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how to integrate a 2v8 mode into dead by daylight my idea (long and updated)

tony42545 Member Posts: 85
edited October 2019 in Feedback and Suggestions

first i think that 2v8 should be tested on all platforms because the amount of troubles this simple mode could cause. such as two killer glitch in normal game play, so i think this is the way it should come to normal game play. 2v8 should come in three phases so that the developers will have lots of time to make every bug and issues get rolled out.

phase 1 being 2v8 mode only available in a kyf this will allow a full use of every perk and testing that is very "safe".(as in you can only play it with friends allowing you to test stuff that people that are in it just for killing and ranking up wont test).

phase 2 will make you able to match with others that also want to play 2v8. but nothing that happens in the game will effect your current progress (like a PTB but in live servers) also if you want to play killer in the 2v8 mode you will have the option to pair with a random or a friend.

phase 3 will integrate both 2v8 and 1v4 together in match making and which mode you load into will determined on the killer or killers you join. and your progress will be saved on the 2v8 mode for now in this phase every major bug or issue should be resolved.

if a chapter with new stuff gets added into the game they will not automatically be available in the 2v8 instead they will go to phase 1 in order to see if there were any unsuspected bugs to phase 3

one thing i want to address for 2 killers not op in this new game mode. killer's powers, perks, add-ons, and offerings will not benefit from each other. so for example if i run the basic killer build BBQ, ruin, enduring, and spirit fury. then only i will have those perks to my self and they will not stack will the other killers perks so for example ruin will only be one totem and will not stack with another ruin. that way survivors wont have to worry about breaking two totems instead of doing generators.

EDIT: both killers should have separate obsessions and if the other killer interacts with their obsession it will not affect you or your obsession perks your runinng

Post edited by tony42545 on


  • 8obot1c
    8obot1c Member Posts: 1,129

    Donald Trump is impressed with your BIG WALL OF TEXT

  • CrowFoxy
    CrowFoxy Member Posts: 1,310

    Grammar time.

  • Auron471
    Auron471 Member Posts: 1,310

    wall of text. cut it up and make it more pleasant to read plz. imagine if i wrote code but with no indentation. That is what this post is. no offense

  • StupidPallets
    StupidPallets Member Posts: 395
    edited October 2019

    I read everything and agree 100%. I welcome you to make more threads filled with your brimming thoughts. Thumbed up.


  • yobuddd
    yobuddd Member Posts: 2,256

    I hate to pile on. I really tried to read this despite the wall of text, but I don’t think you used a single period the entire time! If that whole thing is meant to be one sentence, then I’m afraid my brain just can’t string the thoughts together after the first 3 lines.

    As for the whole 2v8 thing, a huge problem I see with the concept is that survivors have no way to win chases. Loops, pallets, etc. If the killers work together to hunt a survivor, they can each go to a different side of the pallet or loop. The survivor is doomed. Nobody would ever play this mode as a survivor after the first week.

    The only solution is make the killers move the same speed as (or slower than) survivors, but that would cause lots of other problems.

  • SleepyWillo
    SleepyWillo Member Posts: 2,197
    edited October 2019

    Devs said they wont be doing any other modes any time soon.

    I'm against 2v8 in general. I think it could be far too killer or survivor sided without a lot of changes and I dont know how they can do that...

    Killers could just get a down and while one killer camps/proxy-camps the other can just pick up others to add to the collection.

    Survivors can do what they do now - gen rush. Even if thats the case 10 gens already seems over bearing. If they add more gens thats taking the already boring M1 simulator to a new level...

    On the surface it seems fine and interesting but its just not really feasible. It would take far far too much work to balance 2v8 independently to the current 4v1 and from what we've seen they're struggling with that alone...

  • Bradyguy99
    Bradyguy99 Member Posts: 226

    I think it would need it's own maps and own objectives. Like starts in sections. First one is big and lots of hiding spots with 6 gens and only need to do 3 or so to move on. Then the next room will be smaller with less gens and less needing to be done. Repeat this one more time and boom exit gates and games over. Kind of designed to be hard to have everyone escape but if they all survive to the end.... ya those gens are done and gates are open. You can't stop them all from opening those gates kiddo. Idk just a quick idea I had. Probably busted as heck.

  • tony42545
    tony42545 Member Posts: 85

    there lots of improvements to my horrible spelling and spacing i keep having good ideas in very time limited places

  • yobuddd
    yobuddd Member Posts: 2,256

    Spelling is fine, no worries there. Spacing is manageable, though just hitting <enter> every few lines would help, even if it’s it the middle of a thought.

    The biggest issue is the punctuation. If you type on a phone, some devices have settings where they automatically insert a period if you hit <space> twice. That could be a useful feature. Without the periods though, it’s just very difficult to follow your train of thought.

    Finally, I want to be clear. I’m not attacking you or trying to make you feel bad. This is merely constructive criticism. I understand time constraints, so I just want to help you prioritize which changes to focus on.

  • tony42545
    tony42545 Member Posts: 85

    yeah im just bad a English over all every post i make is like this it's fine that everyone tells me this it allows me to notice it and correct it and everything life is built on is mistakes and how to solve them so being bad at something just allows me or you to get better

  • tony42545
    tony42545 Member Posts: 85

    i would take 10 tons times more offense if you just said no and had no explanation of what you meant by no so thanks for not doing that

  • yobuddd
    yobuddd Member Posts: 2,256

    You just gave me an idea! Just like you said: giant map, equipment, antennas, and such.

    The survivors’ goal should be the construct complex devices capable of ensnaring the killers! Different parts work together in different ways allowing for creative mousetraps.

    A free killer can try to break his buddy out of the trap, but it would take significant time and effort to do so (slashing away at cages or ropes). This is time the survivors can use to prepare another snare. If both killers get trapped, the displeased Entity punishes them and allows the remaining survivors to escape!

  • Walker_of_the_fog_96
    Walker_of_the_fog_96 Member Posts: 1,238

    I like the idea 💙

  • PigMainBigBrain
    PigMainBigBrain Member Posts: 1,893

    I can see one issue from 2 killers trying to double team 1 survivor.... gen pressure.

    The more you try to cheese chases, the more survivors are scurrying around to kill gens. I honestly think they should try it out as a game mode even if it doesn't count toward rank, just for fun. There would obviously have to be some tweaks for instance the last time we had a multiple killer glitch, things like mend and terror radius would mess up.

  • PigMainBigBrain
    PigMainBigBrain Member Posts: 1,893
  • CrowFoxy
    CrowFoxy Member Posts: 1,310

    It would defo be a fun game mode.

  • tony42545
    tony42545 Member Posts: 85

    i feel like they could call that a last survivor standing type mode i love the idea of it

  • projecteulogy
    projecteulogy Member Posts: 671

    Well, No. For several reasons:

    -Dedicated Servers are currently cheap as all ****... Could you imagine the hitboxes in a game barely able to stand a 4v1 match? 8v2 would break the game.

    -This is the equivalent of putting SWF in its own game mode. It will split the queue. Killer queue's are bad enough.

    -8v2 is not an equivalent perk exchange.

    -The community is already toxic and doesn't need any help or ideas about being more toxic. This would bomb the game.

    -The devs still have not fixed multiple jarring and game breaking bugs(ie: T posing and being unable to crouch, etc). This would just add even more.

    -They would have to rebalance the game entirely. DBD is already toxic enough.

    -The only playstyle most everyone would use as the 2 killers would be to bully them and tunnel them down. DS? yeah as soon as he jumps off one killers shoulder he gets downed by the other walking next to him. Nope.

    -You cannot have perks not count for the other killer. All Hex totems are map wide. There is no way around this. How do you have RUIN work with say, spirit. But not the doctor on the same map? So if im chasing someone and my teammate has Blood Warden i dont get the benefit?

    This game mode would break the queues, introduce way more toxic play styles than its type needs, and you will end up with Friday the 13th, 2: Meme Machine.

  • tony42545
    tony42545 Member Posts: 85

    well the reason you would have 8 survivors is to pressure the killers to stop them from doubling up on a single survivor making it difficult for you to try and do that.

    it will be integrated into normal match making it will be like death garden were the killer decides if they want to play with another killer or by themselves and survivors will just join them as normal.

    when i say killer perks dont benefit each other i mean if your friend has ruin and you have ruin there will still only be one ruin totem that works for all the survivors and they wont stack also blood warden will still block the gates but if u dont run it then you cant see the survivors aura and you dont know how long it will last either all you know is that the exits are blocked and you team mate will know which gate there at and you wont be able to trigger it either unless you have the perk.

    there is nothing about this idea is toxic it could only become toxic if everyone who played the alternate mode was toxic

    yes the game has many glitches and lag with these new dedicated servers coming out but you got to remember that they are constantly working on them and improving them so along with the many issues in the game

    so eventually this game will be able to have this mode it's only a matter of time and if you would of just took a second to read the idea i had you would see that the idea comes in many phases they are not all suppose to be instant each one will take a period of time to complete and the first two phases are non effective of real progress so many optimization and fixes can be made within those phases to allow this mode to work

  • Raptorrotas
    Raptorrotas Member Posts: 3,212

    Im impressed that theres another person aware of the stupidity of intentionally double teaming a sole survivor.

    Same witht the "1 camps, 1 hunts" concern of the same crowd. It turns the game into a 1v7.

  • tony42545
    tony42545 Member Posts: 85

    if two killers are too focused on a singular survivor it allows the other 7 survivors to gen rush them to death having a single killer guard the hook means that there is one killer wasting time focusing a singular person to death while another killer has to pressure 7 other survivors which means gens will pop like crazy and if the survivors are smart they will just waste as much time possible with the dumb killers by just sitting there and let there team mates escape but if the survivors are dumb just like those killers they will run towards the hook and all try to save at once allowing the killers to completely capitalize on there foolish mistake and snow ball them all to death

  • tony42545
    tony42545 Member Posts: 85
    edited October 2019

    in detail reasons why having killers have perks, power, offerings, and add-ons now the main reason i find that having killer stuff benefit each other a bad idea

    here's my first example lets say their perks both benefits each other by stacking that means there going to be able to stack and give the killers unfair advantages such as stacking perks like enduring, STBFL, brutal, and fired up. these perks if they stacked would make killers in 2v8 very op.

    if you were to use all of these perks together and have them fully stacked here is the insane numbers both killers will have. they will break pallets 80% faster from both brutal and fired up then they would have 180% stun resistance allowing them to both not feel the effects of pallets making survivors gain no distance from using their primary defense. not to mention the fact that if they have STBFL fully stacked they will have a 128% cooldown on successful attacks allowing them to basically double hit you with the brand new and improved machine gun build. but you might say that's not what you mean by "benefits" so i have many more situations for you to show you why it's a bad idea.

    what happens when you have two killers both running ruin it's either there's two ruin totems not stacking or two ruin totems stacking or one ruin totem stacking as if there was two making survivors have 8% regression messing up the ruin skill checks. all three outcomes have little to no fun factor for the survivors making them most likely to DC making there friends DC and making you get no points.

    what if one killer from the two ran BBQ and chill and both killers got the benefits from that single perk well here's one situation that comes in mind lets say the two killers are both spirit and they are on comms ok? and at one point in the game the spirit without BBQ and chill hooks a survivor and gets to use BBQ on the other survivors because he gets that benefit from that perk as well which mean the other spirit also can see survivors 40 meters from the hook allowing them to have lots of pressure and information from a single perk this will also make the killers being on other sides of the map more beneficiary to them because if they both hook two survivors on the other sides on the map at the same time it allows them to see everyone on the map and anyone near the hooks because both hooks are letting you use BBQ at the same time so during that time any stealthy hook recuses would be ruined because everyone on the map is being revealed

    and to concluded this humongous explanation i only talked about perks in this image in your brain what would happen if you benefited from other things thats makes it more op

    edit: miss type put 60% instead of 80%

  • PigMainBigBrain
    PigMainBigBrain Member Posts: 1,893

    The most optimal way to kill people in this game is to hunt....NON STOP....no camping. I main pig so, ideally I have pressure built in to ditch hooks. Other killers would have to use perks for this or mobility but I digress.

    In an 8 person setting, lets assume they doubled everything except except the amount of time it takes to knock out a gen. If you screw around for any amount of time at 80 seconds each gen....Its over....if people think gens popping left and right is fast on a SWF group gen rushing an extra 4 survivors would be like listening to a slot machine with the amount of pings going off....

  • tony42545
    tony42545 Member Posts: 85

    thats something i was thinking about and had an idea to counter but lost it but now that you bring it up i now remember.

    i was thinking it would be a good idea if only the killers could decide if they wanted to play 2v8 mode i believe when they were testing 2v8 on deathgarden they made it so the hunters would make the lobbies either a solo or 2v8 match while the scavengers weren't able to chose weather they wanted to play 2v8 or 1v4.

    so then i thought that kind of match making could work for dead by daylight because killers are already the host so being able to chose the mode would fit their power role

    although i have a feeling that if this mode was integrated majority of games would be 2v8's but maybe im wrong

  • tony42545
    tony42545 Member Posts: 85

    you know one thing that worries me is that when they come out with a squeal for the game that they won't have the previous license of killers they had so dbd 2 would have only original killer concepts and the other killers they haven't got for the first game which is fine but it's one of my most biggest fears for the game besides them nerfing doctor

  • projecteulogy
    projecteulogy Member Posts: 671

    You fail to realize how toxic this community is.

    Take the current(and previous) event for example. Killers camp the event gens. Survivors can sabo event hooks but they respawn.

    I also seriously doubt 2 killers wouldn't be on comms like SWF. So there will be constant builds that synergize perfectly which will cause even 8 survivors to have an insanely hard time.

    The game's current hitboxes and the state of dedicated servers... too much lag. BHVR doesn't want to actually invest anymore in DBD outside of licenses for killers/survivors/cosmetics. I say that because they opted for literally, the cheapest of the cheapest server wise.

    And also, this would split the queue. Same reason they won't put SWF in its own queue. The amount of people who don't want to play 8v2 would stop playing and cut their current weak 20k player base down even further. This would be development suicide.

    They're better off creating another game with that concept. Like... Deathgarden.

  • Revansith
    Revansith Member Posts: 367

    Could a Killer be controlled by AI smart enough to find survivors and kill them? The killer in question would be a robot with an instant death ability and auras, so no matter where the survivor hides the robot could see them. Like wise survivors would get a buff that lets them see the robots aura. This could be presented via a KYF... called a Deathmatch. It would also be possible for a single survivor to opt to go up against the HK (Hunter Killer droid).