Please... stop using Spirit every game Red Ranks... its Halloween man!

FireHazard Member Posts: 7,314
edited October 2019 in General Discussions

my desperate plea to the entity

Seriously, I've been making jokes in the pre-lobbies at this point about how I can see the future and that I constantly can see what Killer we're gonna get...

Guess what that Killer always is that I guess? Spirit... seriously, it's an event I don't see why everyone needs to play her like the other Killers don't exist. Like, I get it... she's now the new SS tier Killer because of the Nurse's nerf... you don't need to keep playing her every match though.

Seriously... please stop... I'm getting tired of my teammates DCing when the match is a dead end... and they still won't stop playing seriously after 1 2 and even 3 people DC ha ha...

I'm lucky that the last two matches I had gave me a SWFs and a solo coordinated team that knew what to do against her...

But... it's still getting old... please... stop...

obvious thing that doesn't need to be said

Of course me asking them to stop won't make them stop, and I know that this post won't make it stop in-general... I just wanted to address that Red Ranks is literally plagued (no pun intended) with this Killer because Nurse is now dethroned...

Like, it's getting old, and the jokes I'm making in those lobbies are becoming less of a joke... and more of a cruel reality. Also, one more thing i'll edit in here... You 100% don't have to stop playing serious as the Killer because someone DC'ed or the entire team except one person DC'ed... you are not obligated to stop playing how you want to play because some of Survivors wanted to ruin the fun...

It would just be nice to be lenient about it, it's Halloween after all... lets celebrate a little! 👻

