Don't Nerf Spirit - Let's raise our VOICE!

This time, my dear killer mains, we should raise our voice as well.
This killer has a steep learning curve and it may be high risk, high rewarding.
What could be nerfed is just the infamous prayer beads addon :make it the rarest or remove it, but Spirit herself is fine as she is.
There is already a lot of options to outplay her, it's not our issue if somebody wants to run the same build over and over again, learn how to counter her.
Let me know how that works out for you.
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I don't think spirit has a steep learning curve; definitely not compared to killers like Billy, nurse and huntress
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Or how about we take away the Nurse Nerf.
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Whatever we say is pointless. They always win.Remember, we are outnumbered (4v1)
Edit: The answers below show that most if the complaints are from people who have never played spirit or they've only played her at yellow ranks, so don't get your hopes up.
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spirit is not hard to learn. you just need headphones.
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I'd like to hear more about the "steep learning curve" cause all I needed to get good with her was a pair of headphones.
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I'm okay with just a prayer beads rework
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I disagree with steep learning curve. She kinda replaced Billy as the goto-killer when you reach high ranks as a less experienced killer. She might not be the not most straight forward killer to play like Trapper or Wraith, but it's not hard for players to make a use out of her on a decent level.
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She’s easy to use but hard to master, you can’t just pick her up and be good at red ranks.
She heavily relies on sound and that be can used against her; same as detection perks.
She requires a different approach to verse but most people can’t be bothered to learn it.
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nurse was fine and got nerfed so get ready for this one to go down soon.
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You lost me at the steep learning curve lmao
By the way, you already explained yourself why she needs changing. Do you really expect survivors to run anti spirit perks every match?
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A lot of people actually play both survivor and killer though. And that there's people that mostly play killer that want Spirit changed, and people that mostly play survivor that are fine with her or want minor stuff like swapping rarities on addons around?
It's not as simple as "4 survivors for every 1 killer" in any other circumstance than in an actual match.
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You can raise your voice as much as you want, it won't matter. They butchered nurse and she was generating much less complains than spirit. The question Isn't IF but WHEN spirit gets "slightly" changed. Enjoy spirit as long as it lasts my friend, I do the same now (I'm forced to become a spirit main now since nurse is dead for me)
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As a Spirit main I agree 100% that she needs nerfs.
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Just because you get a nice pair of headphones doesn't mean you get better at a game... your comment is illogical..
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@Mr_K Oh hi. 😉
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I used to be a spirit main, yet I think she needs to be nerfed.. no huge changes are needed.. just completely delete prayer beads, give an indicator of when she phrases, and maybe give her a vaulting animation and she should be ok.
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When you play spirit it does mean that
Spirit made killer main from me, and no not because i wanted to play as her, because there was so many her in Que and i didnt wanted to play vs her over and over and over but i wanted to play dbd. And after almost year of pretty much maining killers (yes i played some Spirit when i was wasting BPS and puddings while i was doing P3 on her) she is too op, now i have her maxed out waiting for nerf/rework so i wont feel bad after playing her
edit because of some typos
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As a killer main I wouldn't mind nerfing Prayer Beads, aside from that, if she gets touched I'm gonna be mad as hell...
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They should only look in her prayer breads
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No that statement is false AF... that's like saying "get a nice set of tools and your a mechanic" and that's just not how shiet works.... technology/tools make life easier, it does not improve your own skill..
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It is not about nerfing her it is about changing her. Her problem is that her power has no counterplay in close range. She can mindgame you easly you can't not to mention her vault .... And it is true she's Billy replacement for high ranks. I used to play her just for that reason. I am just not good with Billy and instead I play her cause she is really easy to use. The only hard part is to get the hit right after u exit her power. Beyond that shes pretty simple
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If you understand how to play killer in general, then spirit is not hard to learn at all. Listening isn't a skill cap, you literally just use headphones,listen and hit them. If you can play without headphones, then I applaud you.
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@Bravo0413 ok i will give you comparison, imagine youre playing huntress will getting crosshair make playing her easier? hell yea!! same with headset, change my mind
Bravo i can tell it for 100% do you know why? because i started playing killer with good headset but i didnt had directional sound(i knew range but not direction) after fixing that issue after month games started to be easy (im not talking about spirit but overall) sound change a lot in this game, and if there was a killer that mostly rely on sound oh wait we have one she's called spirit hmmmm and you wont tell me you can clearly hear footsteps(distance, direction) with 5$ in-ear headphones. Turn off directional sound and play spirit, then we can talk ok?
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I used to think Spirit was tricky to play as. Then I bought a $200 headset.
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Cross hair is a tool and I stated that tools make life easier, they do not make you a god tier player or a god tier whatever.. ya cant have the best cnc machine in the world and automatically be the best machinist or machine shop..
Inexperience is inexperience... and like @arslaN said ya still need to know how to play the game in order to succeed with spirit.. this whole "alls you need is headphones" crap is stupid.
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As a killer main, this aint it chief.
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@Bravo0413 "you need to know how to play the game" but you need that for every killer, and we're talking about mysterious high skill lvl, but now you told us "you just need to know same thing as every other killer and nothing more" "High skill lvl" LuL
we're talking about m2 not about just "being a killer", and headphones + crosshair helps you crap ton when you start playing those killers, and mysterious skill lvl is dropping (well as huntress you still need to know how to aim tho)
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no, theres no steep learning curve not compared to killers like nurse, and huntress aswell as all you need is headphones to play her. Do you really think its fair that survivors have to put on specific perks like iron will to play against one killer and that she should be able to bump into people
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Im just gonna use me 30-40 prayer beads before they ######### with them
Just like i used all me mix tapes before they gutted those /w the Legion
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She don't need anything. Devs think she is "overperforming", whatever that means.
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When did I say you needed anything else?... I said the logic behind only needing headphones is crap and that is all... a day 1 noob is never going to be red rank status immediately if they buy headphones and play spirit....
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Lol no, please nerf her.
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I don't want Spirit to be nerfed but threads like this aren't gonna help you not get Spirit nerfed. Maybe provide constructive discussions and evidence about the reasons of why Spirit shouldn't be nerfed?
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Dude, Spirit has very little counter-play, and frankly isn't that fun to go against. Yes, you can use perks like Spine Chill or Iron will to counter her, but if that Spirit is using Stridor, what more can you do? (Plus no other killer has to have you use certain perks to counter them)
I'm fine if they don't change Spirit's base power, but they should at least make it to where she moves corn/grass, make her footsteps louder, (because people like me that are using inexpensive headphones frankly cannot hear her footsteps.) And make it to where there is no collision between the survivors and Spirit when she's fazing. It would be nice if they made her have a actual vaulting animation too, but I'm fine if they don't include that. *-*
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Lol Billy with a learning curve well thanks for the morning chuckle.
Also Dev's wont listen to a killer side anymore. Clearly they are more interested in survivors who are bad and making them feel better.
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This time, my dear killer mains, we should raise our voice as well.
Or how about you stop being killer mains (and so heavily biased) and play equally both, so you'll understand the complaints of both sides?
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Unfortunately she probably will be nerfed because a lot of Survivors only want M1 Killers that they can easily loop. If they struggle to loop a Killer, then they just cry for nerfs instead of getting good.
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Why nerf her? She's a strong killer. Nurse still over performs better, anyways. It's a bad decision to keep nerfing what's strong.
Her add-ons is something that need to be addressed, such as prayer beads.
She's fine. Fix the killers that are weak. Leatherface Is in a horrible spot.
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This /\ ... the team needs to focus down on boosting variety in the red ranks not "nerfing" a killer who is performing well...
Bhvr: nerfs spirit
Killers: go back to playing Billy a ton
Survivors: "so sick of Billy!"
Bhvr needs to work on the list of underwhelming, boring killers that have been sitting in the same spot for over 2 years, they need updating/upgrading
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I already given up.. nerf whoever they want, and if anything happens, i can always play survivors or Civ V..
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Many not all players did not want any of the following:
Exhaustion nerf
Healing nerf
DS nerf
MOM nerf
Borrowed time change
Freddy nerfed
Pig endgame circumcision
Nurse nerf
Legion nerf
Instaheal nerf
BNP nerf
IT ALL HAPPENED any MANY MANY MORE CHANGES WILL FOLLOW. Roll with it or move on. If you feel your voice doesn't matter stop funding the game.
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In case of spirit it does
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Any 'main' player shouldn't have an opinion regarding balance change/nerfs . It sounds so ridiculous when killer/spirit mains say that she is fine/balanced .
P.S. Before I will be called 'survivor main' check my steam profile , link is in my forum profile .
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Steep learning curve? Hahahaha spirit is one of the easiest killers to play. The secret to learning her is to buy a pair of headphones.
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Lol. It's great that you think the Devs listen to Killer players.
I mean, I agree; Spirit needs no nerfs (her items need tweaking) but the Devs are totally going to gut her like her dad did.