Bleeding out

Hello guys
It happend that i apparently looped a Killer a bit 2 long for his taste and he probably got satly about that (no Tbaging or any other nonsense that might trigger someone, just normal gameplay). Since that, every time we meet and if he manages to get me, he let me bleed out, no matter if he hooked me before or not, in the end its always bleeing out :D
Could this guy be banned for that reason? He is killing my time and kinda stalling out the game for me.
Thanks for response & Kind regards
EDIT: And before this comes: No i am not dcing on him and no i am not changing my name / profile.
He can as he is ruining the game for you via harassment if I am correct
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if it looks like the killer is going to play a slugging game I just DC, waste of time.
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He is doing it every match with him
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You still eventually die, so he's not holding the game hostage.
And neither slugging nor letting someone bleed out is against the rules, regardless of how many times they do it.
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Wow, doing it every single time he is in a match with him is not bannable?
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Slugging is alright, its part of the game. But bleeding out a survivor even if he could hook him?
I report the player every time, but it seems to be its alright since he is still around :D. Is the game really promoting those kind of behavior?
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The match still ends. You still die and move to the next game. For all we know, you could be exaggerating. This could have happened to you once & you want revenge.
Slugging is not against the rules. There's no caveat that says 'Unless they slug you multiple times. THEN you can report them.'
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Since that, every time we meet and if he manages to get me, he let me bleed out, no matter if he hooked me before or not, in the end its always bleeing out :D
That is from the post, also I am not as cold hearted to punish someone in my match I have previously played with
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You don't get it: He's not doing anything against the rules.
And we have nothing but your word of 'I would not lie. He did this'. So you can see why someone would not be punished based on the word of someone else with no evidence whatsoever.
I could claim YOU slug me in games and say 'I don't lie. Hoodedfengm1n slugs all game!'
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Well some people shouldn’t get banned for letting the survivor bleed out because maybe the killer lost track of them and can’t find them anywhere. Now if this guy does it on every game and he knows where you are is a different story but I don’t know what you could do there in that sense.
Post edited by SulfonicFaun52 on0 -
Well that is my question. Is it against the rules or not, and where i can find this rulebook? Would be interesting in generall to know what is legal and what is not. For example there is not report option for lagswitching either.
@SulfonicFaun52 he knows where i am, he is staying right no top of my body :D it is defnitly on purpose.
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Get MLGA, block his ping and dodge his lobbies.
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Thanks! So since this is not slugging or anything else on the list, this indeed might be bannable. I will record next time just to have some evidence.
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...If he's leaving you on the ground to bleed out, it's slugging.
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Oh ok I was wondering because usually when I let a survivor bleed out (which I rarely do) it’s because I lost track of them and can’t find them; But it sounds like this guy is legitimately messing with you. My only suggestion (which might not work) is run NO MITHER so he’ll forced to pick you up that or report him until he finally gets banned which either one works for you I guess.
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I still wish there was a suicide option. Much like struggling on a hook, it would be nice if there was a 'give up' option if your meter gets to half while down.
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You seem to get caught a lot, work on that. Also you can consider equip No Mither or that Bill's perk that lets you get up by yourself (I hate that perk)
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Sorry if that sounds rude but I really really love when people give me advises like i should step up my game... and then they dont even know the name of perks like Unbreakable. I know how to loop a killer...
I also know that No Mither excists, but i wont use one of the worst perks in DBD just because there might be this one Killer in my lobby. I am not adjusting anything because of a salty kid. And by the way it wont help anyway, he is just waiting at my body.
Make a Suicide option(which is a sad option but at least it is one) or ban killer who act like this. This has nothing to do with slugging, not strategy nor decent gameplay, this is just ruining the game. When devs mentioned slugging is not bannable, im sure they did not had stuff like this in mind (at least i hope).
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You can use MLGA for now and just block his connection
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They could add the surrender button like Identity V has it.
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Yea right im the salty one. Sorry for complaining about someone that is ruining my game. When i have my freetime i have better things to do then getting "slugged" for 4 minutes every time i meet that guy. Playing this down or even defending this kind of person shows how trash this community is.
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I've run into a lot of slugging recently and I just use unbreakable now. Leave me on the ground and I'll get right back up lol
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yea but my case is not about slugging. Slugging is a normal and effective strategy in my opinion and totally alright if the killer does so. For example in my book slugging would be downing everyone and then put them on hooks. Not let them bleed out.
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Still unbreakable gets you up after being left to bleed. It's another chance to get back into the game if your teammates can't get you up.
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Unbreakable! That's the one! I don't remember all the survivor perks' names. I suck as a survivor too, you know.
I guess that if you don't want to try to get a little better or equip perks that could be useful, you can keep on complaining on the forums, you are already doing that pretty well.
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targeting someone not to be confused with tunneling is bannable however which this might be considered with evidence.
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Lmfao sure i gonna complain about this, #########? No mither and Unbreakable wont help me in that case, he waits on my body. All i can hope for are good teammates (so far i had no luck with that) who open the exit gate, have flashlights and/or instaheals. Stepping up my game wont help me either unless i become a god that will never get downed by a Top rank killer that preferes to play the best killers (spirit Nurse so far EDIT: one time hag aswell) with good addons and his main goal is to get me down.
All i say to you until we close our discussion is that you should step in my shoes and think of a bigger picture here. Imagine this happens to you, imagine every killer would do it. Its just one dude, but one is one to many.
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I think targeting the same person every time you see them in a game and letting them bleed out could be considered griefing but idk for sure. Maybe just try apologizing for whatever awful thing you actually did to him next time and maybe he'll move on.
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Just start recording it... and send it to the devs... let them decide.. sounds a bit like a grey area on that one.
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How are you constantly winding up in matches vs. the same player?
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I did not sayed it is constantly, but at certaint times on certaint ranks you might run into the same killer multible times in a row.
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Of course not. He can leave you in the ground if he likes.
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I'd imagine if you're going out of your way to make every match against a single person as ######### and boring as possible it would fall under that category. I'd personally prefer to get mori spammed in a single game then be targeted first thing every time I play against the same person and left to bleed out.
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Depends on from what area of responsibility those mods were, but usually the owner of the game (behavior?) has every right to ban anyone who they want. They dont even need a reason for that as far as i know. Same with every other game.
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Actually, I believe the EULA states they can restrict/remove anyone's online access for any reason.
I think it's more a 'cover my butt' legality to prevent people from suing if they ever shut down the servers/ability to P2P (take you pick based on the game's setup, since this is in EVERY EULA) but it does also protect them from being sued if they ban someone. For any reason.
Most companies don't ban for no reason because it would be bad PR, but legally, they can as per the wording in the EULA or ToS
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Does the killer still get points for letting your bleed out timer run out?
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A small amount but yes
They get "Death" points that goes to Brutality I believe