I'm extremely disappointed with the Nurse changes BHVR



  • sekkima
    sekkima Member Posts: 194

    I am also angry with these changes, being a survivor is very easy (repair and play rat with urban evasion), the nurse now becomes very bored, I will definitely not play anymore.

    I'm still waiting for the infinities to close, but hey, that's not going to happen.

  • OmegaXII
    OmegaXII Member Posts: 2,190

    Like i said in my other post, staring at your power bar is not fun, that's the fact

    Also, no one wants to waste so many times playing an unfun killer (so many downsides just for 1 power), even she is still above average

    So i guess people will stop playing her because how unfun she is now.. have luck seeing her once in decades, and bully the crap out of her

  • coppersly
    coppersly Member Posts: 2,318

    I like to hold hope they're just messing with us and they have some sort of grand plan that makes the game much healthier and enjoyable for all.

    I like to hope.

  • coppersly
    coppersly Member Posts: 2,318

    I like to hold hope they're just messing with us and they have some sort of grand plan that makes the game much healthier and enjoyable for all.

    I like to hope.

  • KuromiStarwind
    KuromiStarwind Member Posts: 325
    edited October 2019

    Don't forget to leave a review on their Steam page - outside of the changes they're making to the top tier killers that are the only killers really effective against good survivors at red ranks, I think there's countless other things that both survivors and killers can talk about in a review on this game.

    I remember when I couldn't play this game for over 6 months after Legion came out because of the infinite loadscreen bug I got so often I literally couldn't play. Let that sink in. It took them 6 months to fix a gamebreaking bug. I mean I guess if you're always incompetent, at least you're consistent with something.

  • coppersly
    coppersly Member Posts: 2,318

    Are you using only 1 blink to counter-act the cooldown so you can just blink constantly across the map instead of walking like an awkward taco like the changes encourage?

    But wow that's.... so sad. They took one of the best map pressure killers and sank it like a rock. I really hope some dev sees this video and at least gets an idea of why this is such a bad change.

  • DaGreenBolt
    DaGreenBolt Member Posts: 453
    edited October 2019

    I already quit, Spirit is going to get nerfed, and after that Billy is going to be the only high rank character.

    BHVR said they are looking into changing the add ons for Billy, but after the Nurse changes (they said they would only change the add ons, but they lied), its safe to say they are going to edit Billy's base kit, which will nerf him most likely.

  • arslaN
    arslaN Member Posts: 1,936

    No, they said nurse was going to get slight base kit changes. They only lied about the slight part. They didn't say anything about changing Billy's basekit.

  • DaGreenBolt
    DaGreenBolt Member Posts: 453

    They first originally announced that they would only change add ons for Billy and Nurse. Then they announced that they would do slight changes for Base kit Nurse.

    They will most likely do the same thing for Billy, announce that add ons are getting change. And then afterwards announce that they will do a "slight" tweak to his base kit

  • coppersly
    coppersly Member Posts: 2,318

    Maybe after all this drama and backlash they'll at least be more transparent about it and just say it's change instead of gradually admitting it?

  • terumisan
    terumisan Member Posts: 1,293
    edited October 2019

    The problem the devs have is they balance for new survivors and don't realize they don't stay at that starting level so the higher rank killer suffers because of it. I'm on the border of red ranks and find it annoying

  • coppersly
    coppersly Member Posts: 2,318

    I think this is a problem for a lot of PvP games today. Developers are usually not that skilled at their own game, so they have to rely on data collection and whatever sources they use to determine what is working and what's not. But not actually playing at that level dulls you to the problems that are there and they can go ignored and unfixed for a long time.

  • Freudentrauma
    Freudentrauma Member Posts: 1,053

    You don't need to be high skilled to understand the high skill play on a game. Devs are probably watching streamers, checking player feedback and using stats/data for balancing isn't necessarly wrong or a problem. Thing is as a dev you also have to do things from a certain distance and a game like DbD has quite variety of play/skill levels. The only problem might be that you can easily blinded by your work. You design something with the intend in one specific way and can't see how it's problematic or not working in reality. Some stuff devs in the past reminded me by that.

  • Entity_Burger
    Entity_Burger Member Posts: 126

    Am I reading this right? The nurse now has a cooldown (which starts on fatigue), which means she has the longest possible time between blinks..and she did not get a movement speed increase?!

    Did the Devs really think, in the middle of the freaking 3-minute-genrush meta, that a slow AF character with a 4.5 second cooldown (3.5 on the skill, 1 for the fatigue) is BALANCED!?

  • coppersly
    coppersly Member Posts: 2,318

    According to the devs on the latest stream they believe chases should essentially start over after getting a hit to give survivors a chance at escaping. What this does though is give bad survivors who didn't use counterplay an easier time, while also making though who do actually know what to do nigh impossible to find again without dedicated tracking perks and even then there is no guarantee they don't just disappear in the maze of L-walls you now have to crawl around because blinking would screw you over even more.

    I've actually seen a way better suggestion on these forums for a continuous power-bar that charging a blink draws from instead of just a discrete cooldown mechanic. It would allow for a much finer control over your blinks while also not coming with the massive downside of making your gameplay all janky and frustrating. It also still limits her from doing a crazy amount of blinks in a row, a much better scenario than what we have.

  • Entity_Burger
    Entity_Burger Member Posts: 126

    That did not really answer my question in a concrete manner.

    Did they, seriously, nerf her Blink this badly AND keep her as one of the slowest Killers in the game?

    Even the Devs can't have said 'Alright; you can't blink even HALF as much as before, you can't go through walls on a second blink, and you're still slower than the Survivors. BALANCED!'

  • Entity_Burger
    Entity_Burger Member Posts: 126

    Oh yes, because being able to actually catch up to someone once every 5 seconds is balanced. Taking away half of the Nurse's power without giving her ANYTHING in return is balanced. What a joke.

    'Git gud'; the cry of the entitled player. I can tell how happy you are that the Nurse is basically unplayable now. I bet you're getting ready to scream about Spirit now. It's never you being bad; it's OP Killers. Just scream louder.

    Christ, if ever there was proof of a Survivor bias, it's the Legion & Nurse 'tweaks'. BHVR took 2 powerful Killers and ensured they can't hurt anyone now.

    It's okay, bad Survivor mains; if you whine loud enough, BHVR will completely slaughter whatever Killer has a greater than 2/4 killing average. You never have to actually improve. BHVR will keep lowering the bar so even the worst Survivors will be able to bully whatever Killer they want.

    Might wanna work on a Killer bot program, because if you keep beating every good Killer into a coma, no one will want to play that role anymore, BHVR.

  • arslaN
    arslaN Member Posts: 1,936

    If you think old legion was fine, you are the biased one :)

    Stop victimizing yourselves so much. It looks pathetic.

  • Weederick
    Weederick Member Posts: 1,080

    Concrete answers for concrete questions.

    You dont hit your blinks, since it only affects misses. Mistakes. Your own mistakes, that you can fix by getting better.

    You dont want to balance this game for bad survivors, but apparently you want it balanced for bad nurses.

    Just fyi, i doubt anything changed balanced wise about her as along as you're good with Nurse. They only raised the skillfloor. Go figure why you're triggered.

  • Entity_Burger
    Entity_Burger Member Posts: 126

    Old Legion had his bugs, but you can't think current Legion is at all decent. His power is a flat out joke. You can't even stop people from mending because the mend timer does not decrease in a chase. And pressuring people in increments is useless because the mend timer will not down them if they are mending.

    He may as well not have a power.

    Oh, Nurse may have needed tweaking, sure. Her Skill To Kill Ratio was pretty much 1/1. The better you were, the better you did, and the sky was the limit.

    But this is more proof of BHVR being terrified to make good killers; New killers start weak. Powerful Killers get beaten to death with the nerf bat under the terms 'tweaked' and 'looked at'.

    It's pretty obvious that BHVR wants to keep the larger playerbase happy, and since there 4 Survivors to every Killer, this means that Killers get beaten stupid to appease lower skill Survivors.

  • Weederick
    Weederick Member Posts: 1,080

    Sky beeing the limit is the problem. People want a balanced, competitive game. But then there's that gamebreaking "sky is the limit" killer. For real... where is the problem and why does it need balancing.

    Lets not conclude all kinds of conspiracy theories. I'm curious what they have in mind with Spirit, but if they raise the skillfloor only, i'd be fine with that. And powerfull killers are still powerful. Billy is a staple. Hag got buffed from trash to viable to toptier. Huntress toptier as always. Spirit got buffed from good to toptier. Now lets see what they want to do first before jumping ship.

  • Bravo0413
    Bravo0413 Member Posts: 3,647

    Along with the sparkly husk, along with footsteps, along with grass moving, along with hearing her moans while she phased, a 20 second cooldown, chase music still played during her phasewalk... and more

  • arslaN
    arslaN Member Posts: 1,936

    I agree the current legion is a joke, but old legion removed all skill from both sides, survivors couldn't do anything against the mindless stabbing. Old legion was also weak unless they had franks mixtape.

    Look,I also don't like the nurse changes, but I don't think she is as bad as some people are saying now. I think some of you guys are over exaggerating.

  • Entity_Burger
    Entity_Burger Member Posts: 126

    After what they did to Nurse, I'm really worried for Spirit. She's a mindgame Killer; if you out-think the Killer, you win.

    But since so many Survivors don't want mind games and want to stick to pallet games, she will be 'looked at'.

    My guesses?

    1. She will be given a Wraith-like shimmer while moving, so Survivors know where she is at all times.
    2. Her husk will lose it's collision, so she can't body chokepoints in a chase.
    3. There will also be a sound effect when she goes invisible so she can't trick Survivors by faking. Gotta remove all the mindgames that Survivors hate!

    No, she will not be given anything in compensation. Spirit players will have to get good.

  • Mr_K
    Mr_K Member Posts: 9,184

    You dont hit your blinks, since it only affects misses. Mistakes. Your own mistakes, that you can fix by getting better.

    Last I checked Nurse still needs to travel across maps and the cool down is after every blink.

    Somehow survivors never spawn within blink distance.

  • Watery
    Watery Member Posts: 1,167

    Stuff like this is normal when it comes to reworking characters.

    There’s normally two groups of “mains”. People who love the new nurse, and the one’s who don’t.

    OP is clearly the former.

  • coppersly
    coppersly Member Posts: 2,318

    The skill ceiling was most certainly effected. You just can't travel the same anymore, nor are you as potent in chase. Even at the best level of play you HAVE to walk around a lot in a match as Nurse now, there's literally no way around it. And that means during those times survivors are making sure you can't use another blink because if you don't predict right you're going to waste SO much time. There is a definite ceiling with these changes and it is lower than before.

    I agree with you. They seem afraid to make strong killers at the moment, and seem to be hooked on the powerbar idea.

    I really hope the next killer is strong and without a powerbar but we all know the chances of either are very slim right now.

  • Endstille
    Endstille Member Posts: 2,246

    Devs do not need to be high skilled at their own game, they need to understand what is possible within the game when it comes to pvp. Look at other games they are fairly balanced and require lots of mechanical skill than you come to dbd and woopsie we dont like mechanical skill.

  • Endstille
    Endstille Member Posts: 2,246

    Where are the mains that love the rework?

    They clearly do not want a competitive balanced game, since one side is being balanced around top players look at nurse and the 0.2% of god nurses that actually existed which are not representative for the playerbase at all.

    While the other get balanced around "goofing around with friends".

  • Weederick
    Weederick Member Posts: 1,080

    Ok. Idk man, i'm not worried about Spirit, because they keep the core gameplay the same. She wont turn into a M1 loopable killer, but i'll wait out the ideas before making conclusions. They did a perfect job buffing spirit from her previous versions, so i think they know what they're doing with Spirits concept.

    How do survivors make sure, you can't blink? You lose 1m distance during that time, you still play the tiles as usual. Wether you blink 3s sooner or later doesn't matter wether you actually hit the blink. You always play the same mindgames with Nurse,

  • coppersly
    coppersly Member Posts: 2,318

    I'm going to stop you right there. It's obvious you don't play Nurse or at least not past green ranks. Having to wait an additional 3 seconds while being the slowest killer in game is a big deal. Remember how her power is essential for her movement? That extends directly into chase, she needs blinks to even move after a survivor. Having to save blinks and not waste them because the janky cooldown not only hinders her, it also saps the fun out of her when you are constantly punished for using your power despite needing to use it to even move effectively.

  • Weederick
    Weederick Member Posts: 1,080

    I do, i've played her plenty at red ranks. Waiting 3 seconds while moving at 3.85m/s is not a big deal, unless you're in a building with plenty of options to choose in those 3 seconds like Lerys. You lose exactly 0.15m/s*3s = 0.45m. Almost half a metre.

    It mostly gives survivors some time to find a tile to mindgame. Previously you can dodge her and it doesn't matter because she starts another one right away.

    I'll make one statement you wont like: YES, she finally gets punished for spamming her power. Now accurate and patient blinks are more rewarding. I like this.

  • coppersly
    coppersly Member Posts: 2,318

    She HAD to spam her power before because that's how she moved and if she wasn't constantly chasing after someone they could hide and be impossible to find before another gen or 3 goes pop. Slow and patient blinks are not fun or rewarding, being an m1 killer while you're not using your power IS. NOT. INTERESTING.

    And I know you don't play her because the longer you wait to re-engage in blinks the more likely a survivor is to hide and get away, that's literally the entire reason she goes through fatigue. All the cooldown does is serve to limit her artificially and severely cut down on her chase power because you'll be spending so much longer per chase because of the constant waiting + LOS breaking that resets your chase/blink progress.

  • Weederick
    Weederick Member Posts: 1,080

    Already told you i've played her at red ranks. What else are you looking for to disregard others opinions? Thats childish.

    I just prefer patient and accurate blinks over spamming. Just like i prefer the perfect curve for that chainsaw over instasaw spamming to catchup and lucky hits.

    Yes, its easier to hide and takes longer to get things done. Thats point of the nerf. It doesnt have enough impact that it would bother me though. Or call her "unplayable" or not toptier anymore. She's still the same, but more punishing to mistakes and less time efficient overall. We're literally talking circles, since you can't accept that other players are okay with nerfs.

  • WolfPad06
    WolfPad06 Member Posts: 182

    I've said it before, I'll say it again:

    The base kit nerfs are not just affecting her chase potential, they affect her map mobility A LOT.

    To even get to survivor before they can hide (as soon as they hear your TR) you NEED to use the blinks. You get there with no blinks, you go through fatigue allowing survivors a head start to run, hide or juke, and THEN you have to SLOWLY walk for 3.5 seconds before you get your 2nd blink back. Believe me, against any decent survivor you will need 2 blinks to hit them once you find them, and I won't even talk about what happens if they have SB or DH.

    Alright, forget the competitive aspect of the nerfs, the new changes are not FUN for Nurse players. They make her feel sluggish and unrewarding.

    Having 2 cooldowns is annoying and boring. I'm all for nerfing the Nurse's lethality at high skill levels, but this was done HORRIBLY and with no regard to how much it would affect the fun of playing her.

  • OGOzSnowChimp
    OGOzSnowChimp Member Posts: 247

    I don't play as the Nurse but I dabble time from time as a victim and recently I noticed that I've been able to loop nurses... and I can't loop anybody...

  • gantes
    gantes Member Posts: 1,611

    Just to clear up this misconception, every single killer has more than 50% kill rate according to the devs, even the worst killer in the worst map. And the Nurse's kill rate was over 75% the last time I checked iirc. So yeah, I wouldn't use stats as an argument to buff/stop nerfing killers if I were you.

    At the end of the day, the Nurse will still be the best killer in the game when used by people who can actually play her. I'm sorry again, but this is, indeed, a "git gud" scenario.

    One point I can see being valid is how fun (or unfun) she feels to play after the patch. Personally I feel like she still feels fun and powerful, but that's purely subjective.

    The devs are most definitely not "survivor biased". They got rid of old DS this year. They got rid of the abomination that was old MoM a lot faster than I expected. They've been, for years now, handing out (very necessary) survivor nerfs. If killer mains are going to have a meltdown every time they change killers (and I don't care how much you liked old Legion, for example, but they were extremely bad for the game as a whole and anyone who's not willingly ignorant can see that) then we'll never be happy.

    We just recently got reworked Freddy (one of the best reworks I've ever seen in any game), a very strong killer in Demogorgon and all the releases after Legion have been between solid and good. We got buffs to stealth killers. We've been getting new/redesigned maps suited specifically to make weak killers' lives easier. If you choose to ignore all that because a blatantly overpowered killer got slightly toned down, then I have very little hope for you.

  • Nurse10
    Nurse10 Member Posts: 47

    Well, it's not that she is less strong now with the update, she was already null before!

    Now the survivors know that the Nurse must have plaid, it is indispensable! Unless playing against null survivors. Yes, the survivors with microphone know how to do it, just turn from left to right so that the Nurse misses most of its attacks! She is so slow and will easily lose the survivor during a chase, since she has to use her teleportation .. her head is moving !!!!!!!!

    So the survivors will rush the generators with confidence without much worry about the Nurse, they will even make a small tbag.

    The Plaid should be by default (no addon), the Nurse's speed should be the same as the Hag, the radius of terror 0! One of three.

    In short, waiting for the nerve of Ghostface for his power, Leatherface for his chainsaw, Freddy for his teleportation or traps, the Hag for his traps .. short, still and always the advantage to the survivors!

    That's why the next killer .. well I will not buy!

  • coppersly
    coppersly Member Posts: 2,318

    Yeah we can say it a million times but they can't understand :(

  • Davidjzuniga
    Davidjzuniga Member Posts: 53

    Lol quit crying. Insta heals got nerfed into the ground to the point that they arnt even useful anymore. And the most OP killer in the game got balanced. Its a fairish trade. Deal with it and stop crying that you cant get easy 4ks anymore