Anyone have some Advanced Survivor tips?

Note: I play on Xbox One, and 99% of the time I Solo Que.
So this season I've been really been pushing to get to Red Ranks, with not much success. At the moment I'm in Purple Ranks, (Rank 6) with roughly around 20 hours. I've been stuck at Rank 6 practically the whole season. So, does any Red Rank survivors, even killers, have some tips? Any perks you advise that I use? The perks I use right now are: Balanced Landing, DS, Adrenaline, and Bond.
Thank you for taking time to read this, and have a blessed day! ^-^
Best Answers
I'm at Red Rank in Survivor and Killer but I don't even main Survivor...
For me, I use basic info to usually do alright against most Killers... except specific OP ones like Nurse and Spirit. You want to not really waste the god pallet (shack pallet) within such a small time during the game, and if you can't really manipulate the loop well than you shouldn't really force a chase there for more than a few seconds.
The best I can say is to not waste pallets that're close together, use a loop to it's maximum than branch other to different pallets that're a decent amount of meters away... if you just throw pallets down in the same parts of the map than you're creating a deadzone that will kill any Survivor that goes near there...
If you struggle with loops, you should try investigating how to use tiles effectively... a lot of common tiles spawn on most maps, so you should get familiar with those tiles... here's a video I suggest to learn about what those tiles are!
When it comes to generators, don't and I mean DON'T complete generators that're close to each other... depending on the map structure if you complete generators on one side of the map while having a lot on another... than you'll box your entire team to one spot of the map and do something that's called "3 gening" yourself.
When you 3 gen yourself, this means you have 3 generators on the map that're insanely close together... If you do this than ANY Killer can monitor all 3 of those generators from a vantage point or just some simple back and forth patrolling between them...
3 gening your team can really get everyone Killed... and it's something you should definitely avoid in a match. You should always focus on the middle generator in the map first... doing so will almost 100% guarantee you won't 3 gen yourself. It'll also make getting generators done while the Killer is chasing someone a lot easier since they're far from each other.
Of course in most situations you might not be able to finish the middle generator or even go there due to the maps size of the Killer being there quite often to get from either side... Some maps suffer from this like Azarov's Resting Place, Lerys, Ormond, maps that requires the Killer to go through the middle part of the map to get to the other side... or the middle part of the map is so small that it's easy to monitor it like Ormond or Azarov's Resting Place.
This is the best I can suggest because I don't main Survivor, but this should help a bit I suppose!
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I am a survivor main with many hours on Console.
Perk Builds: I use resellience, balanced landing, iron will, and DS. I suggest using Iron Will with any build. It counters the strongest killers in the game and can help you loop while injured much easier. Moans of pain can help them mindgame you and locate you faster. Other than that your perks are your decision, however an exhaustion perk is usually a must for running the killer efficiently.
Tips for Running the killer: I see that you enjoy using balanced landing. My biggest tips for BL is not using it unnecessarily. Unless there are no windows or pallets in your area, I highly suggest saving BL for later in the chase. Don’t base your chase around BL either. Try to take advantage of any opportunities that you may have when you have BL. If you use the mindset of basing your chase around BL, your chases will last much shorter. Another tip when running the killer is to JUST MOVE to the next tile when you break line of sight with the killer. Most times they will try to mindgame you at the nearest pallet and get a free hit, however, if you keep running instead of staying at the pallet then you can waste more time then if you actually dropped it. Don’t instant drop the pallets, but also try to conserve pallets as much as possible. Take advantage of the pallet and the killer respect. When you do drop the pallet, if the killer is trying to mindgame you DON’T stay at the pallet unless it is a very safe pallet. If you stun them with an unsafe pallet, keep running. If you are at an unsafe pallet don’t drop the pallet unless you guarantee a stun. Many killers will wait for you to be disabled while dropping the pallet before lunging and getting a hit. If you end up dropping the pallet and they miss the hit or get stunned keep making distance. Try not to go to pallets which break your line of sight with the killer, because they are easily mindgameable. An example of a pallet like this is the pallet on cold wind that is surrounded by stacks of hay on both sides. This creates a 50/50 situation, and that is not a very good situation to be in as a survivor, if you plan on extending the chase. I suggest watching Usyllis and AaronPlays on YouTube to see top tier survivor gameplay. These two you tubers are who I learned from.
Hope this helps,
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Change Bond for Spine Chill and you are Rank 1 with pretty much no effort.
Thank me later ;-)
@FireHazard Thanks for the tips! I really appreciate it man. :D
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No problemo.
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