Please... stop using Spirit every game Red Ranks... its Halloween man!

my desperate plea to the entity
Seriously, I've been making jokes in the pre-lobbies at this point about how I can see the future and that I constantly can see what Killer we're gonna get...
Guess what that Killer always is that I guess? Spirit... seriously, it's an event I don't see why everyone needs to play her like the other Killers don't exist. Like, I get it... she's now the new SS tier Killer because of the Nurse's nerf... you don't need to keep playing her every match though.
Seriously... please stop... I'm getting tired of my teammates DCing when the match is a dead end... and they still won't stop playing seriously after 1 2 and even 3 people DC ha ha...
I'm lucky that the last two matches I had gave me a SWFs and a solo coordinated team that knew what to do against her...
But... it's still getting old... please... stop...
obvious thing that doesn't need to be said
Of course me asking them to stop won't make them stop, and I know that this post won't make it stop in-general... I just wanted to address that Red Ranks is literally plagued (no pun intended) with this Killer because Nurse is now dethroned...
Like, it's getting old, and the jokes I'm making in those lobbies are becoming less of a joke... and more of a cruel reality. Also, one more thing i'll edit in here... You 100% don't have to stop playing serious as the Killer because someone DC'ed or the entire team except one person DC'ed... you are not obligated to stop playing how you want to play because some of Survivors wanted to ruin the fun...
It would just be nice to be lenient about it, it's Halloween after all... lets celebrate a little! 👻
I’ve mostly been finding Spirit and Trapper lately and luckily not many dcs.
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She's a ghost. Ghost come out on Halloween. It fits.
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Time to burn the sage then
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you cried for a nurse nerf, this is what you get
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Devs just announced some changes are coming to her. And people want to play her untill that happens. So bad luck for you and everyone who hates playing agaisnt Spirit I guess.
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FireHazard didn’t though
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Everyone is playing her cause its halloween, and she spooky
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What're you even talking about, I literally put as the first comment of the 3.3.0 patch Q&A that, and I quote, "Are you guys considering to change the blink charge times to be more lenient to newer players? If not, will you be progressing the add-ons to help with that issue?"
Or something like that... What does that mean? It means I was kind of against the nerf to help out players that're not pros with her already...
Please, don't come in here spreading negativity. Thank you 😁
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Killer doesn't have to not play seriously anymore just because someone DC'd.
Or 2, or 3 people DC'd
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R.I.P. the diversity for Survivors to face in Red Ranks than.
Like, that's this entire event... it's just Spirits and Trappers doing the lore challenges. The Trapper part is fine, it's good he's being used for once by people that don't use him at all...
But, again, the diversity during this event for facing Killers is like... 8 spirits out of 10, the other 2 is Trappers doing the lore, or an actual random Killer.
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i dont face that much spirits (thank god) but thats what you get when survivor mains cry for nurse nerfs. now we will get spammed with brain dead spirits.
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I hate that you're so right, but Wraith is a ghost too... can he spook Spirit away so I can have something different to face?
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Nah, they don't. You're 100% right in that regard... but... it's literally Halloween, a time to be festive for the spooky year, why play the game hyper serious when it's literally a time to have fun?
Again, they don't have to at all... it would just be nice.
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Nobody is under any obligation to play any less seriously because of the holiday.
Just accept that and move on.
Frankly I'm downright annoyed by the number of farming killers I'm running into. It's advancing survivors in ranks that they clearly have no business being in. Then they whine incecently when I play killer and knock them back down where they belong with cold ruthlessness.
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no spirit = no kills
no kills = no fun
no fun = no other killers
no other killers = the players will be bored
the players will be bored = the game will slowly die
Devs need to buff other killers.
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She can move on if we can find her father a get revenge for her.
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Imma edit that so people stop saying this, yes, they don't have to play less serious because the entire team just walked out like it was a meme "Aight, imma head out. (Drops Dead)"
But it would be nice don't you think? It's Halloween, a time to be festive...
Again, you don't have to do any of this, you're right. It would just be nice :)
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God forbid you could have balance
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She's spooky so it makes sense
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In my opinion, no, it wouldn't be nice.
It's ######### halloween. If anything, you should be MORE ruthless. This is the killer's holiday - they should be bringing everything they got.
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Some people have fun when they play super seriously.
And other people might think that if someone dcs, they should just end the game fast so everyone can go to the next match. So they play seriously
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I wish she'd move on to the after life, than this would stop lol.
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I highly disagree that because it's Halloween, you should play omega ruthless... it's a game, not reality.
Again, that's your opinion vs mine though. I can respect that you disagree with how I and some others view it.
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I mean, I wasn't insinuating that they should let all 3 of the Survivors finish say... all 5 gens while they stand in the basement.
I'm saying that if you're gonna destroy the entire team, you can give the last person the hatch or something to at least be nice. It's what I do when people DC, I kill everyone and let one escape. It's something, it might not be much but it's a nice gesture.
Again, they don't have to do this at all of course... it would be nice though, so that's why I do it when it happens in my Killer lobbies at Red Ranks... since Survivors love to DC at Red Ranks.
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This is just a symptom of a larger problem facing DbD right now. We don't have many strong killers because casual is the design goal so at high elo where it's extremely hard to play killer if survivors are competent the killer diversity is really low. Like really low.
Nurse was obviously a killer that could do good no matter what as long as you could be skilled and they continued to not change their gameplay style to adapt to you. Spirit is just strong because she is able to fake out a lot of pallets and windows. Hillbilly is the next best and he's just got map pressure, sometimes a free down.
We need to bring other killers up instead of nerfing the strong ones down.
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Yes, they can do whatever they want, it's their Killer/Survivor.
It's just nice to keep in mind that not every game needs to crush all the Survivors... especially when like half of them DC cause they didn't get a "good match."
But, they don't have to do at all of course... it would just be nice.
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It would also be nice if weak killers were made to be better at higher skill levels. Edit: Then you wouldn't have the problem you're currently having with players playing good killers.
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I 100% agree, that's a good step to take for the health of this game. If we keep everyone at a good section of the tier list and overall balance them... than it'll be good for the diversity at every rank overall.
Of course nerfing the strongest Killers won't fix anything, but when they have really broken mechanics like Spirit and Nurse does... (or Nurse did, now that she's been nerfed) you still gotta take some time into fixing that.
Billy is an acception, he's actually one of the most balanced Killers in the entire game... he's a good example of what to make in a Killer, he's still loop-able with plenty of counter-play, but he's rewarded with skill and practice in how to use his chainsaw and manipulate loops with said chainsaw.
The issue is, Nurse had no counter-play unless you faced her for like hours on end to know everything they'll do (which most plays don't.) And neither does spirit because she can effectively ignore every loop except big ones that work against her powers duration...
Billy is a really good example of how to mold any Killer tbh. I can say that's 100% true. But I can also agree that you're right with what should be focused on MORE over other things like this... but this should still be focused on as well.
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If that was the case, than we'd get a lot more diversity. I think that should be their #1 priority if it isn't already... it would increase the games health overall and help out a lot of the ranks, ESPECIALLY Red Ranks.
You do have to keep in mind though, that the OP Killers like Nurse and Spirit should still be addressed though, i'm not saying nerf Spirit into the ground... i'm saying she should be given more counter-play like Nurse has been given with her new limits...
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Please... stop rushing the gens every game... it's halloween
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I've been outplayed by decent survivors as the spirit plenty of times. She has plenty of counterplay but players choose not to learn that counterplay or utilize new strategies against the killer.
She's not OP by any means.
Survivor players complaining about her power level simply don't want to go against another killer that they can't just loop mindlessly.
We all have opinions on the matter, but what's important is what the devs end up doing to move the game further towards a balanced state.
Hopefully we'll start seeing changes to weaker killers to make them better. Not buffs per se, but simple changes like Hag setting traps faster. That little change made her so much better, but didn't buff her.
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Although I agree that spirit is fine, looping is far from mindless.
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I don't rush gens though, the challenges give me something to do besides generators!
Amazing right? Now we can do something else and get rewarded for it :D
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Im getting alot of instant DCes from my Freddy... Keeping screenshots in a folder titled "salty endgame chats". Crazy how ppl complain about back to back spirits, but theyll DC when they get something else, lol.
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I didn't mean you specifically. I just meant in general, if complaints are going to be made about Spirit (one of the only killers who can better counter gen speeds) then the same should be said about generator and their repair speeds.
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I used to always play random killers during double BP, until after several consecutive dbag survivors I just decided I'll play a good killer and stomp everyone instead. If you're not going to "relax" why should I :)
It's almost like a double bp event doesn't stop killers from playing the best killer for red ranks, which by default makes them the best killer to farm BP. Who knew?
Double BP doesn't mean you sit around, playing nice and farming. Some people just want to play the game without someone whining on the forums about it. Me, I don't play the game anymore anyway, so I could care less
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I'm speaking like, for most players... excluding the players that're able to loop most if not all Killers because they're skilled in-general at the Survivor role.
She's OP in the sense that casual players have trouble facing her, what she is for SURE is not fun to face (Most people don't like facing her, of course some do like the challenge though.) But, despite some people liking the challenge, it's pretty easy to say for a fact that it isn't fun facing a Spirit when 1, 2, and even 3 people DC'ed in your lobby...
That's another thing that Spirit contracts... the DCing issue... which ALSO isn't fun!
I was mistaken to say she was OP, I should've said she just isn't fun to face in-general... (Again, some people will disagree... but most won't because of the issues above.)
And yes, its ultimately up to the devs to choose what's best for the game... but that's why we can suggest things as well ;)
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That's another issue with Freddys snares having almost no downside... almost...
But most people can't face against it, but again that's another issue or "issue" since it's not really an issue when Freddy still gets hit hard with gen completion (Mainly because he's still a M1 Killer at heart.)
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That's like, a entirely DIFFERENT discussion... one at a time man... one at a time...
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LITERALLY just got this one. 3 DCes within 15 seconds. Real quick depip for me. I hope these guys get 50 spirits in a row next.
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In regards to casual players, I really think that removing the rank reset, improving the ranking system as a whole will go a long way to solving this problem.
Everything is tied to each other and some problems can be solved by addressing another issue entirely.
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Allow me to show you why that's only continuing the toxic cycle. See, if someone actively wants to be toxic towards say... Killers... than those Killers will sometimes be discouraged and be toxic back in retaliation... and they'll do this by doing what you're saying and not playing nice anymore... that in turn shows affects Survivors that're not toxic at all...
And in just continues the cycle, the Survivors that're nice wont be nice, than they'll be toxic towards Killers, than the Killers won't be nice, etc, etc. An endless cycle in this game.
And yes, it's obvious that people won't play less serious because it's a double BP event... you don't need to go ALL OUT and scrap up every point you get... while also the 3 v 1 or 2 v 1 you're facing is completely destroyed because 1 or 2 Survivors wanted to just quit... all because the game wasn't a "good game" in their eyes...
Again, you don't have to do that at all and you don't have to be nice either... But it would be cool if you were. I'm not insinuating that the Killers sit in the basement and let the remaining Survivors complete all 5 gens... doing little things like giving the last Survivor the hatch is a nice gesture...
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Your add-on combo is helping with the DCs, nobody wants to face paint brush + swing chains due to how powerful of a combo they're...
If your team is good you won't have an issue, but I assume you're not playing against a SWFs or a coordinated team.
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There was an idea floating around back then that you'd have a new system work like this... If you're a skilled Trapper for example, you'd be paired with other Trappers of your skill set and vise versa Survivors that're in that same skill bracket...
It would keep things challenging, and it would weed out that occasional yellow or green rank that's struggling in the match.
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The coordinated ragequit made me think these guys are DEFINITELY SWF, lol.
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Meanwhile the things survivors like means killer has to put in more effort to get the same effect. Then when a killer want to do a relaxing match (using stronger addons/combos) it means the survivors would have to put more effort in than normal for the same effect...but then DC.
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I'm trying to get Adept Myers today but it's taking 20+ minutes just to find a match as killer.
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Don't y'all get tired to talk about Spirit everyday? Jesus, I wish she never happened in DBD
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stop rush = D its HALLOWEEN!