When Killers Rage Quit

Lately I've been noticing that a lot of killers have been rage quitting when Ruin Totems are destroyed early in game. It has also been the case if only a couple of generators are left and the killer hadn't killed anyone. Any time this happens you either lose rank because you haven't really had the chance to gain points and the latest is getting zero bloodpoints or rank at all.
I've been in a few matches when the killer quits it takes me straight to the main menu. That's really annoying. You put all your time into a game and you don't get rewarded, especially now while you're trying to get the rewards for the event.
Would be nice if some kind of adjustments could be made. Like survivors getting some points for the killer rage quitting.
You do get points if the killer quits. Everything you did up to that point counts towards you. I think the only thing that doesn't carry over are Rift Challenges. For example if you need to cleanse 8 totems and you do 4 in a game and the killer DC's you wont get credit for those 4 you cleansed.
But you will still get all points you got up until the point of DC in terms of blood points.
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Main reason to rage quit is when you think that anything you cant control holding you back. Like a bad team or in this case lag.
I have to admit i am doing the same when my Ruin gets cleansed before i even reached it. I didnt do it before, but the servers made playing killer frustrating and a real pain. And without Ruin it is just a frustrating waste of time currently and i just cant stand it anymore.
Sorry for anyone there but deidicated servers are ######### and i am completly fed up. Pretty sure that this goes for many people who play killer and that is why you see this more often.
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Dedicated servers have been completely fine for me and have no effect on how fast your ruin gets cleansed.
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Honestly theres been games I've stopped running ruin entirely. Try Thanataphobia, Sloppy Butcher, PoPGTW. Honestly Thana + Butcher is such a good slow down combo.
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Where did is say that it have an effect on ruin? The game is unplayable as killer. Yes i play mostly survivors the last days, because it hurts the killer much more. For every late hit on a pallet or more he hits 5 time the air. And my ping is superb but this doesnt matter. With killer i even reached bloodlust tier 3. I never saw tier 2 before the servers. Now i hit into a full screen of survivor and still miss. And thats why i say i leave when ruin get cleansed to early, because chases take 3 times longer than before. And this is just one issue on a long list.
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I could understand if it's lag. It's impossible to play when there is lag but lag hasn't been a big issue. That's only happened like once or twice every other month or so. But my issue here is survivors getting a penalty basically when it isn't there fault if a killer rage quits. I'm just saying there should be some compensation for the survivors so it doesn't affect their rank, offering, or bloodpoints.
I play mostly as survivor and killers only when they are part of my daily or if I need to make some bloodpoints quick. But when I play as a killer and survivors rage quits I still get a decent amount of exp. Pretty sure I get more if I sacrifice them to the entity but at least it's something. It should be the same for survivor.
As far as hex ruin goes it's no fun for survivors either, especially when killers camp the totems and even camp survivors when they're hooked.
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Wow!!! So lame. Just now another killer quit when someone cleansed the ruin totem. I mean who else has been dealing with this? It has to be more than just me.
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I'd like to complete my archives quest. Starting to really dislike this game. Waiting forever to get into a match and then you find one and wait some more for lobby to fill or for players to ready up and then when you're finally in a match and trying to do your objectives and killer rage quits. XD Grrrr!
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"[...]rage quitting when Ruin Totems are destroyed early in game. [...] You put all your time into a game[...]"
Huuuuh? What time when the killer quits EARLY? Also, you don't lose points, you keep all points you had + a quitter bonus.
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Yes time. You have to wait forever just to join a lobby. Then like I said while you're in a lobby you have to wait for other players to join and ready up. Then you wait some more until game starts. You do whatever you do to get your points and killer rage quits and the story repeats itself. It's time lost. 10 - 15 minutes at least!
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Well, that's just an issue of matchmaking, if it would be instantly it wouldn't be that bad. I personally have a great laugh when the killer rage quits, just laugh at them :)
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Point kept or not, this DC and Rage Quitting on both survivors and killers is getting out of hand, especially now the new challenges are here. I just had a match with Survivors, where 1 suicided on hook, the 2nd DC'd to avoid the hook, the 3rd suicided on hook, the 4th DC'd after the 3rd died. As for when I was survivor, we had pretty much done 4 gens with no issue, and the killer hadn't managed to get a hook, and just quit the match. It's now at the point when I play the game, I play for maybe one or two matches and just quit the game afterwards. It's not fun anymore. Too many people are being absolute babies about the fact they can't win, or get what they want, especially at the higher ranks.
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Yes that is true but when a survivor or two d/c's the killer doesn't get booted off the game and game doesn't end there. But when killer rage quits it's game over. When a survivor rage quits it's a disadvantage to other survivors too. They have to do more work alone giving the killer the advantage.
Some people play this game for hours. I don't have the time to play for hours on this game and when I finally have the time to sit down to play I have to deal with all the bs. I agree with you on the part of it not being fun anymore. Frustrating really. Like to get through at least one match!
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Totally agree. It's pretty annoying to just suddenly be booted out to a results screen from nowhere because of the killer DC'ing. I can sometime spend up to 5 mins in a lobby just waiting for a single match on Xbox and to just have that time wasted, it's frustrating and makes me really avoid going back to the game for days.
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Usually when Ruin goes within the first minute (closer to 30 seconds) and if you're not a top tier killer or one that can give map pressure, a lot of times you basically already lost the game because of the inevitable gen rush that follows. There is no equivalent to this on the survivor side. Killers take the loss either way but it's faster to DC and move on. Maybe if totems weren't put in plain view or next to a gen all the time there would be less incentive to DC.
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I don't know about on PC, but on console there is definitely a way that killers can quit and it causes the survivors to get nothing for the match. The survivors are returned to the main screen and no points are rewarded. It sucks. This has been a long-standing problem that should've been fixed ages ago. It's even worse now that there are the Archive challenges.