Borrowed Time should be base survivor kit.

That way the morons who decide it's a good idea to farm you right in front of the killer in his terror know don't end up getting you ######### killed because most killers just down your ass again instantly.
The amount of times this ######### happens to me even in red and purple ranks on PS4 is astounding. Truly we are among so many idiots.
I get really frustrated as survivor that so many of my teammates don't use BT, but I don't think it should be base kit: it's just too strong of a perk. Instead, it should have a "selfish" benefit attached to it that would make it more attractive to solo survivors, like some sort of BP bonus.
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Actually if this happens in red ranks, the killer is the real dumb person, since he doesn't even know how much is risking...
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Instead of answering like a Killer, I will answer like a player, BHVR would never give solutions to the game's problems into the base kit, they will always sell fixes to our problems through perks.
We had a huge infestation of body blocking and then bam, Mad Grit was invented. Gens going too fast guys? Hex: Ruin. Oh all your hooks are being sabotaged? Well here is Hangman's Trick. Oh are Killers tunneling? Here is Borrowed Time. Your friends leaving to die and get one hooked? Here is Deliverance. Is the Killer still tunneling? Here is Babysitter and a rework of D-Strike. You want to dodge hatchets and killer attacks? Well here's Dead Hard.
They will always sell the solutions to our problems.
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It's not a case of camping killers. It's a case of killers who've either went away and come back usually to check up, but they still unhook anyway.
Or someone so altrustic they don't even give them time to get three steps away before they've pulled you off.
It's hardly ever the killer's fault and more of a dumb survivor play.
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And this is my least favorite thing about them. They band aid EVERYTHING.
That and a lot of the strong band aids literally make the game pay to win in some ratios. Like some of the information perks in paid DLC are insane, some of the generator stalling perks are insane. It's actually really quite ######### up when you stop and think about it.
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I would say Borrowed time should be merged with WGLF (Each time you preform a save, 25% more BP's stacks to a maximum of 100%). Just like BBQ n Chili, it gives a powerful effect + extra BP's and we all know that survivors struggle with BP's compared to killers... I think that would really be a great idea.
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How about we remove BT and just merge WGLF with Well Make It.
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Nope. Removing BT isn't the answer. It's far more crucial than either of these perks. We'll Make It isn't gonna mean ######### in a case of ''I got unhooked in front of a killer."
Now if you changed We'll Make It so it worked like Second Wind? Maybe.....but then you just make Second Wind useless or more useless than it already is.
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I don't think this will stop morons doing this I think this will encourage them to do it even more because they can Farm you off hook and reliably get there safe hook rescue.
Likelihood is the killer can still just follow and hit you even after the Deep wounds is in effect
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So you want the killer to be punished for other survivors mistakes? Great....
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Imo BT shouldn’t exist at all AND killers should be punished much, much, very much more from camping and tunneling.
On the other side, killers wouldn’t need to camp or tunnel if gens weren’t done in 4 minutes.
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I wish BT worked if the hooked survivor runs it. I probably always run it that way.
So tired of YOLO saves especially on events. It is not okay to YOLO with BT too imo, but most of them don't even show that curtsy and save you without BT.
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There needs to be something in base kit to punish camping more but I think bt would be too powerful. Devs should actually try to fix the game's problems instead of these band aid fixes with perks.
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Maybe you should be punished though for trying to rush through the game as fast as possible. It's sort of funny that a lot of just straight up killer mains who play the game only as killer and complain about the generator rush?
Don't realize it's equally as ######### boring for a killer to rush through killing everyone by tunneling, camping, or overly slugging. ESPECIALLY if they aren't even that good at the game and you end up slugged on the ground for literal minutes.
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I feel like what should be implemented is two separate scoring events.
1) Betrayal: if the survivor you unhook goes down before you can get your safe hook rescue bonus. You will gain the betrayal score event this will subtract your initial on hook score as well as as minus in what you would have earned for a safe hook rescue.
2) betrayed: you will gain the score bonus if you go down and are picked up before the safe hook grace period. With this you will receive the same amount of points as your rescue would have gotten if they how to achieve the safe hook rescue
There are some problems with this idea however.
Bear traps: if you step into a bear trap that kind of your own fault the person who unhooked you shouldn't be punished for that.
Trolls: a lot of people made intentionally running to the Killer to screw over the person who rescued them so they can get some points
Decisive strike: if you have to make a save attempt for example in endgame with the knowledge that the person who's being unhooked has decisive and they can get out. You really shouldn't be punished
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I am not the type of person to just run in a Killers face and make a save.
Unfortunately, with most players “play-style” I feel extremely punished not running BT.
It’s quite a shame the game has come to this point.
However, it will never be made base-kit.
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@alienschmalien i'm ps4 red rank and i feel your pain. However i can't agree to alter the game because people are idiots
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Not only would I think this was a terrible idea but BT itself is too strong as a perk and needs to be toned down.
People never learn how to make good saves because of this perk. It rewards bad plays and is highly abusable.
DS fixes the issue you're having with teammates.
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Survivors will abuse it by bodyblocking. The best is to make a button to prevent getting off the hook.
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No. Misplays shouldn't be rewarded like that, they should be punished or atleast be punishable through gameplay.
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It wouldn't be a good idea. In my experience most of times BT isn't used against actual campers, but rather to yolo save in the killer's face (which is something that annoys me a lot). Making it basekit would just promote bad and toxic behaviour.
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I am for finding some way to deal with some instances of camping, but making BT base kit is just going to make it so Survivors aren't punished for making stupid saves.
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Will I agree that some perk should be base kit for both killer and survivor, BT isn't one of them.
Survivor should be punished for bad save.
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I thinkin merging WGLF with We'll Make It is a good idea, I always run WGLF for points but I always constantly struggle that I could replace it with something else. I could use We'll Make It because it is the exact same action and scenario except no extra points. I would actually be more of a help to my team if they did this.
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The bonus is your teammates not dying as fast. The perk is top tier already, it doesn't need anything.
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Yeah, but none of the survivors I play with ever care about that part, because 95% of them don't run it.
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You could consider running Kindred, would at least tell the other survivors if the killer is closeby.
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Simple fix is simple.
Play with friends.
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Yeah, extra gain from WGLF is necessary. And We will Make it is a suitable candidate. Also maybe adding healing tokens as well decreases YOLO saves to get 2 tokens at once. Since they can get 2 tokens from safe hook and healing too.
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Well the idea is good. I thought about it too - making BT for survivors and Ruin for killers base but the problem with BT is that if its base killers will counter it which means waiting the time. Now they hit you very often cause they hope you dont run it which many don't. That is why it is so useful now - make it base and it will become less and less. At least that is how I see things. It is like DS - if they know you have it 100% they won't pick you up. If there is a chance killers will take it 50/50% of the time atleast
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So it's okay for gens to be done in less than 5 minutes but God forbid a killer chases the same injured survivor.
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Hey I'm playing both sides (right now more killer) and hooking a survivor in front of a killer is pretty f***** Up, but borrowed time as base kid wouldn't solve the problem it would encourage YOLO saves more.
I have few suggestions , which may solve the problems
- First, if a killer facecamps DON'T try to save them without BT. Instead make the gens and leave.
- Second, only reward safe unhooks with bloodpoints. Right now you get 1000 bloodpoints just for unhooking and 500 if it's a safe unhook. Instead give 1750 bloodpoints for a safe unhook.
- Third, if you on the hook the hooked survivor should have a option not to get hooked. For example if you get camped press O (PS4) to disable the unhook action. All survior should see this on their HUD or changing the aura from red to yellow