that's too late.
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Xbox can be up to 5 minutes if selected
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You can press a button and it automatically saves the last 10 minutes. You can change the time from the settings
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Well i experience the same all the time, he chainsawed me even if im already behind a wall, i guess its latency -_-
I have no proof recorded, but play a round against a red rank billy on console and you will see, what riotangel mean...
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Did it look like some of the shots demonstrated here?
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I had a game recently where it looked like the flick Billy used to be able to do at the end of his sprint was back.
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Just seeing it from a survivor perspective and could be latency too. But yeah i meant after the sprint and not in the beginning. I experienced it kinda often, they turn at the end of the sprint sometimes around 90° and saw the survivor behind an wall, which feels kinda cheap. Next time something like this happen, i will make a clip of it✌(probably from the survivor perspective)
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I've actually been hit a lot by Billy around corners after the start of the sprint lately. But I only started seeing it after Dedicated Servers.
So it's probably a lag issue.
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On ps4, you can change your settings to have gameplay recordings up to 30 mins or an hour I think. Mine is set to 30 mins, so if something fishy happens in a match I just click the share button once and clip the video up to the last 30 mins. Very helpful.
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No. The hillbillies charge from a much longer distance away.