Time to remove repair speed boost from Toolboxes.

Let's be real, gen time is pathetic.

Once survivors optimize their play gens are done way too fast, SWF is even worse.

Untill dev team features time wasting activity for suvivors any repair speed buff(except perks) should not exist.


  • Ebisek
    Ebisek Member Posts: 106

    Why not, but remove killer ability to see scratchmarks (reduce it) and gens aura.

    Why do you think that genrush is commonly used? Because there is no defense against killer in game. Deadhard with 40/50/60s cooldown which evertime exhausted and did nothing is NOT defense, same like a 4 pallets total. Only single way is not to meet killer and genrush.

    Killer is fuc* overpowered and require no skill, no thinking, just check the gens and follow the scratchmarks if saw and hit survivors for 5 meters.

  • CookieBaws
    CookieBaws Member Posts: 619

    I just want to play a game where i can breathe, because i play "basic" killers sometimes. At rank 12 and lose 1 gens at 1st hook sometimes, it's f' terrible.

  • CookieBaws
    CookieBaws Member Posts: 619
    edited November 2019

    I don't care about 4k, all i care is even odds on basic m1 killers.

    I don't have time to chase, to patrol... anything basicaly. I mean cool if you banging gens off like macnine gun, but don't fault the killer if he goes toxic then.

  • Teichkuh
    Teichkuh Member Posts: 6

    I agree that generators are a fecking joke, kinda. But I think what this game needs are one or two more things to do for survivors - that they NEED to do in order to progress. I really don't understand why this isn't a thing already.

    I would love to have more spooky Michaels/other killers loadouts to face in a trial or just being able to try fun killer-perks without already hating myself for even thinking about it. :P

  • Davidjzuniga
    Davidjzuniga Member Posts: 53

    What else are survivors supposed to do? Run around and let you chase and kill us? No. Stop complaining about the survivors main objective. There isnt anything else to do but gens so stop crying. Making things fair for m1 killers makes things unfair for killers like spirit and nurse. Killers already have the advantage if they aren't going against a SWF team.

  • PolarBear
    PolarBear Member Posts: 1,899

    What do you suggest toolboxes do then instead? Only sabotage? We both know that won't be good enough.

  • White_Owl
    White_Owl Member Posts: 3,786
    edited November 2019

    I agree but for a different reason: the speed increase is a bit lame. It would be nice if toolboxes could affect skillchecks in many different and creative ways, like slowing down the pin, bonus progression on great skillcheks etc.

  • TAG
    TAG Member Posts: 12,871

    Toolboxes need to do SOMETHING. Just sabotaging would be awful.