Why Chapter 14th IS gonna be a Jason one. (useless post since chapter 14th is the oni)



  • Warlock_2020
    Warlock_2020 Member Posts: 1,867

    Again, M1 killer. There is nothing that Jason does that would lend to anything else for attacks. Sure, throw in a shadow step to another part of the map. He is still an M1 killer.

    Does not change the fact that I think he would be much less enjoyable or creative than several other options.

  • Attackfrog
    Attackfrog Member Posts: 1,134

    I have only read up to this point but if you are going to insult someone's understanding of "source material", you should probably have a solid grasp yourself:

    One of Jasons chief abilities is some sort of unacknowledged teleportation ability (though in fairness, even to call it that feels wrong).

    Prime example: in part VIII, with the teacher in the alley after they reach Manhattan (if you need me to elaborate you probably need to re-assess your own knowledge of the "source material".)

    Additiionally, you could argue that "he didn't alway s have those 'powers'" and you would be incorrect. His powers grew as the series unfolded and really only became supernatural in the 6-7 transition (which would make a great survivor +perks...part vii I mean!)

    It could also be argued that during parts 1,2 and 3 where {SPOILER ALERT LOL} The killer is his human mom and then just him as a grown up, that he is able to accomplish some very supernatural tasks (is killing and planting bodies while being undetected). If you aren't sure what I mean, rewatch those first 3 and try to figure out how a human could accomp!ish those things.

    TL;dr if they can make ghost face a killer, Jason has a wealth of abilities to draw from..UNLESS they pull from the remake....in which case, yes you are right. He's a psycho w a machete, but PLEASE don't tell me you are arguing in this thread and are only familiar with the reboot...Nobody wants reboot Jason the same way nobody really wanted reboot freddy

  • SenatorAcadia
    SenatorAcadia Member Posts: 72

    Man I wish we would get Candyman. The reboot with Tony Todd is on the way and it just makes sense. Hook weapon. Bees for a power. Come on BVHR!

  • Attackfrog
    Attackfrog Member Posts: 1,134

    While I haven't seen it yet,I know I don't want reboot candyman....but original candyman???


  • Jiren24
    Jiren24 Member Posts: 19

    The original creator of the mythos named Eric Knudsen owns the rights to Slenderman. He is copyrighted. The developers of an upcoming game called Terrordrome 2 tried to speak with him to get the license, but were turned down. So they had to make a copy called Neverman.

  • Warlock_2020
    Warlock_2020 Member Posts: 1,867

    Holy crapan, you should really try reading the whole thing before posting. I actually mention teleporting. At no point am I insulting anyone. I have seen every Friday the 13th movie, and have seen nothing viable in them that brings anything new to the game. (As mentioned above, hypnotizing survivors is not viable.)

    I also say that IMO (again, my opinion) Jason is a bad fit for DbD. At the essence of his character is a big, strong dude that can't be killed. No DbD killer can be killed in game. We already have several teleporting killers, and Jason would have no special form of attack. At best, he'd have a mori like Shape.

    Done with this thread. My response will not change. Jason would be boring for DbD.

  • BlueFang
    BlueFang Member Posts: 1,379

    The CandyMan needs to be in the game because we need a Hook Killer

    Totally not because I'm going to pretend he's a Pirate. That's totally not the reason

    Why are you all looking at me like that?

  • Attackfrog
    Attackfrog Member Posts: 1,134

    At some.point, killer powers will have to be variations of existing powers within the confines of this game. His teleportation could work similar to freddy's...more.object based (vs nurses).

    He might be boring for you, but then I think ghost face and demo gorgon are boring (and didn't buy). I would but Jason in a heart beat.

    I am very certain a Jason dlc would sell, but at this point it seems like license and costs outweigh the money it may generate. I would bet my hat that is the main reason he isn't here already.

  • FluorescentLemon
    FluorescentLemon Member Posts: 257

    If he doesn't say "Be my victim" after hooking a survivor I would riot

  • Mechamutourmon1
    Mechamutourmon1 Member Posts: 30

    I was hoping Friday The 13th would be the Chapter 13 DLC, but than came Stranger Things. So, hopefully we will get him at least as a DLC Paragraph; otherwise, it's wishful thinking.

  • CrowFoxy
    CrowFoxy Member Posts: 1,310

    F13 is frozen. We literally CANNOT get any new F13 stuff.

  • Mechamutourmon1
    Mechamutourmon1 Member Posts: 30
    edited October 2019

    My ideas for Jason's first three Perks:

    Kill For Mommy: Speed increased by 15 percent and every first hit per Survivor knocks them down instead of with two hits.

    Never Hike Alone: Always sees the Aura and trail of one lonely Survivor as long as they remain separate from the others.

    Totem Trap: One random Totem is actually a Bear Trap in disguise. NOTE: This Perk can only work for Killers who are known to use Bear Traps, such as Jason Voorhees and The Trapper ; however, The Huntress also appears to be able to use this Perk as well.

  • ProfessorDunwich
    ProfessorDunwich Member Posts: 1,514

    What possible reason would BHVR have to get in the legal debacle that ruined the F13 The Game. I would stay as far away from Jason as possible.

  • Mechamutourmon1
    Mechamutourmon1 Member Posts: 30

    What if We one day get Dracula, Van Helsing and Transylvania Castle as a DLC Chapter?

  • Monfuiser
    Monfuiser Member Posts: 15
    edited October 2019

    Name: The Slasher

    Power: Revenge

    You have the ability to switch into stealth mode and in stealth mode you are able to stalk survivors to build up your power. You get out of stealth mode by getting into a chase or the timer runs out which will start a cool down before you can go into stealth mode again.

    If you stalk a survivor for long enough, you will go into rampage mode. Rampage mode will let you walk through and destroy pallets and windows. Rampage mode makes it to where damaging a gen will make it regress 2x faster than normal. Rampage mode will make your terror radius map wide and scratch marks are closer together like predator. Rampage will also make it to where the survivor stalked by Jason will have their scratch marks appear if they are walking. Rampage mode will be shut down if the timer runs out or you walk through 3 objects. Windows destroyed by rampage mode will come back after a minute. Rampage timer lasts for a minute.

    (Does not afflict the exposed status effect)

    It might be a little broken but I wanted to give Jason the stalk ability while also giving the effect of a strong monster

  • Zoldyar
    Zoldyar Member Posts: 438

    Imagine chunky being In the game. How is a surivior meant to take him seriously when he isn't even half their height. Don't even get me started on how stupid it would look to see a baby killer downing u then picking u up lmao. How would he even reach the hook? Not to mention how stupid the chase would look like.

  • ZtarShot
    ZtarShot Member Posts: 838

    Why any specific Jason when he could have different skins for different parts.

  • Bravo0413
    Bravo0413 Member Posts: 3,647

    Happy this person was wrong.

  • Penny
    Penny Member Posts: 136

    well, yea that would be way better, but the game has the license for the original franchise, not the reebot.

  • Hoodied
    Hoodied Member Posts: 13,017

    I hope we never get Jason in ANY chapter

  • Penny
    Penny Member Posts: 136


  • Xyvielia
    Xyvielia Member Posts: 2,415

    Actually a Gnarly idea!

    Maybe a perk for Jason like “windows of opportunity” where the pallets that aren’t yet dropped and doors & windows that are closed are highlighted; whereby giving Jason the option to pull down unused pallets which instantly smash into pieces; as well as walk through the closed doors and windows (even walls!), busting them into splintered wood XD

    Great for jump scares, especially combined with a stealth ability that removes his terror radius and an aura reading perk or add on that guarantees a survivor would be there in the room.

    Such super awesome possibilities for Jason to be one of the best killers on DBD!

    Hope the DEVS get to add him to the roster <3