The Legion suggestions for buff or slight rework Ideas

So as of right now (10\25\2019) Legion is probably the worst killer because of their update earlier this year. They're the least enjoyable killer for everyone because as the killer it's like being in a race and falling at halfway mark for the fifth time this week, as a survivor you have to repeatedly do the same thing 90 times a game until all 5 generators are finished or the hatch is open. So here's a couple different ideas.

Change Deep Wounds Ideas

1. Keep the timer paused during chase, give him back his timer and make the timer start after chase ends but make it where if Legion steps within 10 meters the timer pauses and survivors stop mending. (This allows survivors to know how close and to run) but shorten the timer slightly and make it impossible to wait till last second unless the killer stopped you at the last second and restart the timer at 25% so you have time

2. Make it to where they have an option to hit one person twice and half the timer, or chase someone else completely once killer instinct activates. Make it impossible to mend in the radius of the paused timer or wait till last second.

Change Feral Frenzy Mechanics

Completely take away deep wound and make it a choice of downing someone or chasing someone else, a maximum of 2 hits or chase someone else who might lead to another survivor and everyone injured but can only hit everyone once. Extend time to heal depending on how many survivors injured.

That's all I can really think of that wouldn't change them to much or make Legion a balancing nightmare as he was the originally. I just wanna see a good Legion without a complete rework FF is an interesting concept


  • Kerbert
    Kerbert Member Posts: 415

    I think the whole idea of Feral Frenzy and Deep Wounds should be scratched entirely. Based on Legions trailer, showing him running with David, acting as a survivor, then turning around and stabbing him in the back, is either a case of blatant misdirection and false advertising, or Legion was originally a disguised survivor killer, but the idea got scraped and they forgot or didnt have enough time to make a new trailer. I say stay true to your original promise and just change Legion into his original idea, a disguised killer.

  • DerRicky
    DerRicky Member Posts: 119
    edited October 2019


    I would like the type of killer showed in the trailer more than the current killer.


    I don't think changing his abilitys would help much.

    Also there is currently no killer, which ability is hiding as survivor so this should be the legion.

    Would also be much more interesting gameplay than this average i'll run the entired time until i got you.

    Also that you can't stab a survivor down while using feral frenzy.

    This would be cooler, if it would be possible.

    I mean.... The Brother of Hilli Billy can even hit you with his ult an you are instant down.

    Would just be fair if every other killer had this possebility too.

    Why saying "Brother of hilli billy"?! Because i play the german version and don't know theyr original names.

  • Oshi
    Oshi Member Posts: 306
    edited October 2019

    Another thread about "Legion rework" but devs not care, you know "no promises". Heared only about few "useless" addons changes while his power is complitly destroyed, he becomes an "meme killer" after injustice full nerf that aimed on everything, movement/vault speed in FF, deep wound and etc. They nerfed EVERYTHING. Do you think they can handle the "Legion buff" if they can't even handle halloween event? They spend all time on costumes for shop and new killers. Maybe after two or three years they buff him back.

    This is my "reality" opinion, based on how they currently work with game. 

    Update: Forgot about awesome dedicated servers. Now my ping is 120-130, before with P2P 50-60, but who cares, right? Obviously not devs who launch potato servers in LIVE.

  • Oshi
    Oshi Member Posts: 306
    edited October 2019

    My previous "opinion message" was deleted without any warnings one minute after i write it. Now i know here nothing to do and no reason to discuss anything on this forum. I didn't break any rules, just mod who try to "clean with a fork"

  • HellCatJane
    HellCatJane Member Posts: 698

    @Oshi Sorry that happened to you. Not sure what that was about. Did you double check and make sure it didn't get moved? Mods like moving things around.

    Disclaimer: Not affiliated with behavior/this company etc.

    Also, interesting idea.