Event postponed?

When is it gonna be released then? Are we gonna have to wait another week? Or just a day or two? Anyone knows?
I am really hyped for the Battle Pass and Event, I need info!
Did they just say "delayed" and that's it?
Is the Halloween event gonna become Christmas event?
As promised, here is an update on our progress regarding the mid-chapter patch 3.3.0: https://bit.ly/31T3f0k #DeadbyDaylight #DbD
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It has to come Thursday or Twitch Rivals will be a mess
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So... It's just "delayed" and nothing more right? No more info then?
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Click the link and read it
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I did read it! And I quote "we decided it was best to postpone the launch until the major issues are resolved" followed with "We’ll be sure to follow up on this early next week" (meaning the post, not the release date)
So... As I said... regarding the date of release...
It's just "delayed" and nothing more right? No more info then?
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That is the last that anyone has heard.
If there was more there would either be a pin at the top of this website or a tweet on twitter lol
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I just hope this doesn't become a F13th content release cycle... Remember? "SOON"
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Its already "Soon" why do you think they put the TM after soon?
Cause that's what DBD devs is good at..Not saying a date but saying Soon™
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what even is Twitch Rivals ? i mean is there an announcement somewhere about that ?
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Twitch Rivals is coming on October 31st at 5PM PDT. This event is an online competition, featuring 15 invited streamers from North America.
You don't want to miss it! http://twitch.tv/twitchrivals
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On Twitter they participated for Twitch Rivals
Rainbow 6 Twitch Rivals was a disaster as the entire event was harder to watch than Mr.Meaty
DBD will have 15 different people come to the event, with tourney rules most likely
It will be a disaster if thursday, when twitch rivals starts, does not get the update as KYF doesn't work still
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ah okep. Bu why didn't they talked about this event sooner ? I mean are they gonna stream the Q&A at the same moment as the tournament ?
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@Peanits -- you guys are busily sabotaging your messaging again, as I type this. Post something. Literally sit down at your computer right now, type an update, and post it.
There are still a ton of people playing who don't read the forums, or aren't informed on what's going on, and are probably still confused about the delay or assuming the patch is today. Another Tuesday -- especially the Tuesday before Halloween -- without an update on the Halloween event situation just squanders more goodwill by the minute.
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Postponed indefinitely it seems :/
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Try to be optimistic, I'm sure we'd rather have an event that's working and late instead of an event that's in shambles and horribly broken.
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they are always broken lol
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But getting an Halloween Event after Halloween seems pointless, even if it comes out 2 Days before is really disappointing
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I agree, and I'm not saying they should be patching the game this second if it's not ready. I'm saying they need to communicate an update about the situation, because a lot of people are probably assuming that today is patch day. Even if it's just "Here's an update: There's not much more to say," they need to say something.
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Last year's Halloween event seemed fine to me, but that's my experience.
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the last time this happened was with the clown and alot of people kept calling sony and microsoft because of it. lol
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there was alot of people saying that they weren't getting the extra bloodpoints for the offerings that they put on. and i guess some peoples vials were missing and not updating as well.
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You mean the Clown DLC?
This is a little different, because it's a time-sensitive event. They already have egg on their face, in terms of having botched the launch a holiday event -- but they've neglected to do much damage control on the forums and other social media, which I'd say is really important in a situation like this. Today is a really key day for a contrite update post, because it's the last "patch day" before Halloween.
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Until it's ready. That's all we can say right now. We've said everything we can possibly say in the status update last Friday. If we had a date to give you, we'd give it to you, but this is the sort of situation where we can't possibly say for sure. It's the type of deal where as soon as it's ready, we're sending it off for certification and then the update is out.
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So it's not out for cert yet?
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Now this is better, thanks @Peanits that's all the info I wanted, so, it's not a "next week" but more of a "not this week and we'll let you know when it's ready"
I just wanted to know cause the "We’ll be sure to follow up on this early next week" was confusing, so, you guys did mean follow up on the news regarding the event, not the event per se
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im pretty sure he cant anwser to this question
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It's probably best if you guys just pull off the band-aid now and admit it's been canceled, because it's only going to get worse the longer you hold off.
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Chill out a little bit, LOL. It's not black or white, I don't think the team is dumb as to postpone something that will actually never be released, they'd loose a hell lot of credibility there...
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Remember when you personally told me we were getting dedicated servers mid September, way back in June?
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I hope it is out soon and we get more time than we did last year on it. I mean they really ARE fun events. I think events being Quarterly in ANY game. makes them really a good idea. It keeps people from becoming bored too fast.
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Can you at least give us this update aka "hey community, we send the update off for certification so expect the update to drop in 2-3 days" when you have done that? Thank you.