Ebony Mori and Tunneling

I find it interesting that one of the most common “reasons” that Ebony Mori is listed as needing a nerf is the whole “some killers tunnel to get the Mori asap!” Personally, I consider getting Moried in this way preferable to getting tunneled normally. If a killer is going to tunnel, I’d rather find that out, get killed, and move on...a Mori lets me do that in a way that’s acceptable to the other survivors, and gets me on my way ASAP.
A tunneling killer without a Mori still tunnels, but now I either look like a jackass letting myself die on second hook, or delay the inevitable wearing down my space bar, only to get unhooked and tunneled into my death anyway, wasting more of my time on a game where the killer’s decided I don’t get to play.
Why then is the tunnel Mori so hated? If you’re going to get tunneled you may as well at least get to see yourself die in a manner less common than the usual Entity stabbing, it’s faster than being tunneled to 3 hooks, and you don’t look like a dick to your teammates for not wanting to be tunneled to the third hook. Seems like a win/win to me.
Note: I’m not commenting one way or the other here on if Ebony should be nerfed. I have my opinion but I’m more curious why the above reason is so common for the “nerf Ebony” threads.
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In group play you should be telling your friends to do gens since the killer is camping, keep yourself alive on the hook as long as possible, allow the 3.5 gen finish that that allows, and killer gets away with 1k.
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Browse internet, go on youtube, if Killer has Ebony it costed him 7k Bloodpoints, he has full right to use it as he wishes.
Same for Brand new parts and other expensive addons survivor have, is it fair and nice? Propably not. Is it bad? Heck no. Both sides have their overpowered offerings and addons, addons for survivors, offerings for killers. But if you or friend die, thats the game, can easily happen without Mory. And tunneling is a tactics in the game. Same as is looping, pallets and closets.
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You still wasted your time.
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should be a 60 second mori immunity
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Moris definitely need a nerf.
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Yea now that insta heals are gone, Ebony Moris are by far the most ridiculously OP thing in this game.
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I have yet to be moried, I feel no way about using that lovely LEAVE button and wasting there hole time from tuneling me into getting nothing XD the enjoyment I get