The Amount of Rage Quitters Is Getting Out of Control

PLEASE, please start giving people a minimum of 30 minute time outs on their 3rd rage quit of the day.
It's actually getting seriously out of control.
I just had three games in a row where a survivor DCs then my fourth game the killer rage quits.
I agree... There are too many rage quitters... the dev should ban or derank them 4 points every rage quitting.
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Deranking wont stop them but time outs will.
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Yes but the dev doesn't want to loose money... they should derank rage quitters and maybe give +1 at the killer for each rage quitters.
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While I enjoy seeing people ragequitting when I play Killer, I do agree that something should be done about them because getting a 'Quitter Bonus' isn't really good compensation.
I've had a couple matches recently where higher ranked Survivors DC during the loading screen because I used, what they thought, was a Mori.
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That's why the should give more point to the killer... In this case the won't quit.
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they have tried it before a long time ago and it failed.
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Hell, Rocket League has a 30 minute time out just for the first DC.
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As far as I know there is also the DS bug where ppl randomly dc for no reason. At least I have seen ppl who have not been in chase to dc which I assume was not on purpose. What is getting out of control forme is the ammount of campers though as soon as I got back to red ranks which leads to ... and the circle is full
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you can't punish rage quitters with deranking. Because people will exploit it to stay in low ranks forever and have easy games.
30mins timeout sounds way better
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If we can't punish the rage quitter, at least DON'T make other survivors lose PIP. It's no point to keep doing 5 gen when 2 DC at the beginning. It's also pointless to extend the game by hiding until a hatch open or powered exit gate or key (maybe).
One more thing, I don't know whether the commend/report actually works or not, we could just ban that players based on the number of reports
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They should stop penalizing survivors when the killer quits or at least give us whatever bp and pips we earn.
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Don't really have to make it a specific issue disconnection whether it's a killer or Survivor makes everybody lose out
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The problem with getting rewarded for killer quitting is that more survivors will start doing their damnedest to make the killer DC.
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BHVR is currently working for it
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I’m not saying get rewarded because you’re getting what you already earned like if you were to die or escape. You shouldn’t get more than what you earned but you also shouldn’t lose good items and offerings if the killer disconnects right away because then you don’t even get to use them.
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I get that but at least when it’s a survivor the game doesn’t end and you can still earn stuff.
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That’s another thing losing pips for a connection error or dc that you couldn’t control sucks.