Name One Thing You Love About DBD
I love not playing the game. It made me appreciate other games so much
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So why are you posting on a forum for a game you don't play????
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only one thing? I can not because I love many things in this game.
survivor, different variations of killer, mindgames, atmosphere, graphic, sounds ....
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Well I used to love the events now I'd actually say that I love hitting a nice ambush mindgame as the pig or getting a gen grab as pig or ghost face
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Itβs not a game. Itβs an experience.
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I like certain sounds in the game.
Pallet stun of the Doctor and the Huntress.
The sounds of certain survivors when they get hit... Dwight and Laurie. Funny. :)
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How thicc clown is.
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The idea.
Isolated survival, but having to work together with limited communication and tools. The environment and stealth is cool, but I dislike the current arc of pressure and killer balance.
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I love the entire perk and loadout system, being able to run any build is so satisfying to me! (Even tho some perks are a bit weaker then others)
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Genuinely love everything about this game - apart from janky lobbies and 80% of the community
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I enjoy making a killer dc. Sometimes I see it comin' a mile away.
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Making a trapper step in their own trap.
A bit cruel, yes, but so satisfying.
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I love when you somehow manage to kill the teabagger at the exit gate.
Best feeling ever!
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I love the sound effect when a survivor is immediately sacrificed to the entity on their 3rd hook.
Post edited by Apackawolves on0 -
You are my hero
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I love watching people storm the basement like area 51 while I have corrupt purge
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Opening a locker as huntess to restock my hatchets but I find a survivor instead. O.o
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I love how entertaining is the game itself.
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The friends I made.
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The fact there is no balance between survivors and some some killers..
The constant bouncebacks due to non dedicated servers where it seems the killer is always the host.. which already has the significant advantage of speed etc
The times where the unhook button doesn't work due to the above mentioned
Knowing that wiggling free is pointless as the killer isn't stunned long enough for it to be useful
Such a good game but I don't think the people behind it are good enough to make it worth long term play hence why its cheap and in game pass etc.
I also love how they have added even more pay to play features without major improvement in bugs etc
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Nothing is pay to play, you could have gotten this game for free on ps plus and unlock every perk in the game without spending a dime. The rift is optional too, just gets you cosmetics which do not affect gameplay at all.
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You pay to play the "battle pass" i never mentioned paying to play the game
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Feeling like your a horror movie monster, seriously, certain killers like the wraith really make you just go yea! when you get a hook or when you win, you feel like a horror monster, im currently working up to doctor to farm blood points, (just a note, why is searching for matchs take so long? its strange)
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I've always liked playing Adept Killers till I get the trophy because it feels like I have earned the right to play them.
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The tiles are just perfect, tons of tricks to every special tile. I love it.
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when the killer accepts my item as a offering for me to stay alive xD
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That moment when the huntress hachets work. no clipping through a surviver no getting hit when it's 10 feet above me
Love it
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i love this Moment :D... it's really hard . and cool!!!!π
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I love Kate,The legion and great quality games. Also the continued improvement of the game. While it may be a bit slow I love seeing it get better
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I love how my friend bought the game yesterday. His 3 first game has killer rank 20 plain build was vs swf rank 1-4 survivors.Couldn even hit 1. Got a refund. Lost a client. GG Broken matchmaking.
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hiding right in front of the killer
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I just love the game.
The fact that it can make my heart thump out of my chest when playing. And Janeβs Thicc Thicc booty.
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I love being able to play as a bunch of horror icons with super interesting powers all in one game! π π π
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I love playing dead by daylight but one thing i love more is reading all the salty killer/survivors who on these forums ask for rediculous changes on both ends and complain the responses are so funny to me
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I love it when they run
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Having a friendly chat/game with some players
memes ingame as a killer or as a survivor
players helping each other without b eing toxic to the killer
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I just absolutely love playing as my favorite horror icons. I get so excited every time something licensed is added to the game. I would love to see original Freddy cosmetics someday.
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Spirit, currently the most balanced killer, and most enjoyable to play against, please don't change her, at least for console, pc I don't care killer is easier on pc and I don't use that but console, she is spot on
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The premise of the game is great and deserves its audience... Sadly decisions for the game are made poorly.
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the characters we have in the game i mean sure not all the killers are good but I think they are all on theme of what they are trying to be.
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Honestly the one thing I love about DBD is how far it has come. Started out as a small horror game and has now become a popular game with so many cinematic horror icons added to it's roster (which isn't an easy thing to do). Jumped from p2p to dedicated servers. Added fun and interesting game mechanics and overall for the most part created a fun and unique game. :)
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I love that it is still growing. I can't think of another game that I still play as much now as when it first came out, and it has been out for over 3 years! (ps4). Most games i don't even play at all after 1 year.
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the uninstall button cuz it is so broken
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I said positive, this doesn't seem positive to me.
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Positive let me think...............makes your blood preasure gets higher if its too low and it gets higher by the stress that it do?
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As Legion injuring everyone from the start in one frenzy is about as satisfying as it gets with Legion.
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When they randomly extend the double bloodpoint events.
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Did they?????
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Getting Killers nerfed because I refuse to adapt as a survivor.