Name One Thing You Love About DBD

Getting a successful stalk mark on a survivor and immediately down them with ghostface lol
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i love being able to be in a horror movie - as the killer!
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I too find it extremely satisfying to connect with a far distance hatchet.
The one thing though? The feeling of getting a killer adept. The feeling of achievement...finally the frustration is over.
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I love the variety of killers and their powers... even if some aren't that great against the better survivors.
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I've got a few
Crawling out the hatch when you are less than 5 seconds from bleeding out and you can hear the closer killing in.
I don't run noed anymore but when I did during the egc or when the gens were done, turning what should have been a 1k in to a 4k because everyone wanted to be a hero.
Hooking the toxic survivor taunting/bming you in the exit gates that didn't quite get close enough to escape when downed. Probably my fav.
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have you seen this cross map hatchet?
pretty cool!
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the same for me but as survivor!
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Seconding the long range hatchets.
Extend that to hitting or "hitting" people when they think they are safe in general, really. It can be long range hatchets, mindgaming someone so hard that they basically run into you, or even hearing someone step in an obscure trap you placed down more or less to pick up another one.
And there's no denying that flashlight, pallet, head on and sabo saves are great as well. You were in the right place at the right time, and you also avoided screwing it up. Good job!
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I love being able to play as a bunch of horror icons with super interesting powers all in one game!
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fun gameplay
need to fix hitboxes/gen rush/some killers and it will be perfect
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I love when I bring Prayer Beads and all 4 survivors disconnect at a same time.
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If I say I love Spirit as my favorite killer, people will start harassing me, so ...
I love Plague's builds where survivors think it's better to not cleanse than cleanse.
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Having someone die via RBT 2s after being unhooked on 2nd hook
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the intense feeling of survivor
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Looping the killer for more than two gens
getting that game-winning DS In order to escape
trapping t-bagging survivors in bear traps
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I love meeting new positive people that I can be friends with.
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Broadly speaking, I love the game. It's why I continue to play it, it's why I'm here on these forums, and it's why I criticize its faults (because I want it to be even better). I think the one-versus-many asymmetrical genre is a good one, and DBD does it better than anything else out there.
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I enjoy the high risk, high reward reads that you can make as both survivor and killer. As survivor, the intense saves, healing, etc. As killer, every time you win a mind game. :D
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When you successfully fake a vault at T L wall and buy yourself a few more loops. Even better if you can make a second juke.
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When you hit all four people with Frenzy so they have to waste all their time. : P
Or tombstoning everyone. That is always worth it.
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Pretty much all Wraith outfits since the Store's release.
Very well done.
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Getting a series of great skill checks and completing a gen considerably faster and saving the team ;)
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I love using Dwight in sweatpants & socks.
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Stbfl it's a great perk
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Spine chill
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At least the devs communicate well with us and seem to have a sense of humor.
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Downing somebody inside the exit gate because of stbfl
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I love the funny moments (no matter it is conducted by me or other players) during the game...
And I especially enjoy the time of NOED when I was the killer..... :p
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The -SNAP!- ........... of a Trapper trap!
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I love play playing with my friends and being able to play iconic killers :)
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Chasing people with a machete...
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The doctor laugh
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My favorite thing would probably be the variety of : maps,killers, and perk abilities.
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I love playing Killer. Even if it stresses me out almost every single time. But somehow I still like the juggling around 4 Survivor's. I also like playing Survivor and having fun chases instead of holding M1 for 80 seconds or teammates who dc or kill themselve instantly.
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Killing a t bagger....there's nothing like it
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PC's community.
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Kate Denson 😘
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Movie crossovers
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Those satisfying generator grabs as killers like Spirit and Ghostface.
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Getting a perfect merciless victory with a under powered killer against a toxic 4 man SWF.
It feels so good I can't describe it.
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The Hag's Mori
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Getting full bbq stacks.
Idc how many kills I get as long as I get at least 20,000bp
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The Rift
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Feng Min
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Successful yoinks. It doesn't matter what killer. I got one on demogorgon :D
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Surviving the dreaded facecamp.
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I love the feeling when you kill a toxic swf team and then they cry in the endgame chat that you suck, spirit op etc.
AND I love susie <3
Post edited by BenZ0 on2 -
When you load up your blink as nurse fully, blink and land on a survivor.
When you drop a pallet randomly against a phasing spirit and get the stun.
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Messing around with the Killer in SWF instead of doing gens.