Why does it take forever to find a match while playing killers?

I have had to wait upwards of 20 minutes just to find a match. Is this something being worked on for matchmaking?


  • Dreamnomad
    Dreamnomad Member Posts: 3,965

    Games require 4 survivors for every 1 killer. One of the biggest surprises to me is that games start as fast as they do as a killer. When you look at what a "survivor" is, it seems like a really tough sale's pitch.

    "So you get to go up against a killer. You can't hurt or defeat the killer in any way. You basically hide from the killer and work on generators doing endless skill checks. If the killer finds you all you can do is try to run away using windows or dropping pallets to escape. If the killer catches you, then the killer will hang you on a meat hook as bait for the other survivors or leave you bleeding out on the ground for up to 4 minutes. It's super fun. Try it."

    That doesn't sound very appealing to me at all and it is a pretty accurate account of what it is like to be a survivor. Yet for any game to start it requires 80% of the players in a match to agree to do just that. Oh.. and as a bonus, you'll earn about half the reward as the killer for assuming 100% of the risk.

    The truly amazing thing is that I get games usually as a killer within a few minutes. It is much, much longer waiting for games on PC than consoles. I don't know if it is because PC players have figured out that playing as a survivor is a waste of time or because there is some underlying issue with matchmaking.

  • Catastrophe
    Catastrophe Member Posts: 86

    What rank are you at? A low rank killer may struggle to find a match. Time also affects matchmaking. In my region, it is difficult to find a killer game during the day.

  • OMagic_ManO
    OMagic_ManO Member Posts: 3,278

    It takes me forever as Survivor, sometimes, with Killer, I'll go downstairs to grab a drink, go chill out for a tiny bit, come back and I'm already at the loading screen, about ready to play.

  • qwopper47
    qwopper47 Member Posts: 40

    It also depends on what time you play. Anytime during the day between 8am to 5pm Pacific, it takes a while to get a killer game. However, between 6pm and onwards (say to 11pm), queues are really fast - less than a minute. Likely because all of the SWF groups and daytime workers get off work and play during that time.

  • ShadowRain
    ShadowRain Member Posts: 607

    I’m on PS4, takes me a minute to find a match as survivor and killer so it’s probably just your connection

  • Grimbergoth
    Grimbergoth Member Posts: 293

    you almost hit the nail on the head . It requires 100k survivors to launch 25k matches and when rank matchmaking is in effect you need to be within 6 ranks of each other . This will lead to longer killer ques in general .

    To say that pc players have decided that survivor isn't easy or fun to play is incorrect and anyone with 1800+ posts has been around long enough to know this . Its only when the balance is shifted heavily to survivors that they will get a major nerf , see first part for reason . Its harder to maintain a player base of 100k survivor mains , then it Is 25k killers . When they want more killer players they release a free to play weekend or a new killer , this is just smart marketing .

    Here is another thing to consider . I consider myself a killer main , so why do I play survivor more then killer , faster matches , faster bp's . I think this also is why a lot of players play survivor more then killer . Yes to me killer is more fun , but to advance the fastest I can I play survivor .

  • conthegodoffire
    conthegodoffire Member Posts: 16

    This did not used to be as bad of a problem, I will admit I kinda stopped playing a little while before ghostface came out, but back then I would wait like 2 minutes to find a game as killer.

    As for survivor I tested it last night and did not wait for more then 50 seconds 5 tiems in a row. No I have no idea why this is happening, maybe the matchmaking is poop and something needs fixed.

  • Starbricks19
    Starbricks19 Member Posts: 74

    Unfortunately is just math:

    your rank


    Time zone where you live at


    The math behind each lobby with 4 survivors and 1 killer

    All this must be related to all the other people connected, is normal that a killer need much more time to find a match. If I could make it easy and simple in a perfect scenario a killer will take 4 time longer then a survivor to find a lobby

  • Dreamnomad
    Dreamnomad Member Posts: 3,965

    If you make more bloodpoints as a survivor than you do as a killer then you are both a god tier survivor and an awful killer. The difference between BBQ and WGLF alone heavily favors killers. Killers also get bloodpoints all for doing the same thing: finding and killing survivors. Survivors have a larger variable factor in the bloodpoints they earn.

    Through no fault of an individual survivor's own they might be forced into a specific role like gen jockey or killer distraction for an entire match. In which case the player would quickly max out the bloodpoints earned in a specific category and earn very few in the other categories. Also there is inherently more risk as a survivor. If the killer decides to slug a survivor then that is up to 4 minutes of sitting around on the ground earning 0 bloodpoints.

  • SpookyJeff
    SpookyJeff Member Posts: 108

    I find that survivor queues are great during the day up until 3 or 4p when all the school kids' SWF groups log in, and then the killer queues go from good to awesome once everyone else gets off work at 5p.

  • SteveyTheExEevee
    SteveyTheExEevee Member Posts: 82

    Survivor shortage.

    The game has been increasingly killer biased lately even more than it should be so people simply hopped over to killers meaning less survivors to find and bigger ques.

    The player count didn't drop so people simply swapped sides.

  • HeroLives
    HeroLives Member Posts: 2,221
    edited October 2019

    Actually since this same time last year approx 1.5 thousand players jumped ship in the mean time. So those could have been survivor mains, and then an influx of swapping for killer. By no means am I saying the game is dying, Bc 21k player base is still pretty solid. I’m just giving stats Bc over the year consistently the numbers have been higher on a month to month basis this year over last year considerably. Idk the killer to survivor ratio. I wouldn’t say the survivor community is dying though.

  • PigNRun
    PigNRun Member Posts: 2,428

    If your agenda was true (which isnt), then do explain why in my case Survivor queues are way slower than Killer, which are nearly instant?

    My guess is that matchmaking is ######### (no surprise here), especially considering how much tinkering they have done with it lately. It could also be that... *gasp* queues change too much to gauge.

  • HeroLives
    HeroLives Member Posts: 2,221

    If it is, then that’s on the developers to incentivize playing survivor since it’s 4v1 to stabilize lobbies and player base to fit the premise of the game where majority plays survivor to fill the slots. Which I’m sure is very obvious. It’s a fine line though just Bc you need less killers that doesn’t mean their role is any less valuable or critical to keep the game stable for consumer satisfaction. It is Asymmetrical pvp.

  • SteveyTheExEevee
    SteveyTheExEevee Member Posts: 82

    Nah, its been a consistant problem for over a year now. If ques change so much, they'd have changed once in a killers favour. They havent. They've remained consistantly against killer in que times, meaning over the past year more people have played killer.

    Nice subtle insult there though ;)

  • thrawn3054
    thrawn3054 Member Posts: 5,897

    There are probably too many people playing killer.

  • Grimbergoth
    Grimbergoth Member Posts: 293

    Personally im a ok survivor , better killer imo . But what I said was faster games and faster bp's . Killer matches for me are average of 27-32k bp's , survivor average maybe 20k , but I can play 2 survivor matches faster then I can get and play one killer , thus faster games and faster bp's .

    Im sorry you didn't understand what I was saying there . I never intended to say survivors earned more bp's then killers , because you are right , if you get stuck being the only one doing gens , or doing hook rescues , or anything of the sort you wont score well . Killer will always be the easier bp farm since your 4 pools are just through gameplay , unlike survivors who need to heal , need to do obj , need to be in chases .

    if survivor is instant que times and matches last 10 mins , 2 games is 20 mins , 3 is 30 mins and if you average 15k bps that is 45k bp's , now if killer is only 20 mins que times and 10 mins match and you get a perfect game and do 32k for the same 30 mins your down 13k bp's over survivor . I am of course using base numbers since there are many factors to bolster those , perks , and offerings alike . So you don't have to be a god player as survivor and only be decent to still outpace killer on bp's and heaven forbid its a new killer week or free to play weekend because killer ques will triple .

  • yengyang
    yengyang Member Posts: 1

    Please fix the problem. Tiring of ######### waiting forever for a match.

  • pharmacymind92
    pharmacymind92 Member Posts: 1

    Personally I think it's the region you're in cause Ive only just started playing very recently. And I find survivor games extremely quick majority of the time but the last few play sessions I've been finding killer games quicker then survivor. Also think it's probably around what time your also playing, cause survivor is really fun when played right as is killer but different times one or the other is faster

  • GoodBoyKaru
    GoodBoyKaru Member Posts: 22,850