What are some lesser-known strategies

Hello guys, a quick question in order to gather a little personal strategy book:
Survivors! What are some lesser know strategies (even little tricks) to be successful in the fog?
Not the usual loop/do gens/gg!
Standing on a survivor blocks the prompt for the killer to pick them up. That can save lives. Spamming unhook on a survivor causes their body to not have collision. If done properly the killer could accidently hit the hooked survivor, you get the off them hook and both of you could possibly escape unscathed.
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Both are new for me, appreciate a lot! Thanks for the useful input
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YW. Something else that is similar to a CJ Tech. If a survivor is near a locker and your in that locker if the killer come to search the locker instead of picking the survivor up. Jumping out of the locker will have the killer pick the downed survivor up instead of searching the locker. This gives a free opportunity for a flashlight saves. If your skilled enough you can get it off.
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When the killer is using Ruin: if you hit a good skill check instead of a great skill check, and the gen slightly regresses, there's a period of time right after the skill check where the generator progress won't increase or decrease. However, you can still get a skill check during that time, which can mess you up. To deal with this, if you don't hit a great skill check, hop off the generator for a few seconds until the generator can progress.
Alternatively you can get good at hitting great skill checks.
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360 close to holes in the map whyle being chased... Funny AH
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one thing I did when starting out was I would wait for A: the killer to walk by the gen see it hasn’t been touched and walk away, or B: wait for someone to get injured or 1 minute passes before touching the generator.
I did this because the killer would spawn near me almost frequently.
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A little known fact: If you don't DC, your chances of winning go up exponentially.
A lot of Survivors don't seem to understand that.
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Absolutely right. DC is really a waste of my gaming time, when u are survivors if nothing is going the way you want just keep playing, sooner or later you ll die on that hook.
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If you stay on a loop for a while and then abruptly leave it, the Killer may get confused and lose you if line of sight is broken in the process. This works best on maps like Hawkins Lab or Grim Pantry.
Also, never stay on loops for too long. The best strategy is to use windows on maps with a lot of structures and save pallets for later.
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Sometimes, pretending to go for a window/pallet but suddenly changing direction > jumping the window/pallet
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pretend to dc and when they come back to you attack. or "go afk" with noed and when they find you hit them with it
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It's been in the game ever since they allowed survivors to unhook from different directions, if it was a real exploit then it would have been removed by the devs already. Also, how on earth does this amount to exploits that give "easy wins"? All you're doing is dodging an attack and unhooking the survivor.
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Slam all the pallets down prematurely. Hide and do nothing and after you're 3 teammates are dead get the hatch.
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Anything survivors do to win is an exploit to these people lol,but they're fine abusing any glitch that comes out and claim its "for fun" (multi killer exploit, killers using other killer powers) and just tell people to "git gud". They cant handle the stress that they're losing or could just.. do literally anything else to progress the match.
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Whoa now, what's this about spamming unhook? Is this what happens when I'm trying to hit a rescuer and I hear the Survivor on the hook scream as if I hit them and the rescuer is unharmed?
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If that was the case. The killer blocking the prompt to perform a action is also a exploit.
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Explain how. This sounds interesting.
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He'll probably just call it a "tactic". Rules for thee and not for me with these sorta killer mains ;D
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This will not be available after the instaheal nerf though...
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Not at all, its completely true. Killer mains complain about anything survivors do. Hell, they are still claiming pallet looping is "BM" and toxic till this day. Do you not look at your own side of the community?
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