Hatch available with five gens????

The hatch shouldn’t be available to the last survivor if no gens had been done. Only realized today when I started playing as killer again. The survivor literally doesn’t have to do anything to escape!
They still don't get many points if they did NOTHING. They probably won't get enough points to safety pip if you're at a high rank or enough points to pip at a low rank.
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My point is more it robs a kill from the killer.
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You still didn't get enough points to pip. It's not a big enough of a deal to change. Say a survivor is doing everything he can to win, but his/her team is awful. They're hiding in lockers, sitting in the corner of the map, basically avoiding the objective and killer. They all die, the survivor who's doing his/her best did 1 gen, but it sucks because there's no way he's/she's going to get another gen done without being found. Sure, it's unfair to the killer when they genuinely earned the points from playing well, but the same can be said to the survivor's side. You can argue that the survivor can literally do any of the 6 gens left on the map, but when killers have tracking perks like whispers, or an ultra rare add-on that shows auras, it would be practically impossible to do a gen.
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I’m just saying I think it’s bullshit that the survivors don’t have to do any gens as long as they wait for everyone else to die. I don’t really care about pipping all that much
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why should you get a 4k every match?
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The point of it is to prevent the game from being held hostage by the last survivor. They can’t just hide forever anymore since the killer can close the hatch and trigger EGC. There are plenty of ways you can play around this, slugging would be the most effective if you’re really that thirsty for the 4K. Otherwise it’s not a common thing you’ll run into. When you’re down to 2 survivors just keep an eye out for the hatch so no one can camp it.
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I don’t really agree with it either. It doesn’t really feel right to have a Survivor escape with five gens left. They really didn’t do anything. You managed to slaughter them. However, Killers could just hold the game hostage forever, so I understand why it exists. I think that instead of having the Hatch spawn at five or four gens left, the EGC should begin 60 seconds after the third Survivor dies. The Killer can hit the gate switches to start the EGC early if they want to. This way the Survivor isn’t completely screwed over by bad teammates but doesn’t have a ridiculously easy escape option and actually has to do something.
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Why should the survivor escape for free by sheer luck when their team did nothing?
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because it's not their fault that their team is #########. It's also not free, you have to find the hatch before the killer does and you're probably dead if you don't because the survivor pretty much always loses the gate game unless they get lucky gate positions.
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Regardless of who finds it first, IT IS a free escape if it happens to be the survivor.
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DbD is a team game whether you like it or not. If your team does bad everyone pays for it. Also, if your team is bad, have you considered ranking up? I don't have terrible teammates in red and purple ranks and when I do, I take what emblem points I can and try to go for a pip.
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It has to be that way due to the endgame collapse, otherwise I could see it being a problem if they kept it the old way, where 2 gens needed to be done.
I'm mostly a killer main and I don't mind it. It moves games along and I don't feel like I lost regardless if they find the hatch before I can close it.
The potential desync when you close it is a bit frustrating but that's a rare occurrence, and an issue for dedicated servers, not for the mechanic.
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Dude its so simple they just need to learn something from Deathgarden
If you're the last survivor and you're actually good (did gens/can get chased),make so the killer sees you'r aura for <number of generators to be done> seconds.
if the survivor doesn't get hit for 30 seconds the gates and hatch open and are revealed for the survivor, and after another 10 sec(30 if the survivor is still healthy) the survivor is sacrificed... DONE! the survivor is given a chance to prove he's worth, if he isn't, then the killer gets his deserved kill.
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"Survive Together… Or Not - Survivors can either cooperate with the others or be selfish. Your chance of survival will vary depending on whether you work together as a team or if you go at it alone. Will you be able to outwit the Killer and escape their Killing Ground?"
From definition it's a teamgame that can turn into 1v1v1v1v1 in a blink of an eye
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Yes, the steam store page that probably hasn't been changed in forever. The emblem system would beg to differ. You won't get very far playing by yourself, for yourself. Furthermore, if DbD wasn't a team game for survivor, things like bodyblocking or farming off the hook would not be considered griefing.