Here's an idea about Hex totems
What if, the killer could set up the Hex totem on a Dull totem?
-The killer can see Dull totem's auras around the map;
-The Hex perks are not activated until the killer set the hex;
-When the killer set the hex on a dull totem, it will emit an global sound;
-Noed will still automatically set itself up in a existing dull totem around the map;
-Haunted Grounds will also automatically set itself up;
-If the killer wants, they have the option to not set a hex;
-The killer will not get Dull Totem's Auras anymore after setting all the hex perks;
-250BP in the Deviousness category for setting a hex. Note: you will not get rewarded for Haunted Grounds and noed automatically set themselfs up.
I think this can fix the problem of "Bad totem spawns" at the start of the game.
Do you mean ruin?
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This idea has been suggested a few times before. The main problem is that this would encourage killers to camp certain hex totems so that they're just about impossible to destroy. The whole point of hex totems is high risk for high reward, and the main thing that makes them vulnerable right now is that the killer doesn't necessarily know which one is which if they're running multiple hex perks.
It could potentially work if it just assigned a random hex when the killer picks a totem, and the killer has no way of knowing which hex it was, but in that case it should apply to Haunted Ground as well. I think that overall it just has the potential to cause a lot of problems if not done right. Simply going through the maps and reworking all the totem spawns to be in better locations, the way the devs are doing right now, seems by far the simplest and most reliable solution.
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Any other Hex totem, exept Noed and Haunted Grounds