When are we Removing ....



  • Staloz
    Staloz Member Posts: 5

    Heals are still in the game, they are slightly more fair then before for both sides. Meaning as if a killer has noed and you use a heal that gives the player the borrowed time effect they survive. But it can’t be abused to just heal people off the ground.

    Moris already got nerfed a while back you used to be able to use them on first down.

    please play killer and survivor before you call something to overpowered

  • SlothGirly
    SlothGirly Member Posts: 1,146

    Mori's make ppl like OP salty, so no I dont think Mori's should be changed.

  • Tangero
    Tangero Member Posts: 119

    Unless your ash with the puppet hand that completely hides the key

  • GrootDude
    GrootDude Member Posts: 14,110

    Steve kinda hides his and I believe Jeff can with his metal cosmetic.

  • survivormain1105
    survivormain1105 Member Posts: 327

    They def can use one all the time. I saw this one guy have over 200 on there p3 Billy. This game is quite older now. And def r players that have that kind of inventory. Even I who just lvled up spirit have over 10 pink moris. So it's not a "rare" thing to obtain.

  • ElusivePukka
    ElusivePukka Member Posts: 1,599

    Removing Moris isn't the solution. Reworking them to discourage tunnels is.

    They should probably require the survivor be on death hook, that the killer has hooked other people too, or both.

  • Just_Playing
    Just_Playing Member Posts: 156

    Welp only by the pink mori i would say we could nerf it but when we are balancing maps or remove keys ???

  • AddSlenderMan
    AddSlenderMan Member Posts: 5

    Let me guess. A survivor main that does not in anyway understand how this works. A mori is a rare item that is rarely found until level 50. It allows you to kill a survivor 1 hook early (technically 2 but if you downed them for a second time you will likely hook them a second time.) A key is a semi rare item found in the blood web as well as in game. It allows you to escape as early as 2 gens early. You can see when a key is being used (unless they find it in a chest or equip it last second.) There really is no difference accept for the fact that a mori is more rare. Plus when a killer uses a mori, it is in no way an insta win any team with toolboxes and moderate skill can beat most good killers.(besides spirit and nurse if course) I really dont get the issue. I think you are just tired of being beat by people with moris. I don't mean to meme but...

    https://us.v-cdn.net/6030815/uploads/906/12W1MBNBO8E9.jpg There was an error displaying this embed.
  • Cpt_Vunderbar
    Cpt_Vunderbar Unconfirmed, Member Posts: 53


    Moris are a necessary evil, including Ebony Moris.

    It's not fun to get mori'd as a survivor, but you wanna know what isn't fun as a killer ?

    Getting looped, getting gen rushed, getting tbagged, getting flashlighted, getting pallet stunned, going against swf groups, keys, survivors having loads of second chance perks, etc... So yeah, Moris can stay as long as all these things still exist.

    Personally, I think Moris are fine, Ebony included. You're forced to actually hook people, and you gain momentum for doing so. The only change that Moris need to to maybe be slightly less common, and change the yellow Mori to be basekit. That's it. Otherwise they're fine as is.

  • I don't find keys to be on the same level as a mori. The mori is an offering that can't be stopped the key can be, and while yes the key can open the hatch so survivors can escape. Those said survivors either have to have done 4 gens or have at least 1 or two people die. The key has counter play because of Franklin's demise, and or even just being killed off and dropping the key. I've had plenty of games where the killer tunnels down the players with keys first. Now the only problem I have with moris is the pink 1 because after 1 hook you are done and out. There's no way to stop it. No perk can save you from that mori. Sorry I'm rambling. All I'm saying is if they are going to change things make it more balanced for both sides instead of making it look biased. And I would love to discuss this!

  • Raccoon
    Raccoon Member Posts: 7,696

    *clicks OP's Post History*


    *leaves topic*

  • Ramxenoc445
    Ramxenoc445 Member Posts: 1,358

    It could also be the offering that separates survivors. Also why DC when.you can just die on first hook

  • EJmurdermain
    EJmurdermain Member Posts: 109

    [BAD WORD]

  • pemberley
    pemberley Member Posts: 1,510

    I will never really understand why people advocate for the removal of kill animations in HORROR GAME. Please give me a mori over having to watch the Entity poke me to death!

    That said, I fully advocate for making moris built in but ONLY on a death hook.

  • SnakeSound222
    SnakeSound222 Member Posts: 4,467
    edited November 2019

    Just make them usable on death hook only. You’re dead either way at that point. At least you get to see a cool animation instead of just betting stabbed by the Entity.

    Cypress Moris should become baseline for basically the same reason. You’re the last Survivor. Your chances of escape are very, very low. It’d also make the Mori ritual much easier. If you have that big of a problem with Moris to where having them activate only when you’re on death hook is still too much, then that’s less of a balancing problem and more of a you problem.

  • OswinOsgood
    OswinOsgood Member Posts: 184

    You dont? Killer can close hatch and you can still escape through it theres no grabbing anymore...

    Your argument of "you know when someone has a key" doesnt make sense because you know when a killer has a mori dont forget... you can see their offering is hidden therefore its either a mori or spawning seprate. If you spawn alone clearly its not a mori. Yeah? At which point you can dc because everyones been dcing like crazy anyway :) lol

    Keys are on the same level of power as a mori to me, everyone can benefit off 1 person bringing a key all 4 can go through it if you have the gens done.

  • Pennywise2000
    Pennywise2000 Member Posts: 27

    change the mori offering to 2 kills but put in a built in SWF mechanic to be able to mori the SWF team after 1 hook. SWF is the most broken thing in this game.

  • irejog
    irejog Member Posts: 39

    @harry14141414 I think you need to play as killer for a short while, just to clear your head and give yourself perspective

  • LushyBunny
    LushyBunny Member Posts: 76

    I love salty rank 15s who watch ochido trying to nerf things which are fine currently.

  • AbsolutelyAmel
    AbsolutelyAmel Member Posts: 146

    Jesus Christ, they already ruined the Nurse, now it's time Survivors get nerfed.

    I started off playing Survivor, but now I play both, more killer, actually.

    Often a key is a free escape, you can literally do nothing all game and then just escape. The hatch should be an alternate escape but not reward people that have done nothing to earn the escape.

  • CatHound22
    CatHound22 Member Posts: 15
    edited November 2019

    And here we have the crybaby survivor in its natural habitat. Don't want to die to mori? Stay off the hook.

  • C3Tooth
    C3Tooth Member Posts: 8,266

    Wao...smart, how could people here doesnt think of that?

    @AbsolutelyAmel think of each trial is a movie, sometime a useless/selfish people can stand last and survivor. (Didnt we all hate the fact in Mortal Kombat 11, Dvora still alive while Scorpion is dead by Dvora in storyline?)

  • Cymer
    Cymer Member Posts: 946

    I would say, if a survivor reached the struggle face on the hook, either by second hook other means, he should be Mori-able, because he would be dead either way on the next hook.

    Yes, I am aware, that this would somewhat nerf bodyblocks, hooksabo and DS. But those instances where a survivor gets hooked twice and still have DS are rare and a coordinated team could work around such a thing.

  • Micheal_Myers
    Micheal_Myers Member Posts: 1,147

    As a sad Myers Main who recently got nerfed.

    I dislike this idea.

    If you all can bring in 4 Tool Boxes and bring in 4 Brand New Parts, and extra charges, I should be able to kill you sooner.

    Look, I know you think "Killers are OP!!!!!!!!" But guess what? We are all struggling.

    I'm struggling with my Main's nerf, and Nurse mains are as well.

    But Heres what you have that we don't:

    -Hatch Sensing Perk.

    -Keys to open recently shut hatches

    -Borrowed time

    -Decisive Strike


    -OP Toolboxes, and OP Toolbox Parts.

    All we have are insta downs and insta kills.

    And guess what? We STILL as killers have to reach a specific condition to use those insta downs/kills.

    So should we remove Moris? No.


    I just answered above.

  • Drago101
    Drago101 Member Posts: 1
    edited November 2019

    The fact some people are saying "Oh, you know when a key is being used, but don't know when a Mori is" a Mori is secret, most people don't even run other Mori's and, let's be honest, no one is going to use torn rag, sure, it CAN be helpful, but really, it's not. So if a killer offering is secret, you know it is most likely a Mori, you can still leave pre game, just leave before the loading screens start, or if that doesn't work, just Alt+F4. Also, if you don't like getting moried, Maybe you should be a better survivor and not get hooked. My final argument, is that it's a game, one singular game, is this game at Esports? No, so what's in the game, will not hurt another player, maybe glitches can help a survivor, or help a killer, but it, is, just, a, game, so quit whining and go play outside, if you don't wanna do that, play Dbd and get over getting Moried, or, how about this. GET YOUR TOXIC WHINING SELF OVER TO ANOTHER GAME.

  • Knots
    Knots Member Posts: 49

    This game is not meant to be balanced where every single match you get is fair and the sooner you come to terms with that the sooner you can have fun playing the game that is actually there.

  • arslaN
    arslaN Member Posts: 1,936

    Wow, the amount of people that think moris are fair and balanced is just sad.

  • RainbowPatooie
    RainbowPatooie Member Posts: 322
    edited November 2019

    Sometimes i'd rather be moried than hooked.

  • Micheal_Myers
    Micheal_Myers Member Posts: 1,147

    From My Comment above:

    If you all can bring in 4 Tool Boxes and bring in 4 Brand New Parts, and extra charges, I should be able to kill you sooner.

    Look, I know you think "Killers are OP!!!!!!!!" But guess what? We are all struggling.

    I'm struggling with my Main's nerf, and Nurse mains are as well.

    But Heres what you have that we don't:

    -Hatch Sensing Perk.

    -Keys to open recently shut hatches

    -Borrowed time

    -Decisive Strike


    -OP Toolboxes, and OP Toolbox Parts.

  • arslaN
    arslaN Member Posts: 1,936

    Moris are OP. There are lots of other OP things at the other side too. They all need to be changed. I'm not going to defend moris just because keys or toolboxes exist.

  • Micheal_Myers
    Micheal_Myers Member Posts: 1,147

    Well you have to remember it's 4v1 and... Killer's are literally supposed to be killers...

  • harry14141414
    harry14141414 Member Posts: 356

    I think ive played more killer than youll do in 1 year

  • harry14141414
    harry14141414 Member Posts: 356
    edited November 2019

    you surely dont need to participate in any thread that you find funny and unimportant

    that being said, general discussion spot is for general thoughts and people are free to discuss wether moris should or shouldnt be removed, youre not entitled to SEE threads that only suits your way of thinking

  • CrowFoxy
    CrowFoxy Member Posts: 1,310

    Lmao Tru3? He thinks ghostface is third best. Zub is way more competent, especially as Huntress.

  • harry14141414
    harry14141414 Member Posts: 356

    tru3 LUL self cares user

  • vossler25
    vossler25 Member Posts: 416

    This game, killers should be making the game feel hard for survivors, it weeds out bad killers and gives top survivors, but survivors can do a match in 4 minutes and do it without being found once, Mori would make little difference, keys basically skip 2 minutes of game play and make a 2 minute game, I did killer main, get very little BP cause 3 gens popped and the game ended almost right after cause hatch, I say, until last survivor, no hatch after third gen, just and only just when one survivor remains, then we can discuss Mori, as long as that discussion is met with a gen speed negotiation, there are so many issues, but it is easy as hell as a survivor (rank 1 in 2 days #########?) Cause killers have been grounded into being weak and no fear, survivors don't even worry about killers, a killer is a punching bag most of the time, all killers need buff or fix the damn gens

  • SurvivorsAreOp
    SurvivorsAreOp Member Posts: 7
    edited November 2019

    Jesus it feels like everyone here just started playing the game. Like seriously Survivors do need nerfs cause of how op they are. They're acting like like a mori is guaranteed like ok let me go hook this survivor but oh wait you can't cause you'll always be blinded by a flashlight. Then there's gens which need to be nerfed because of how quick survivors get through them. Literally any youtuber can tell you that gens 100% need a nerf. Come on people it's obvious most of you aren't even in red ranks yet. I Literally made this account just to say how op survivors are bc of how stupid everyone here is.

  • YungCloutking1
    YungCloutking1 Member Posts: 136

    i think you should have to hook twice before being able to Mori.

  • SurvivorsAreOp
    SurvivorsAreOp Member Posts: 7

    I really hope you're joking. Of course it's going to be killer favored they're job is TO KILL YOU and of course survivors need nerfs. Literally and good player or youtuber will tell you that. Hell it was even worse back then. Survivors were a million times stronger when the game was first released and they're still op today.

  • AsePlayer
    AsePlayer Member Posts: 1,829

    Any competent killer can turn to face a wall or the other way to avoid a flashlight blind when picking up a survivor. You're acting like these are guarantied.

  • SurvivorsAreOp
    SurvivorsAreOp Member Posts: 7

    You're acting like the killer is always going to be in a position to do so and like a survivor being under a pallet isn't a thing.

  • slingshotsurvivor
    slingshotsurvivor Member Posts: 943
    edited November 2019

    No they're not. A killer can close hatch after a key is used. A survivor can't stop a mori.

    They aren't even in the same stratosphere... Not by a margin or a long shot.

    You must complete gens in order for the hatch to spawn unless you are the last survivor. Even then I've seen keys used and killers closed hatch before survivors can escape.

    There is no such counter for a mori.

    Personally I don't want Mori's removed. The killer must hook you first then mori with the exception of Mikey Boi or Spirit's Perk "rancor". It adds some suspense to the game and not knowing which of the 3 is used makes me want to play stealthy.

  • Nameless
    Nameless Member Posts: 869

    The damage is already done when the key was used. Just because the killer may still find a survivor out there to get a bit more of their objective doesn’t simple negate that. Besides, this is like claiming survivors can no longer escape (that being their objective) once a mory was used.

    You don’t have to complete gens at all. Your team could do them for you and no matter how many gens get done, the hatch spawns anyways.

    I do admit that counters to mories are limited, but I believe that the counters to keys are too. As I said though, I’m not defending mories.

    THEFREAK420 Member Posts: 138

    Never. They're putting challenges in the rift to kill all 4 survivors. But you think they're removing mori's? LOL Why? Because you dont like it? Too bad. You want a counter? Dont get caught twice. They need to remove all the rage quitters and people who quit when a mori or shroud of seperation is played. Its so constant on ps4 Ive taken a break from the game, again. Even during double blood points, every match, rage quitters.

  • Bravo0413
    Bravo0413 Member Posts: 3,647

    Yeah but theres an achievement for killing everyone by the killers hand.

  • harry14141414
    harry14141414 Member Posts: 356

    because I don't like it ????

    NO BERTHA! its because its an unfair OP thing

  • WhTe_Tygre_DBD
    WhTe_Tygre_DBD Member Posts: 295

    Op stuff 😂😂😂😂how about keys, perk like Adrenaline, toolboxes what a bad thing to say