Survivors disadvantaged



  • premiumRICE
    premiumRICE Member Posts: 798

    Just remove ebon mori and the game is perfect

  • Avariku
    Avariku Member Posts: 608

    I have said this many times before and it still holds true for me.

    I am a killer main, though I will admit I avoid red ranks because of the BS. But with that said, I have to intentionally avoid red ranks cause I have almost no trouble as killer. (spirit, pig, gf)

    Most of the time, I play friendly. I won't camp, I won't tunnel, I aim for two hooks per survivor and usually pick one or two to kill while letting the others escape.

    the main exception to this are toxic groups that want to teabag everytime they drop a pallet or bodyblock en masse. I will go super sweaty tryhard to ensure I kill as many as possible in that scenario.

    Even when I fail, and they escape, I don't feel too stressed or too 'put out' by it...

    meanwhile, playing as survivor frustrates me to no end. the camping, the tunneling, the useless rando teammates that let me complete 3-4 gens and for some reason still don't break any totems so I end up dead to NOED at the end while they escape with 7,000 points.

    I prefer playing killer, but aside from rank 1-4, I would swear up and down, survivors have it WAY harder...

  • joker7997
    joker7997 Member Posts: 899

    You're salty do you kiss your mom with that mouth lol. Survivors are the power in this game. If you don't believe that, you've got issues

  • Xerge
    Xerge Member Posts: 928

    I think you need to put things into perspective. I think the disadvantage goes both ways; it depends on skill, map, rng, perks, add ons, swf, ruin lasting less than 30 seconds or more than three minutes. I mean, I don't think you can really say that survivors have an absolute disadvantage and I'm sure you would agree with me on this one.

    If you mean that killers have op add ons, then I would agree with you, but the thing is that they are rarely used. Should they be nerfed or removed? Yeah, probably. For example, I've always said that ebony mori should be nerfed to two kills and they should only be available to use when there is only two or one gen left.

  • Bravo0413
    Bravo0413 Member Posts: 3,647

    When survivors who focus down on their objective can end the game in less then 5 minutes...... I'm fairly certain that survivors are at the advantage.

  • Avariku
    Avariku Member Posts: 608

    if survivors are getting gens done in less than 5 minutes... then I have failed at one of my basic requirements as killer. pressure.

  • DonnieTheZombie
    DonnieTheZombie Member Posts: 229

    Well. If you really want to piss off a myers/ easy escape tuft, jump in a locker. Forces a hook, or escape.

    Cant tell you how many times ive been boned from my tuft because survivors are smart enough to jump in a locker before i catch them.

    Its honestly not bad.

  • Mochan
    Mochan Member Posts: 2,886

    There are a lot of people here who think that killers aren't the "Power Role" but frankly they're just people who are not as good at the game as they think they are.

    Survivors are supposed to be at a disadvantage the game is stacked against them. They can only survive if they come together and work together (even when they intend to stab each other in the back later on for the hatch).

    Killer holds the power in this game, survivors have to outwit and outlast the killer. No single survivor can stand up to a killer except if he has a key and is gunning for the hatch. Generally, has to be four of you working to beat the killer.

  • Atrushan88
    Atrushan88 Member Posts: 2,092

    To be fair your killer was rank 8 and the other four were ranks 3 and 4. Also if you haven't tried it, Judith's Journal + Furtive Chase completely negates the downside of having to stalk a lot. You can get to tier 3 extremely fast by stalking your obsession, hooking them, and then stalking the new obsession. I'm not arguing for or against removing it, but it's not as bad as it seems if you know how to abuse it. I used Judith's Tombstone + Judith's Journal and if I had not killed my obsession third, I would have got a 4k mori quite easily with plenty of stalk left to spare.

    NMCKE Member Posts: 8,243

    He needs to stalk more than one person to get his fragment tuff to proc. Odds are, you won't have more than one person intentionally feeding him.

  • Sinful_Dreams
    Sinful_Dreams Member Posts: 53

    I haven't read much past the first page, but seeing as it's page 3 and you're all still talking about Tuft of Hair makes me think the discussion is stagnant.

    Survivors are not disadvantaged at all. Regardless of solo que or SWF, all 5 gens can get completed in under 5 minutes without much difficulty even when there is a first hook in the first minute of the game. If you think that's not advantageous for survivors then I don't know what to tell you.

  • NuclearBurrito
    NuclearBurrito Member Posts: 6,807

    You'd like this suggestion:

    Basically: The addon/item system is inherently unbalanced.

    This is because of the disconnect you are trying to point out (and are generalizing to conclude Killers as a whole are OP) regarding Killers with red addons vs Killers with no addons or low tier addons.

    The solution is to make addons/items not consumables and re-balance them accordingly, the specifics are in the link including that would need to be done to successfully re-balance the various items/addons.

    For tuft of hair specifically the suggestion is to reduce the amount of evil each Survivor has by 25% in addition to it's current effects.

    This means all 4 Survivors have 30 evil between them out of a required total of 20 needed to get to tier 3. This means he'd need 2.6 Survivors worth of stalk, so even if 2 Survivors are deliberately giving him as much stalk as possible he'd still need another 5 evil in order to actually reach tier 3.

    Do remember that without unlimited Tier 3 it's possible to use Tier 2 to get closer than normal to Survivors with the lower TR and then pop T3 to get the down in record time. With unlimited T3 this trick can only be used once, hence why further downsides are unneeded.

  • NuclearBurrito
    NuclearBurrito Member Posts: 6,807

    Also with this nerf in order to use it with tombstone (which is also nerfed here) You'd need to get literally all of everyones evil.

  • Tangero
    Tangero Member Posts: 119

    Lol no

  • yeet
    yeet Member Posts: 1,832

    mediocre survivor main whine thread

  • Kycer
    Kycer Member Posts: 337
    edited November 2019

    Survivors are in a disadvantage??? Sorry #########??

    Buddy trust me, it’s the other way around.. if you’re playing anything other than Nurse or Spirit then you’re at a huge disadvantage because you can be looped and have to rely on the survivor’s mistakes to down them.. Let alone if you’re playing against SWFs.. I have been in plenty of games where I play optimally and still lose..

    Post edited by Kycer on
  • FriendlyGuy
    FriendlyGuy Member Posts: 2,768
    edited November 2019

    (keys) and the instas of course. If you think syringe is dead you probably think that nurse is still op lmao.

  • cipherbay_
    cipherbay_ Member Posts: 379

    Just Gen Rush like red ranks always do. All gens can legit be done in under 5 minutes.

  • NinoV1
    NinoV1 Member Posts: 382

    Survivors are at no disadvantage to killers, a competent team of survivors will always beat a competent killer.

    Survivors getting overalls altruistic or making poor choices is what feeds the killer, the killer has a lot more he needs to focus on.

  • Kimura
    Kimura Member Posts: 40

    Survivors are supposed to be at a disadvantage. They're trying to survive. Yeah, some add-ons are bullshit, but so are balanced landing loops. DS invinciblity and other things. 4 survivors, and one killer. The killer can only chase one survivor at a time, and that leaves 3 survivors to do gens, cleanse totems, find items. Killers have to end chases quickly or else every game would be a entity displeased.

  • Akuma
    Akuma Member Posts: 407

    "Yea, just dont get downed you dumbass" (quote, ohtofu)

  • Entity_Burger
    Entity_Burger Member Posts: 126

    Scratch Nurse off your list.

    Now, she walks slower than Survivors AND can't spam her blink! She lost all her map pressure and at least 50% of her chase pressure.

    And the OP thinks 'Survivors are disadvantaged'. :P

    Only because the Devs have not started 'Looking at' Spirit (she's next) and then Billy.

  • cosmicvolts
    cosmicvolts Member Posts: 313

    I think billy is fine, they need to remove purges ability to see where someone cleanses so they have to stumble upon a cleansed fountain and nerf spirit, those are the only killer aspects i think need to be nerfed and michaels tuft of hair

  • Entity_Burger
    Entity_Burger Member Posts: 126

    I disagree.

    Cleansing already heals Survivors AND is half of Plague's power. The Plague should not have to hunt the map to use her power.

    And the Devs should not touch Spirit until they actually fix Nurse instead of just ripping out her guts and saying 'Job's done!'

    I ave no real opinion on Tuft.

  • cosmicvolts
    cosmicvolts Member Posts: 313

    they could still keep the cleansing noise and the fountain red just dont have a location indicator of where they did it at purge is pretty decent w/o vomit water

  • Entity_Burger
    Entity_Burger Member Posts: 126

    She needs the location. The whole point of breaking people w/ the vomit is so she can then grab the blood vomit & down them at range.

    So I still have to disagree with forcing the Plague to hunt for 50% of her power. It would be like if the Trapper had to hunt for his traps instead of seeing their auras; it makes no sense and is a needless nerf.

  • Axx
    Axx Member Posts: 392

    Killers are only the power role vs low skill survivors. Have you ever played killer? Have you ever been a red rank killer? If you haven't then you don't know anything about the power survivor has compared to killer. Sorry if that sounds mean, but it is the truth. The hardest thing about playing survivor is dealing with random teammates as a solo player. I say this as a person that has been rank 1 multiple times on killer and survivor. I enjoy both roles and I'm one of the least bias players you will ever meet.

  • Raven014
    Raven014 Member Posts: 4,188

    But those instadowns have a charge or requirement they must fulfill first. And... depending on the survivors, they can be very hard to accomplish.

  • Raven014
    Raven014 Member Posts: 4,188

    That is not due to a killer's base, but due to a person's skill with a killer. @HatCreature's skill is high, so he can overcome those advantages. Less skilled killers will not have the skill to beat those.

  • HatCreature
    HatCreature Member Posts: 3,298

    I try 😅 give me Freddy and Ghostface and I'm in my zone no matter what team I get. Give me Billy or Nurse and I struggle hard lol

  • Raven014
    Raven014 Member Posts: 4,188

    I did forget to mention that not everyone is able to play every killer. I can't play Nurse, Hag, or Billy well, myself. Same with Hag... but give me Legion, Trapper, or Demo and I will get a 4k most of the time.