Devs, This Is Why Gen Repair Time Needs To Be Slower:

Onyx_Blue Member Posts: 1,060
edited October 2019 in Feedback and Suggestions

I have wanted gen repair speed to be 25 seconds longer for about a year now. And as the variable for that may change depending on the Devs discretion, ultimately, I believe it is warranted and needed for the health of the game. Now, I will add, that a lot of people say SWF are the main issue for gen imbalance, but the reasons I am about to detail will shine on why solo players are equally as responsible for evidence for my request being valid. The reasons behind this thinking are thusly:

- Map Size, this will always be a variant in the game, simply shrinking the bigger maps slightly will not have too heavy of an impact on a killers ability to pressure the gens. Look at Backwater Swamps redesign, the huge scale was drastically shrunk yet gens are still wide enough apart and require intense and precise juggling to keep up with the stronger survivor teams. If a killer isn't near you then a survivor has nothing to worry about nor any reason not to do gens. Slowing them down will give killers more time to get chases done and not be stressing about too many gens popping in the process. That leads me to my second point. --

- Time Management for Chases and Pressure, this is something a killer is tasked with doing in order to be rewarded by the game with ranking up and earing the most bp possible. Now, it goes without saying that survivors who are unpressured have free reign to do what they want to do, and survivors who are pressured, ie being chased, can use this individual pressure on them to waste a lot of a killers time, thus allowing gens to pop freely. And even if a killer is smart and experienced enough to abandon a chase he is wasting time on, there is no guarentee that they can patrol back to the gens to protect them in time. Thus losing all pressure on the map once again. Longer repair time means a killer isn't as punished for mild mistakes and certain mechanics of the game (insta-heals) as they are now. Since a killer shouldn't be required to play perfectly every game to win. Survivors certainly don't, and they very often pip and escape from games they mess up a lot in.

- Perks designed to add slow-down, this is something a lot of players use as reasoning as to why a killer lost and how killers should play in order to have fun, longer matches. I have always had a problem with this mentality, a killer should not need to use certain perks in order to be able to have time on the map to get their objective done efficiently. Mainly because it limits a killers playstyle to those perks. If the build benefits from slowing the game in all aspects, healing, repairing etc then a killer will have to play around that, making sure not to chase much and instead pounce on out of position heals or injured repairs etc rather than feeling like they can have fun intense chases that can utilise their skills with that killer. Eg mindgaming with the killers power, conditioning survivors etc. These all go out the window in order to play for the slow down build. I don't think a killer should be limited to certain builds if they want a longer match. Because 'longer' doesn't go hand in hand with "fun'. Especially for the survivors. Anti-QTE Doc springs to mind - insane gen pressure but boring as hell to vs.

Now, with those 3 reasons established, I would add that making the gen repair time slightly slower, eg the 25 seconds I suggested, would be a very significant extension to repairs, mainly because the builds people suggest killers use is what they would add to it in general. Dying Light with 3 tokens adds 7.2 seconds to action speed. Thanataphobia with 4 stacks adds 12.8 seconds to action speed. Equalling 20 seconds action speed debuff. This speed debuff being a default on gens would make the 'need' for those perks no longer as great as most people feel they are right now. And with those perks then it's down to survivors to actually start outplaying the killers strategies. Thus making it so killers who do not use any slow down perks and just rely on their skill and exerience of the game to give them the tools to have fun with the game have the time to do so.

Let me know what you feel is good/bad about this idea and why. Hearing what peoples reasons are about liking or disliking my request is the important thing here; because criticism with no construct at all doesn't help anything get done.

This request for the Devs is so life in the fog goes on in a healthy direction. And as i said before, ultimately it is Devs discretion on the variables. But i hope my evidence for why it would work is enough to get the point across.


  • lynelmane
    lynelmane Member Posts: 549

    Need a TL;DR

  • Phox
    Phox Member Posts: 206

    There’s been lots of talk of this before, and the consensus for most is we would rather have another objective to extend the game. Nobody wants to play a progress bar simulator. Doing gens is already boring, especially with things like ruin, dying light and thana. If gen times were increased I think a lot of people would just quit playing survivor because of how boring it would be.

  • Rezblaze
    Rezblaze Member Posts: 843

    Someone on the steam forums suggested that there should be parts that the survivors have to find first.

    Parts could be found in grey-colored chests around the map, taking about ten seconds to search and five seconds to install the part.

    I added onto that suggesting progressive difficulty:

    • Rank 20 - 16 = Default gameplay. Hold M1, skill checks occasional.
    • Rank 15 - 11 = Modified gameplay. There will be one part required to start generator progress. After that, its a matter of holding M1.
    • Rank 10 - 6 = More modification. There will be one part required for beginning generator progress and one part to finish it.
    • Rank 5 - 1 = Final modification. There will be a part required for beginning gen repairs. Halfway through the repairing, a part will be required to continue. Then, a part is required to finish gen repair.

    After parts are installed, progress on generators are as normal and the killer cannot damage the generator to break parts (of course future perks could alter this).

  • Phox
    Phox Member Posts: 206

    @Rezblaze I’ve heard things similar to that suggested and I love the idea. It would give players with lots of hours more to do and wouldn’t be brutal to new players.

  • AhoyWolf
    AhoyWolf Member Posts: 4,100

    Now people would derank even more imo, I would just give Survivors more things to do, like filling the generators with gasoline or something like that, second objective.

    Or just rank rewards...

  • Onyx_Blue
    Onyx_Blue Member Posts: 1,060

    I've heard stuff like this before, and last years Hallowed Blight did a great job at showing how much slower games can be with an additional objective to do.

    Only reason I leant towards extending repair time is soley, for now, that I can't see any drastic new changes to dbd coming; with the archives and rift, I can't see a brand new change coming soon. So in that vein, I feel like an extension to gen speed in the current dbd state of play is the best way to go. It's a meme at this point that "killers play because they love to feel pain" etc so why would it be fine to leave dbd in this state for any longer?

  • Rezblaze
    Rezblaze Member Posts: 843
  • Devil_hit11
    Devil_hit11 Member Posts: 8,321

    I just wish dying light didn't give 33% healing speed bonus. Previously, it used to be that having dying light alive hurts you, but when you killed that player, you got a reward. now, you need keep that person alive, but you get hurt for that person being alive. I just wish that when you play well, i.e kill all 4 people, hook a lot and injure/apply antiquate map presence, you end up winning. It's one of the reason that Freddy is like one of my favorite killers now because when you play well as him, the game says you win and you often know yourself that you played well. I don't think they need increase generator time with Freddy, they need make other killers around same level of Freddy and I think improving dying light would might do that. these days you'll mostly just see corrupt intervention or hex:ruin and both of those perks are hit or miss. both of them don't really influence my play as survivor so I could care less about them i guess.

  • Rezblaze
    Rezblaze Member Posts: 843

    Killing the obsession doesn't mesh well with any of the Shape's other perks. Play With Your Food and Save The Best For Last all worked by ignoring the obsession.

    Having Dying Light activate by KILLING the obsession is counter to the Shape's beginning perks. It just meshes better with everything else, and doesn't require tunneling to activate. The change needed to happen.

    Though I agree, the buff is really strong and makes Dyling Light only optimal on the Plague.

  • Onyx_Blue
    Onyx_Blue Member Posts: 1,060

    @Devil_hit11 yeah, I don't understand why the obsession is boosted when them sinply being alive is a boost to them. They don't suffer the debuff and the killer cannot kill them or risk losing his tokens unless obsession switches. But like I said, perks should not be what a killer needs to feel like they have passive pressure on the map

  • Onyx_Blue
    Onyx_Blue Member Posts: 1,060

    @Rezblaze Dying Light isn't as strong as people think it is though. It takes 5 hooks to get 1% less than Thanataphobia with 4 stacks is - 16%. And by that time you have people dead on hook and most likely 1 or 2 gens left to defend. By the time you get any sort of passive pressure, from debuffs, you have either almost won or almost lost the game anyway 😅 5 tokens only adds 12 seconds to gens. At end game specifically that doesn't do much in my eyes

  • Karl_Childers
    Karl_Childers Member Posts: 669
    edited October 2019

    In exchange for this, I would like to see the following to balance it out :

    • Hook time is extended by 1 minute to prevent any camping buff due to slower gens.
    • Borrowed Time is reworked. BT effect as we know it, becomes basekit . Camping/Tunneling now takes a hit in the base game, since you are addressing “genrush” in the base game. This is only fair.
    • Spirit is nerfed. Sorry but this killer can’t remain as is with gens taking 25 seconds longer. Completely unnecessary buff which would make her OP.
    • NOED is nerfed. It’s unreasonable to expect survivors to not only complete gens that take longer, but to also cleanse all totems. It should only give the speed boost and that’s it, for example. No way can it remain as powerful as it is now.
  • Rezblaze
    Rezblaze Member Posts: 843

    Almost everything suggested here is awful.

    Spirit should be counterable, but honestly, Borrowed Time as base kit? You kidding? We already have Borrowed Time to prevent tunneling AND we have Decisive Strike. You literally get a free out for a period of time between being unhooked, that's free time the killer has to chase you. And against some killers, that's all it really takes.

    NOED doesn't need a nerf, because its use is already niche enough; making a HEX PERK, where the idea of it is supposed to be extremely powerful, only give you 3% haste at the end of the match, when all gens are done and two exit gates need to be powered, is a comical nerf.

  • Karl_Childers
    Karl_Childers Member Posts: 669
    edited October 2019

    And you as killer, have a bunch of perks to stall gens. Yet there’s complaints that they shouldn’t be needed, hence the suggestion of gens taking 25 seconds longer. So why should survivors have to always use those perks?? Typical bias. Address the biggest issues on BOTH sides in the base game, or neither. Gens should stay exactly how they are now then, use your perks.

    The speed boost only thing was just something I threw out there, my point is that it needs a nerf. The idea that survivors should have to do all dulls in addition to 25 second longer gens to prevent a game changing perk is comical. Funny how the defense for NOED is “anti-genrushing”, yet when this so called genrushing is addressed, you think NOED should remain as is lol.

  • Rezblaze
    Rezblaze Member Posts: 843
    edited October 2019

    'Typical bias' is what people usually fall back on when they don't have anything of value to say. You're missing a MASSIVE oversight on this, and its that Survivors don't actually take up perk slots to increase generator repair speed. So what perks are you referring to that benefit survivor repair speed? None of those perks are necessary for a survivor to meaningfully contribute.

    You've forgotten medkits, you've forgotten tool boxes, you've forgotten maps, keys, their addons. You've forgotten chests with rarer tools and kits and flashlights. None of those take perk slots, in fact, you're not penalized by taking them -at all-.

    As killer, you have your killer power, four perks, and a single offering. Survivors have a total of 16 perks all together, four potential tools to increase their survivability, and up to four offerings.

    This isn't even counting second-chance perks like Decisive Strike, Mettle of Man, Borrowed Time, Unbreakable if you're slugged, etc.

    Where are you getting this idea that they're somehow penalized in terms of perks by increasing gen repair?

  • Devil_hit11
    Devil_hit11 Member Posts: 8,321

    I agree, but the way DBD is now is that if you want something, you need invest a perk slot to get it. Sometimes, what you give up one match may lose you another match. It just so happen that a lot of the killers, not all of them, but many of them lack map presence. It's all about having low opportunity cost. if you do 1 medium chase and like 3 generator pop, that's not very good game pacing for you. Not many of the killers excel at chases, so a lot of the game boil downs to attrition with pallets and out positioning injured survivors. Personally, I love chasing survivors and I love the chase as survivor. I think it's way more fun play style, however you don't really get a chance to play that way if the game ends too quickly. good thing that Halloween event will come up soon, so it will be a bit less stressful hopefully.

    Old dying light was meant synergy with Myer purple tombstone piece. It wasn't meant to synergy with his other perks.

  • Onyx_Blue
    Onyx_Blue Member Posts: 1,060

    @Devil_hit11 That's the thing, every killer excels at certain things, Doc at keeping tabs on people; Trapper and Hag at controlling certain terrirories of the map; Myers, Pig, Wraith and Ghostface at causing unease and having no detection but a deadly strike; Billy, Nurse, Freddy and Spirit at being very mobile etc etc etc but no killer should be too punished in other aspects; eg keeping gens protected (since this is a universal killer objective). Because a survivor can play in any way they desire and not have perks that boost those aspects and still have a very chill time

  • ShoobertBlaster
    ShoobertBlaster Member Posts: 11

    I mean I main survivor but I agree the gens can be done extremely quickly and can be difficult to patrol due to map size. I think making gens take longer overall would just become monotonous and extend an already boring progress bar mini game. Maybe adding offerings that can slightly reduce repair speed or even add progress decay, so if a generator is left for a period of time it will automatically regress even if not damaged, I know I’ve had generators that stayed almost finished for 5-10 minutes and just popped them to leave, if they had a decay overtime it could extend the match and possibly be a solution.

  • Onyx_Blue
    Onyx_Blue Member Posts: 1,060

    @ShoobertBlaster i've heard the progress decay idea before for exit gates; on gens it would be weird, since the killer kicks it to regress it. I think regression should have a faster impact on gens. Because atm it isn't even worth kicking a gen on 85%+ because it takes too much time to go regress, and in the time it takes you to kick it the person who ran off means you have too much distance to make up. Plus, another survivor can just swoop by and repair it. Also survivors take wayyyy less time to interupt regression than it does to be damaged. I think the amount of time it takes a killer to break it (without Brutal), should be the same time it takes a survivor to bring the gen back out of regression. So they have to sit on it for the duration of it with a secondary progress bar charging up and then when that's full the gen can start gaining progress again.