Unmasked cosmetics

I think it's about time we get some unmasked killer cosmetics for huntress and trapper and legion. Unless the devs said they wasn't gonna do it.
I kinda don't think so because the masks are integral to their aesthetic. Then again, nurse went forever with a covered face, before she got the Valentine's skin which shows her entire head. Definitely possible but who knows.
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Yes please! I want unmasked Legion!
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I just don't get why they would model a face under their masks if they never intend on showing it, like pig for example, she has a face but you won't see it in normal gameplay
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We need unmasked Legion. And we need #BuffLegion
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Honestly. Buff legion or rework legion. #fixlegion
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Unmasked Legion <3 Susie is so beautiful under that mask, damn if we could get one where she's wearing braces 😍
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Please be quick with this devs. I know you're gonna knock Spirit into the ground because some lame-o's don't realize people play her all the time because other killers can't compete...
But can ya put that to the side and actually let the other killers... Ya know... COMPETE.
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I don't think we'd ever get unmasked for killers. (Like what, is Trapper going to wear a top hat, or are they going to sell a lack of a cosmetic.)
If anything I think Legion would be likely to get masks that don't cover their whole face, like a bandana or one of those thin ribbon style masks with eye holes like cartoon thieves wear.
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I'm against unmasking masked killers. It destroys their mystique.
On the other hand, I'm all for masking killers who don't usually wear masks ie Hillbilly. But then again, that would make the masked killer count oversaturated.
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All of that! Also though i want all of them unmasked, not just one
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unmasked susie ooof.
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Technically you can see a bit of the Trapper’s face through some of his cosmetics/masks, same with Huntress and Legion.
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Legion literally have the most detailed face design out of all the masked killers. It would be a massive insult to all that design work to not give them a maskless cosmetic.
I'd also love one for Amanda so Devs and Saw licence holders get on that.
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I imagine with the permission, they could give Amanda a Pig shirt, and no mask for the cosmetic with her name as the head piece’s title.
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They could give her a outfit based off her from one of the saw movies
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She's already got two outfits mainly centred around things she wore in Saw 3.
The most I could see them doing is giving her the fishnet + skirt she was wearing in the first saw and whatever outfit she was wearing in the second movie.
It would also be nice to see an outfit based on Hoffman ( I'm not actually asking for Hoffman just an outfit based around what he wore when he was using the pig mask)
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I mean The Legion changes gender/character depending on the outfit, they could do the same with The Pig with permission of course.
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I mean the Legion has a justifiable reason as to why they could change gender and character pig doesn't.
Legion's lore describe them all being taken and there add-ons reflect multiple people or all the group the mixtapes being the best example of the latter category. Also from the beginning the design was intended to be for multiple people hence why you have different models for each Legion member and voices for the male and female
The Pig's lore is only centred around Amanda and the Pig's add-ons reflects Amanda's viewpoints. You would basically have to rewrite her lore and add-ons, create a male model and get a voice actor for him
Also I despise Hoffman however I do like the outfit he wore that's about it. So what I essentially want is a female version of it for Amanda
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I understand, I’m just throwing things out there for conversations sake.