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Were Gonna Live Forever needs some love.

it would be super nice if that perk had a benefit like bbq maybe some sort of aura ability to even it out with bbq. the perk is super lack luster and is literally just a point machine.

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  • Member Posts: 648

    At least the survivor can get stacks from protection hits as well as unhooks - the killer only gets points for hooking with BBQ.. Imagine if moris were counted?

    And the BBQ aura reading is not so good as its limited and easy to counter.

    Its good as it is, I believe.

  • Member Posts: 1,936

    Exactly, it needs some other effect like BBQ. Survivor bloodpoint gain is still pretty bad, at least make this perk actually useful in a match.

  • Member Posts: 134

    I honestly think they should combine Aftercare and We're Gonna Live Forever while also adding healing as another way to get a stack, maybe two heals to get a stack? All of this would fit the perk theme perfectly and make it way more appealing to run.

  • Member Posts: 3,275

    They ought to merge it with We'll Make It.

  • Member Posts: 728

    Not trying to pry but he said he believes that bbq aura reading is not so good.

    Technically a mori already gives a stack because you'll need them already hooked to mori em.

    Wglf does reward good play, as in getting safe unhooks and if you bodyblock for them it'll be 2 stacks.

  • Member Posts: 648


    "the BBQ aura reading is not so good"

    Hypocricy? Take a second ... go back ... re-read.

    You´re welcome for the help =)

  • Member Posts: 2,267

    Maybe after you unhook a survivor safely, you can see all auras of your teammates for 4 seconds. Would that be okay?

  • Member Posts: 1,071

    It doesnt need a benefit like BBQ&C. Survivors can afford to run a "non-functional" perk, as most of Survivor's power comes from base mechanics. (looping, gen speeds, ect.) Killers on the other hand cant afford to run a useless perk just for some extra BP, which is why BBQ has an additional effect and not just bonus BP.

    This is coming from somebody who runs WGLF in every build. It doesnt need an additional effect. The only changes I would want for WGLF are:

    -Make the "protection hit" stack trigger more consistently.

    -Revert it back to its original 50% bonus per stack, rather than the 25% bonus it was nerfed to.

  • Member Posts: 2,886

    Body blocking is a bad play unless you get a wiggle out of it. Getting a wiggle out of body blocking is extremely rare and hard to do.

    It is a bad play.

    Unsafe Unhooks are good, but unless you are camping the killer and the hooks you will never get 4 stacks. The bad behavior WGLF promotes is survivors not being productive and just stalking the killer and the guy they see with Empathy running around like a headless chicken, waiting for them to get downed so they can get their stacks.

    That's what WGLF encourages, because realistically getting 4 stacks is impossible unless you aim for it, often to the detriment of actually doing useful things to escape like gens.

    Unlike BBQ, getting 4 stacks is easy. Just kill survivors as usual. You're doing what you should normally be doing. People say BBQ promotes non-tunneling. Before you go there, let me tell you that's nonsense. You can tunnel the 1st survivor to death and still get 4 stacks, as long as you catch everyone in the end. Tunneling makes it easier to get 4K's because you reduce the number of survivors quickly.

  • Member Posts: 78

    See the aura of killer and all survivors for 4 seconds.

  • Member Posts: 2,886

    Strong disagree. Why should I settle for a perk that does nothing?

    Let it do something. It doesn't have to be a powerful effect. I just want it to do something and not be useless or even detrimental. Elk's suggestion is fine. It does't have to be a powerful effect. Even a token effect is okay, just let it do something so it's interesting to use.

  • Member Posts: 343

    that would be super cool, or see the killer for 3-4 seconds

  • Member Posts: 1,129

    Imagine unhooking somebody and you saw every survivors aura for like 5 seconds

  • Member Posts: 1,298

    Wglf is fine just stick bt on it and you get free points

  • Member Posts: 1,936
    edited November 2019

    That's not the point. You basically play with 3 perks for extra bloodpoints. BBQ also has a really strong effect along with the extra bloodpoints, WGLF needs the same.

  • Member Posts: 250

    What bothers me is that it's so much easier to get stacks with BBQ&C then it is to get stacks with WGLF...

  • Member Posts: 16,662

    I mean, except for the Cypress Mori (which nearly nobody is using), you will get Stacks anyway, because you need to Hook the person.

    And well, you are only doing your Objective. For WGLF, people might have to adjust their playstyle. Like, I will not take any stupid Hits, just to get a Stack, I will only take Hits if it is really worth it. Same for Unhooks, no need to rush for an Unhook, just for a Stack, when you know other people are already going.

    But Killers have it really easy to get their Stacks. So BBQ is way better for BPs than WGLF.

    However, what I would wish for WGLF are more ways to get Stacks. Keep it altruistic (so no Stacks for Gen Repairs for example), but dont limit it to Unhooks and wonky Protection HIts. And no Aura Reading needed.

  • Member Posts: 869

    What would be the point of babysitter then? I like the idea of wglf getting a buff in some form so that it’s a bit more on the same level as BBQ though.

  • Member Posts: 244

    i actually love the perk now and use it on every build but i can see why people want a buff for it and i would be fine with a buff

  • Member Posts: 133
    edited November 2019

    Let both the unhooking survivor and the unhooked survivor see the killer's aura for 4 seconds.

    The killer can see the aura of the unhooking survivor for 4 seconds.

    This would give the 2 survivors a hint of where the killer is (so that they don't run into them, and they can see if a killer immediately returns to the hook or not).

    This would give the killer incentive to chase after the rescuer so that the unhooked survivor has more chance of succesfully hiding as the killer chases the rescuer instead.

    It promotes the "putting yourself in danger to save your teammates" aspect that WGLF is going for by its description.

  • Member Posts: 452

    I think it might be better to change up the whole Bloodpoint multiplier system for killers and survivors. I think they could do something based on how they have the current blight event bonus points.

    I say every match has four "multiplier" gens and four hooks. When a gen is completed, each living survivor gets a 25% bonus stack. Same goes for killer hooks except maybe that specific hook deactivates after use, so slightly different from blight hooks.

    This would free up a perk slot that people currently use for a farming perk. Devs could rework BBQ & WGLF. This would open the door for more variety in builds and offer BP bonuses that still require some work to get.

  • Member Posts: 528

    For everyone complaining about WGLF not having an aura ability: you guys do realize that killers have a terror radius... right?

  • Member Posts: 3,965

    I'm less concerned about a secondary effect than I am with the discrepancy between how easy it is for killers to earn their 100% bloodpoint bonus compared to survivors. There is a very simple solution to this. Survivors should gain tokens for doing the thing they need to escape. IE doing generators. WGLF should give 1 token per gen completed and each token should give 10/15/20% bonus to all bloodpoints earned.

  • Member Posts: 539

    Sorry to be off topic here - Do "you" know the tractor-hay lunge trick isn't perform-able since the update and can let us know if it's in the works to be fixed?

  • Member Posts: 452

    I don't disagree that BBQ stacks seem to be easier to get than WGLF. However, I've recently started to step up my end-game altruism and that's helped. I'm a rank 14 survivor, so hardly an expert. I've only recently started to be more adventurous in trying to save people during EGC. I think this is the best time to get WGLF stacks. Getting a safe hook rescue and taking a hit for someone can get half of your stacks taken care of very quickly.

    I'm starting to think people who run this perk are focusing too much on the safe unhook and not enough on taking a hit. You need to be able to do both effectively to use WGLF to it's full potential. I'm saying this from my personal experience.

  • Member Posts: 86

    My idea for improve this perk. Every time you get a protection hit, increases 50% the hit cooldwn for the killer. A bit more of chance to the protected surv (and the protector)

  • Member Posts: 6,556

    The only change needed is getting a stack for a full heal of someone else.

  • Member Posts: 1,510

    Wglf should proc when you heal someone or get the distraction bonus (assuming this triggers when a killer is involved with another survivor), this way there’s no rushing to the hook.

    When you DO unhook someone the “bbq” bonus should be granting who you’re saving 4 second immunity to all detection ability and traps by the killer.

  • Member Posts: 477

    Except that it doesn't. Killer has 4 perks, survivors have 16 (and no, they're not weaker. Quite the opposite oftentimes). Even if all survivors run WGLF they still have a huge advantage in terms of perks.

  • Member Posts: 250
    edited November 2019

    An idea I had is, each time you gain a token, get a 5% haste for a few seconds, and the duration stacks if you gain multiple tokens at the same time. This will encourage more players using this perk to go for protection hits.

  • Member Posts: 343
  • Member Posts: 747

    I think the biggest issue is how difficult it is to get 4 stacks. I think it should be lowered to 2 stacks with each granting 50%.

  • Member Posts: 5,897

    And that matters how? No perks should lack in game value. I don't care if it's survivor or killer. A perk should do something for you sure the actual game.

  • Member Posts: 477

    Maybe that's a bad point on my side, I just feel like survivors are strong enough not to need a gameplay bonus on top of BP farming in a perk.

  • Member Posts: 5,897

    To me that just means bad perks on both sides need addressed.

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  • Member Posts: 12,871

    I'm all for combining WGLF and We'll Make It into one perk.

  • Member Posts: 250

    I don't think it's necessary, but hell the idea of merging it with We'll Make It sounds fun. I wouldn't be opposed to it.

  • Member Posts: 4,212

    My problem with WGLF is how not everybody can get four stacks by unhooking first of all which basically just encourages throwing yourself at the killer and hoping protection hits work.

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  • Member Posts: 600

    I feel like WGLF should gain tokens easier. With BBQ, you should almost always get 4 tokens since you only need to hook each survivor once. With WGLF, you have to get a combination of 4 safe unhooks and protection hits which usually does not happen, honestly. I do not have any ideas that would also add tokens other than maybe you get a token for each score category you max out as well? Like if you get 8000 boldness, you gain a token.

  • Member Posts: 158

    Protection hits just need a change or a fix, whichever it needs more, since they're so buggy and unreliable. I've taken hits when running behind injured teammates and not had it count towards wglf but getting hit across the map from another survivor does and it's always a "????" from me.

  • Member Posts: 4,125

    Agree, BBQ is even one of the best killer perks, I would like to see a extra benefit too.

  • Member Posts: 170

    no myers, ghost face, or pig. And if its nurse or spirit terror radius doesn't really matter. And you do relize there are perks that reduce your terror radius. Oh i also forgot about wraith

  • Member Posts: 14

    The only reason it's harder to stack WGLF compared to BBQ is the killer needs to hook 4 people uniquely and WGLF you get a stack on a rescue, there can be a Max of 8 unhooks a game so that's enough for 2 people to fully stack it. Most people don't use the perk and if they take the rescue then the people using the perk don't get the stack. Pretty much the killer has more opportunities than survivors to stack their perk and survivors don't unless one is following the killer to farm.

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