What's everyone's favorite map to play on?

Definitely Gas Heaven for me. It's a pretty balanced map, and although not the best for stealth killers like Ghostface, I usually almost always have a fun time on it. Love seeing survivor desperately try to escape when you find them in the garage.
any autohaven map
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The Game
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As killer since I main Myers I love Lery's, Hawkins and the Game.
As survivor I love Haddonfield, Grim Pantry, Ormond, and most of the farm maps.
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I really enjoy all MacMillan (Ironworks make me sad sometimes) and Autohaven maps. Coal Tower and Wrecker's Yard are my favorite out of them for playing both sides.
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Any map that is indoor (the game, Lery's) I love and for outdoor map would be any of the Macmillan maps.
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A lot of people hate it. But I love the Hawkins lab map.
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I love Cross Penn Asylum in both roles. For me it is the perfect arena of death with some amazing plays possible from the building.
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I don't like any of the maps in this game to be honest
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It's like a rollercoaster with endless loops!
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As killer, Haddonfield
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Any coldwind farm map.
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Coal Tower!
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Corn maps.
In general, Survivors always think you can't see through the corn while i perfectly can, so they always go in the corn without protection and it'll pretty much always lead to a hit, plus they don't seem to learn either as they'll try again in the next chase.
Additionally, it's a massive advantage for Wraith, corn Generators are mostly a free hit.
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That's a good one. I prefer Azaraov's Resting Place. I play Spirit, so size isn't an issue.
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Haddonfield, Hawkins lab, Ormond, Backwater Swamp, Badham preschool, Father Campbell's Chapel and Coldwind farm.
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Badham and Ormond
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Wreckers Yard
my Trapper heart always beats faster on this map...
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I love how Badham looks, while it does lean a bit towards survivor, I think it's a beautiful map!
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I really like Suffocation Pit. It can be challenging as killer sometimes but I just like how it’s laid out and the mine is cool.
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Macmillan estates maps, I like the blue atmosphere.
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coldwind farm and autohaven maps
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Basically all the base maps, from the DLC maps the only really "good" ones (as in ones I actually like) are the Chapel and the Red Forest maps
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Red Forest ( both Temple and Huntress' map ), The Game, Preschool, Haddonfield and Hawkins Lab.
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Hawkins :) Amazing atmosphere
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I love Auto Haven always have, The Game and Coal Tower their very peaceful to me.
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Everyone is gonna hate me for this, but. The Game map is my favorite as survivor.
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Any of 3 original realms and Asylum
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Groaning storehouse
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I love Suffocation Pit
Suffocation Pit is a MacMillan and I love that Realm because it's dark but Suffocation in particular rewards players who have a plan. If Survivors make sure to spread the Gen easily they can escape but if the Killer can pressure them enough so the Gens are all on one side it's gonna be easy for the Killer instead. Matches can go both ways and it's always fun to see how they go and who feels comfortable on it and do they even know what they're doing; sweet plays every time.
So I love Haddonfield with Ghostface and Ghostface only, he has so much to hide behind, those fences that hinder normal Killers actually help him mind game inside a chase, did he leave or is he still following you? A lot of Gens are indoors too and since he can attack out of stealth he has a bigger advantage than any other Killer, if you're injured in any of those houses you better keep your damn eyes open or you'll go down before you realize he's even behind you.
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As survivor i really like the azarov maps. Im horrible at finding pallets in chase so i never have to look far lol.
As killer i really like Hawkins. Just give up 3rd floor gen and the rest is pretty easy to patrol. It looks and sounds cool also.
As survivor i hate probably badham the worst. Though im learning it better now so that may change.
As killer its red forest. I dont play high mobility killers often so i always feel disadvantaged on them
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I like all the indoor maps. Just because theres not many of them.