Standardize Voice Chat as a Feature
This perspective comes from a rank 1 killer and rank 9 survivor.
Why don't they just add voice chat as a feature for survivors and balance around that? The genie is out of the bottle with SWF being an acceptable standard now, where we know voice chat is frequently used especially in higher rank games.
So why keep pretending to balance around no voice chat, or balancing subtly towards SWF (thus making the game even harder for solo, you hear this often when mentioning countering NOED, how is a solo to know all dull totems are gone?).
I feel like BHVR should just incorporate in game VOIP and start balancing for it to be the expected scenario.
What about high ranked survivors that solo que? What about lower ranked survivors that solo que? Are you going to just leave them to deal with the “balanced” changes that are meant to impact teams on voice coms? “Oh well, after all, survivors are the power roll with DS and their flashlight and unbalanced loops” . Ugh no. As far as implementing voice coms into the game, I agree with this. We also need post game chat like PC has.
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The sad fact is that they are probably already ever so subtly balancing Killers towards SWF lobbies (meaning solo queue survivors are probably going to slowly feel less and less balanced against Killers), obviously I'm not implying that they should full on paradigm shift to balancing around voice chat unless they incorporate voice chat into the game directly.
Edit: The change to OoO is probably indicative of this, before it was an okay perk to have when going against a stealth killer solo. But a GODLY perk to have as SWF. The rebalance of it now makes it mediocre for solo, and just okay for SWF.
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I've been playing online games with voice chat for years, from L4D2 to CS:S to modern RB6:Siege.
Limiting the functionality of your game to accommodate for trolls and pieces of ######### is not a good answer.
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Scope and perspective is important. It's up to you to decide whether you believe it, or care about it's relevance.
If I wasn't high rank, it would be hard to take my opinion on SWF and the nature of it's effects on balance seriously, because I wouldn't have any relevant experience.
Post edited by Revickt on1 -
Yep. Voice chat should be implemented for survivors. There would be some who might take issue with that, but given the option to mute people individually or mute it entirely, they should have no complaints.
We can't ignore the issue of whether to balance towards swf or solo. The only real way to fix this issue is to give solos the tools that SWF have, which is vc. For a healthier game, this is important.
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The games balance is trying to (forgive the pun) balance between two polarized environments, and it's nearly impossible to do this. So the only option is to standardize the environments. Either remove SWF from the equation to maintain control over voice chat, or implement voice chat for all. I don't think there's any other solution. Any other reasonable solution at least, other than just keep ignoring the elephant in the room and balance like half the players don't have an unfair edge.
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So I can listen to all of the crybabies get mad when they make a mistake and need someone else to blame? Nah. I think I'm good. I like not having to listen to the players while in a game.
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Then mute them. The balance of the entire game shouldn't be in question so introverts can feel cozy.
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this game is (1v1v1v1) v 1, not 4v1. Everyone is in it for themselves until proven otherwise. I don't need anyone calling me a slur (again) because i didn't want to save them with a facecamping bubba right next to them or any other schtuff.
It's a horrible idea.
People are toxic ENOUGH in the endgame chat, voice chat will ruin an already hostile experience.
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The problem is, the game IS 4v1 a lot when SWF comes into play. So without leveling the playing field how can the devs hope to balance where (1v1v1v1) v 1 and 4v1 both feel fair? It's borderline impossible. I'm not saying the game is in some broken state right now, it's still a great and fun game to play. But most people who want to consider the game truly competitive quickly come to realize that SWF breaks it, due to the fact that the devs are trying to keep it balanced so solo's have a chance.
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Communications are pointless, people would still use discord and ignore it in game. No need to spend resources on a feature no one really wants.
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In game communications are standard in many online games. SWF would obviously still prefer Discord, but the whole point of this discussion is to provide the means for solo's to have voice chat so that way BHVR can balance around voice chat being present. Rather than having to attempt to balance around half the players having voice chat and the other half not.
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BHVR has stated many times that they do not intend to add in game voice. They have decided against it from early on in designing the game. And quite frankly most players do not want it either.
The first thing anyone asks is how do I turn it off.
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Imagine that game went quite for most of it's duration but as soon as someone hit the struggle phase some random scum would spam some noisy ######### in vc ? You can't lower/mute him cause you have to pummel space bar/A/Square(or whatever button ps4 uses for struggle)
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They decided against it early in development before SWF was completely destroying their balance efforts. I'm not saying I want voice in the game, I'm saying voice in the game is the only way to level the playing field with SWF being accessible. I bet many players would agree.
Again as mentioned in one of my responses about. The only way to ensure the game can maintain reasonable balance is the level the playing field, by either removing SWF (which they won't do because it would hurt their playerbase) or by standardized voice comms by implementing in game so solo queue players have the same advantage SWF players do.
If they don't do either of those things, balance will either make it harder for solo players or make it easy for SWF players.
I will even reiterate two examples I had already given.
NOED, the main counter to this is often established as cleansing all dull totems. How on earth is a group of 4 solo players supposed to reasonably know all dull totems are gone. But for SWF it's trivialized, if they choose to do it that is.
Object of Obsession, for solo players this is a helpful tool, for SWF players this absolutely breaks the game. Having an OoO player do nothing but constantly relay the position of the killer to the other 3 players.
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Well, first off don't even get me started on how stupid struggle is. Nothing like being forced to spam a button arbitrarily for engaging gameplay. Or if you're on PC, just binding it to mousewheel and basically ignoring it entirely. But I digress.
As stated in a reply above, limiting the functionality of your game to accommodate for trolls is not a good answer.
You encounter scenarios like that in games like Counterstrike and L4D2 and in pretty much any of the numerous games with voice chat. It doesn't mean voice chat is bad, it means bad people exist.
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Within this community every second person is 'bad' , so I don't think that devs should feed trolls .
P.S. when I used to play Dota 2 my vc setting was always mute all .
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So just to be clear, because every second person is 'bad', the playerbase doesn't deserve a properly balanced game?
So because the devs can't pick between two evils, removing SWF and angering/hurting the playerbase or 'feed the trolls' by allowing solos to use voice chat. The best solution is to move forward with a game 'balancing' between half the community playing 4v1 and the other half playing (1v1v1v1) v1.
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SWF could be balanced otherwise .
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Any ideas? The only other solution I can think of is giving the killer conditional buffs when playing against SWF lobbies. Which other than the killer being immediately aware he's against a SWF lobby and the concerns with that, the other concern here is the poor solo player who got matched with a 3 man SWF who has to play against a amped up killer with no voice chat to compensate him.
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Implementing additional notifications ? They made it so everybody can see obsession being chased , you can see when someone's getting puked on/marked/zapped/caught in bear trap , implementing more notifications like this would be better than just giving vc to solos . They also made it so survivors can't see killer perks/addons before the end of the game (even though it's still buggy when you get kicked from the game)
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Oof. I can only imagine how much they would have to buff killers if you could see all other survivor auras all the time. But for it to truly be close to SWF, they'd also have to have the killers aura viewable by all survivors if another survivor is looking at the killer. I guess they already have that basically coded with ghost face.
You're not wrong though, more notifications would work. But they would have to be pretty expansive to encompass the advantage SWF vc gives.
Edit: It's unfortunate, because the more notifications the further away from the spirit of the game we get. But they already threw the spirit of the game in the trash when they incorporated SWF =(
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I didn't say to give ability to see auras of all players , may be something like status under/above icon what survivor is doing (repairing , running , saboing sitting in a locker etc)
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I know you didn't, I'm saying for it to be the same advantage as SWF. It would basically have to show auras like that. Showing icons like above would help to bridge the gap, but still wouldn't be nearly close enough to the amount of information you can provide with voice chat.
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From my own experience when playing solo, I try to follow direction, sometimes I dont understand the gesture, or I hear the Killer's terror radius or my spine chill perk pops and I have to do something. I will do whatever is needed for the maximum number of players to escape.