Has Spirit Been Nerfed?

Hi, yesterday I was playing as Survivor against The Spirit, and she phased out and went to go around shack. I swear, it looked like she had a similar visual effect to a Wraith in stealth, and her footsteps seemed far louder than normal, (She was walking on grass, but to be fair, I was inside of shack and right next to her).
Is this normal, or am I just delusional?
If this is a new feature to see her like a Wraith, thank [CONTENT-REDACTED] god..
Best Answers
No, she hasn't been given any nerf. You can hear her footsteps if she's literally right next to you or about to be next to you by a very short distance.
It was probably just a trick of the mind or the game was freaking out idk. All I know is, no, she hasn't been nerfed or shadow nerfed in patch 3.3.1
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Yes I've played against a lot of spirits since the last patch... sadly..............*cri-
Anyways, yes I've played against her before and after the patch... nothing has change... sadly...
Hi, I did read the patch notes and I didn't see anything about it, that's why I was confused.
Have you played against her since the last patch? I just want to make sure in case this is just something that Behaviour decided not to/forgot to put into the patch notes.
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Ah, alright, thanks for your help!
I'll assume it was either the game breaking, or maybe a bug with the passive phasing add-on? Just a hunch. Also, I do not remember what add-ons she was running, that was just a guess.
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No problemo.