Are devs actually listening to the feedback?

Because from the way i see, they're not.
No idea. To be fair though, it's hard to say what feed back they're getting for sure.
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They would only do if they are doing a Q & A or if alot ( I mean over 100 people) are on the forum complain about the same thing. Dead by daylight is a very popular game which is why they don't do anything when they see 19 people of more complaining about a killer such as the legion out of over 1 million players who hasn't said anything. So it would be rare if they listen to what their customers have said.
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Yes. The bad feedback, seeing as what they did to Nurse.
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Nope, they don't care. Their middle finger is the longest I have ever seen.
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It's easy to listen.
It's just as easy to ignore.
It's very hard to act.
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Well my bubba still has broken addons and he needs a long due rework but i heard they are "looking" at spirit becquse many survivors opt to dc instead of trying...
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Asked to reconsider the second cool down for Nurse. Got no changes to the cool down but a nerf to the addons that reduce it.
Someone at BHVR is a ######### genius of comedy.
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They say they do but so did Bethesda.
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No they dont. They dont care at all. The responses we get here on the forums from devs rarely reflect what feedback they get.
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Look at Ghostface: They made a poll about his current state in the PTB (2nd update) ... 90% of the player, Survivors and Killers, said he‘s in a perfect spot. GF goes live and he received nerfs. Same thing happened with The Plague. It took them 2 years to finally acknowledge that DS was broken and needed a change. Buuuuut they did listen to the complaints about MoM and then nerfed it into the ground, instead of reworking it😅
In short: They listen only to certain things and mostly to Survivors crying that a Killer is hard to play against and you only see those Killers... So nerf the good ones (Nurse, next is Spirit) instead of fixing the bad ones, to increase variety.
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They constantly nerfed survivors for years and you still think they mostly listen to survivors lmao.
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just stop. his reveal was bugged and was brutal to go against. stop being biased
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Adjusting things like instant vaulting kn SV or increase vault speed on Killers, remove vacuum palletts, reduce pallet counts isn‘t nerfing... Tjose are needed adjustments. And I specially mentioned the GF poll that the majority of players said „we are happy“ and yet the devs nerfed him anyway... THAT‘S NOT LISTENING TO FEEDBACK!
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no one's gonna miss you
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Yes, those were needed adjustments, but they made survivors weaker so they are nerfs. Those also weren't the only nerfs. Exhaustion nerfs, mom nerf, ds nerf, flashlight nerf, bnp and insta heal nerfs... could go on.
GF's "nerf" was making his reveal zone slightly larger. It was too difficult to reveal him so it was a good change. His reveal mechanic is still bad though. I look straight at him, doesn't get revealed, he is hiding behind a rock, gets revealed lmao.
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They really didn't listen to any feedback.. i wonder what makes them delay the update if nothing was changed from PTB to live
So i guess the rift is the scam, right?
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they almost never listen my dude. get used to it already.
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In the recent history of the game the 6 most broken things have been: Moris, keys, insta-heals, nurse, old legion, and the number of absurdly bad maps. 3 of those 6 have been fixed (although with legion they definitely went overboard.)
Seems to me like they are listening to those who actually want a balanced game, based on the direction they seem to be taking, rather than listening to the whiners who think basically guaranteed 4ks in the vast, vast majority of your games if you reached a certain skill level as nurse was balanced.
Let's hope Moris and keys are fixed as well as all those awful maps. Then if they give legion a little love I'd be able to confidently say they listened to those of us who actually understand what balance is.
But even then, the people in this thread will still be crying they can't easily 4k every game against the best, optimal survivors when they are using no addons on a bad map while not playing optimally themselves (and not being that good themselves).
Do you know what the best nurses have been saying about these changes? They've been saying they are surprised it took this long. So....yeah, I'd say for these recent issues the devs listened to feedback quite well. Good job devs!
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Bro, I've been playing this game for over 2 years. They've never known what they were doing lol. For all their good decisions and work, they've done nothing but stumble and fall in the dirt for years when it came to a game they simply got lucky with in a niche market that still has no competition.
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The people always cry somehow. How would you know what ALL people wrote in the survey? People who are satisfied or who want little change, write less often than the group of people who complain.
Do not always speak for everyone, not everyone shares your opinion.
There have already been enough changes where it has been seen that the devs look at feedback.
keep it up devs.
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What they need to do is buff solo to SWF level, and buff all killers, not nerfing them. Because you can't nerf SWF without harming solos, and we don't want to punish people for playing with friends
The statistic between solos and SWF is useless. Because it includes all ranks, not just the top.
I bet the survival rate of SWF are extreme high if they choose to play optimally