Why am I always found first?

Can killers see auras of survivors at the start of the game or something? Every day for the past two weeks, I’ve always been the first survivor found within 20 seconds of the game starting and I haven’t even moved yet!
does anyone have any strategies on how to make sure I don’t get seen first? Cause my team always loses when I’m the first one to die 😂
Maybe play Claudette? Hide in a locker for just under a minute; makes sure the Killer goes after someone else first. I endorse suboptimal play so long as you have more fun.
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Try using an immersion build (urban evasion, quick and quiet, iron will, distortion) either that or try not freaking out when a killer is nearby. Sometimes they come in your area and don’t know you’re there, but once you start running they know you’re there. Only run away from the killer if you KNOW for a FACT that they know your exact position. Also, you should never run if the killer isn’t chasing you. Running to a generator or just anywhere in general will leave scratch mark trails that will lead the killer to you. Hope this helps!
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Step one - don't run unless you need to or know the killer is not around, it leaves bright 'scratch marks' the killer can see.
Step two - don't immediately start working on a gen until the killer makes their presence known elsewhere or a good amount of time has passed, like your 20 seconds.
Step three - learn the avenues of approach a killer may take to reach your position and avoid them.
Step four - don't be a light blonde haired Kate wearing a knotted t-shirt and celebrity jorts who practically glows in the moonlight. (Oh wait that last one is advice for me).
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A lot of solo survivors sadly play by the tactic "In the beginning of the match, hide until somebody else gets chased". If you get matched with these people and you are the only one working at a gen, it's normal that you get found first.
If your team is decent, getting found first isn't a problem. Somebody has to be the first in the end.
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Does your gamertag or name start with an A?
This is a silly thing, but over the course of a ton of games, I seemed to start near the killer consistently (with an A screen name). Conversely, my friend with a W screen name never starts near the killer.
I'm probably wrong though.
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You can also compromise by working on then gen a bit then moving to another setting up a decoy for the killer. It's luck if they don't come across you while doing it, but they tend to waste a bit more time searching around an active gen for that first hook.
In solo you also don't know if you are going against a camper/tunneler or if you can even depend on the other survivors for...anything. So it is just wise not to be the first found and nothing gets you found first like rushing that gen right out of the gate.
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If everybody on the survivors' side is playing like that, the players are setting themselves up for a hard match.
Just play your best, as if you were playing SWF. Either your team is good and it pays off, or move on to the next match.
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The OP question was about getting found first - and he got his answer. Obviously playing like SWF isn't working well for him as he says after he dies everyone dies.
Maybe the right answer is just - play in SWF only.
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I just don't think promoting this playstyle is a good idea because it's creating hard times for more solo players.
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This is amazing
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I start out cautiously. I wait a little bit before starting on a gen. Not long. Just enough to see if I can ascertain who the killer is and their whereabouts. If not I'll start a gen or totem. I also run Spine Chill so I've found that help me slip away early and avoid being the first found. It doesn't always work, but it helps.
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Can killers see auras of survivors at the start of the game or something?
Nope, just yours.
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This is so true. I'll watch my gf play, and so many times you'd swear the killer saw her, but she just calmy crouch walks to the nearest nook or cover and stays still, more often then not the killer will waltz right on by. It actually opened my eyes to just how much I can be missing as a Killer.
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If you've played the game a bunch, you start to get a feel for where survivors spawn. Even with very little playtime you start to realize that they tend not to spawn right next to you. If you check the further generators, you're bound to find someone.
If you want to avoid being caught first, I would suggest not getting on a generator right away. When they roll up and check the generator you spawned near, they won't hear any progress and they'll move on. Alternatively, tap it for a second, then move on. They'll start searching that area looking for a survivor.
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It's probably just a combination of two things.
- You're unlucky. I know. Been there.
- You don't know how to stealth.
Unfortunately in this game being stealthy isn't highly-rewarded, but if you want to avoid getting caught first you have to know some of the basics.
I do not generally endorse hiding at the start of a match, it makes everything harder for everyone. You should always keep busy. Not necessarily doing gens, but you need to be productive and not just hiding in a locker.
Darktrix suggested doing a gen for a few seconds, then moving on to the next. This is perfectly fine. You are not being useless and are still contributing to production, and you are setting up distractions for the killer. If you are playing an inexperienced killer they may even start breaking each gen you work on (then if you have Alert viola game set match).
If you can't even get started because you keep getting found first, here are some things to know:
- Understand how scratchmarks work. Don't run around unless you know it's safe. Just walk if the killer is nearby. Scratchmarks are a trail of breadcrumbs that lead him right to you. Bring Fixated if you can to learn how it works.
- Don't start working on the gen you're right beside. That's more a tech for advanced survivors. Instead, cut a path to the other side of the map (that's where the killer probably started) and start a gen there. Or look for totems --> Safer alternative. When moving hide behind cover or hug the edges of the map (not preferred takes longer)
- User perks for evasion. Learn how to use Spine Chill. It is the best perk for your problem. The next best is Urban Evasion. But that's an advanced perk that needs a lot of good technique to use properly. Most people misuse it. But better than nothing.
Now some people mentioned never to run to a generator. This is just playing overly cautious. It's bad for your team and your development as a survivor. You should run around all the time as long as you know it's safe. At first it's hard to know when it's safe, but as you get more experienced you'll learn when the killer is nearby (not necessarily terror radius) and you figure out more and more when the actual safe times are and when they aren't.
I don't want to teach people to become immersed people too scared to do anything and always hiding at the edges of the map. Stealth isn't about that.
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^Good advice
Sometimes it’s just luck also OP, I’ve had days where I’m constantly found first. But I’m one of the players who likes being chased.
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This! I always love to start a survivor match by scouting around, hopefully knocking down a totem or two, and scouting buildings and the killer shack so that I know where the basement has spawned.
I (rightly) assume the killer is going to immediately start patrolling gens, so I'm almost never gonna jump on one as soon as I spawn. Broadly speaking, you're in the safest position at the start if you can manage to get within proximity of a big landmark building, since that sets you up for maximum evasion potential while you decide what gen to work on.
If I'm running Alert (which is an extraordinarily useful and undervalued perk), I tap gens to create a breadcrumb trail, so I can constantly keep tabs on the killer's route.
P.S. @Mochan You are consistently one of the most helpful voices of reason on these forums.
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Aside from the others' suggestions, I'd add to always look carefully around as soon as you spawn to know precisely where you are in the map and the possible directions from which the killer can come. This is important because it allows you to move using the proper cover to avoid LoS from those directions (and so the killer).
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I don't know about you, but every SINGLE game seems to start with all survivors spawning together these days.
As killer I literally just walk to the furthest gen from me and it's like a 90% chance that there's 3 people on it.
If you play a little cautiously and try to spot the killer before getting on a gen, you may stand a better shot.
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Ikr! If you’ve ever watched videos of youtubers playing against streamers, you will see small insignificant moments like going to patrol a gen, and in the streamers pov they’re hiding behind a tree with the best positioning and understanding of movement ever. It’s really surprising how much stuff killers can miss.
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Thanks, but I also like to get into Killer vs. Survivor mode, a little trashtalk is fun you know.
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I wish I was always found first. Getting chased is most fun for me.
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The tree evades are some of the most clutch ever. Sometimes she can pull off moving around the tree as required while the killer is near by or about to walk past.
Im all like "oh you're so dead" and just like you'd expect in a cartoon or something like that, she manages to use then player sized tree as cover while moving 180 degrees around as the killer comes to check that side.
It's really helped me while playing killer.
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There is a number of things that can come into play.
If you have object of obsession they can see you its not just one way for example. Sometimes people forget that.
The killer could be running whispers and know theres a survivor nearby. I just got whispers on spirit 48 meters it goes off i spawned in and it immediately was going off.
Everyones talking about scratchmarks but honestly running at the start to a gen is probably fine especially on grassy areas as its harder to see scratch marks the thing you want to look out for is running next to buildings as scratchmarks can go up walls and everything, thats how some killers are catching you out at a distance.
If you are unsure how much scratchmarks you are showing you could run the new perk that shows you your own scratch marks.
And of course like everyone has said urban, spine chill, iron will all help with stealthing to stay hidden
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Don't go straight on to a gen. Don't start running about. Don't fail a skill check. Don't vault jump. Try and hide until the killer has alternative prey.
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Don't listen to others when they say run somewhere like a chicken with your head cut off. Use Urban Evasion. These players either know how to loop, or they are the ones complaining that Spirit is op. They don't know how easy it is for the killer to track scratch marks. Why do they think that it is safe? Because there are four survivors. If all four start the match by running somewhere the killer will find up to four trails to follow. The killer is one person that can only follow one trail. Be smart, don't leave a trail.
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this happened to me for months and months, no matter what you do, go to nearest gen, go and hide, get caught. this was not because i was new to the game either, i was an experienced player. what i notice is, my games will go through phases. it will go from a bunch of getting caught first, then to a bunch of campers, then to tunnelers, then to survivors refusing to heal meal me (not the bug) and pointing at me on the hook before they rescued me, then a bunch of where i +2pips in game. then at some point go back to one of the things i mentioned.
at one point i even thought do we even play live with other people, or are they programed robots?
hopefully now you have mentioned it the problem will go, just like sometimes when you feel ill and sit in doctors room, suddenly feel a lot better, lol
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Try to hide
That part of the game seems pretty absent the past couple years.
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I have to respectfully disagree with those who say don't hop on a gen right away. If you have proper situational awareness, plan an escape route ahead of time, and are confident in your running game, then there should be no issue starting in a gen right away.
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I guess you're not the guy who likes being chased. Sometimes I make myself obvious just to get the Killer's attention. Chases are the fun part, not holding M1 for a huge amount of time
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Id say perks, bad luck or you just need to build a better strategy.
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You need to be more optimistic, your discussion's and comment's seem to always be negative or complaints, please try to look at the bright side of the game. cause your beggining to make this discussion sight rather, "unpleasant"
Unless you've got an actual bug, recomendation or positive fan based discussion why are you here?
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I've had this loads today, and in one game it was within seconds before I could even get anywhere that the killer got me. Got to a point where I've just had to stop playing for a while.
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Some Killers can. I play Michael Myers, and against commonsense, I've been playing the Spooky Myers (Scratched Mirror + Boyfriend's Memo) a lot. This means I'm not just playing him when I cannot control the map and choose a small one. He is extremely difficult to play on a large map, which is what I wanted to see if I could manage. This Myers CAN see your auras once he is within (32) Meters. I usually cut straight across the map towards the middle, swaying so I can check Generators as I progress. On top of this I flood the map with Totems, and take Hex: Thrill of the Hunt so the moment someone touches one I know where at least one (if not the bulk of) the Survivors spawned. The game, for whatever reason, likes to spawn Totems by Generators. I figured I might as well take advantage of it.
As several people have already told you, the game rarely spawns survivors near the Killer, so that takes away one third of the map I generally need to search. It is all a mind game, that first two minutes or so. My goal is always to yank someone off a Gen or Totem at the start and get an early hook. I'm only managing it about 50% of the time. As I've gotten a better Ranking the people I can sneak up on are fewer and far between. :) I assume most Killers do a variation of what I do, even if they cannot see auras. A swaying, through the middle, approach allows one to pick up the sounds of generators being worked on. Some Killers can tell the second a Generator is getting worked. Then there are the lightning fast Killers who simply setup a high speed patrol and flush people out. And there are the Killers who just get lucky. All Killers are fighting the Gen-Rush which has become crazy common in the era of SWF.
That means if you want to avoid the Killer in the first two minutes, get away from Generators and Totems. Let someone else cue you in to where the Killer is and then pick your battles with Generators if you mean to play stealth. Just be aware that your fellow Survivors often look down on the stealth types. They see it as you not carrying your part of the load.