Why can’t people move on

first of I’m really bad at this game but it’s a thrill when I kill a survivor and I know it sucks to die to a killer but why do people have to go out of their way to send them a message (on Xbox) saying all sorts of profanity why can’t they just move on play the next game and just forget about it i haven’t been on this game long so Ia the community that bad?
get used to it
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Let me guess, you are proxy camping the hooks and going after the person who was just unhooked? I might be wrong, but that was the reason I got a lot of hate when I started playing the game and was still trying to figure out how to play.
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This game is a lot of fun and there are a ton of good people playing. I have made a lot friends on dbd :)
That being said yes... there are a lot of salty people who will send abusive messages. People get into the mindset that if you don't play their way you are the worst person ever/ trash at the game. Please don't let this discourage you! Play how you want and just have fun.
If you don't like salty messages turn them off. As killer you will get a lot... even when you play a fair and clean game.
I keep my messages open because I find them funny... and I like to push angry people's buttons... reply to a salty message with GG and watch people loose their minds ^^
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There are a lot of really good people in this community and there are some really petty sore losers. I would report people who are being abusive. I've even started recording my matches so I have proof if need be.
But honestly I generally try to ignore it, esp in end game chat. If people are being toxic I just say "gg" and leave it at that. As an added bonus that usually drives them more crazy than anything that happened in the match. ?
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Dont you know you are a camper if you are even on the map as a killer? Totally unfair for survivors ;)
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Yes, Yes the community is that bad.
I wish it didn't but this game has one of the single most toxic and hateful communities I've ever encountered. Playing Killer especially you kind of get numb to the hate or you're forced to remove the chat altogether which is a shame.
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This game is basically one big psychology experiment. That's all it is.
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get used to it and brace yourself, it will get even worse
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That's Xbox for you. Tons of toxicity with no skill to back it up. I had somebody telling me to kill myself for using noed and blood warden. Survivors pudding is salty for a reason ;)
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I know a tonne of survivors are toxic as [BAD WORD], but are you all pretending killers aren't?? Like 80% of the player base is super toxic with a heap of salt. Survivors DC if they get downed too early or just don't like the killer, screwing their teammates. And killers DC if they get looped or the gates open and they only hooked someone once, not to mention the camping and tunneling.
People. Suck.
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ONLINE PVP games naturally attract all kinds of people including childish persons. It's not a survivor or killer thing but more like a... People hate losing and take things too seriously - thing. I'm playing RDR2 Online every now and then and let me tell you I can't play a single time without getting insulted and harassed by random people.
Someone even insulted me over the course of 1 week even though I ignored ALL OF HIS MESSAGES. That guy went from "you sad **** I can tell that your life sucks"
"so what have you done today? I went to the zoo and visited my granny. Stop ignoring me. We will talk this out one way or another".
That's just how people act in PVP games at times which is why I prefer offline games. If DBD had an offline mode with all kinds of advanced AI settings I would probably never play online again.
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Survivors will call camping even before you spawn in the map.
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It's the Stanford Prison Experiment in pixel form.
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I wish I knew...one of life's mysteries.
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Yes the community is that bad so you better get used to it
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Just order fish and chips, you'll get all the salt you need here, if you win your best reply is "did you win though?" I have had the best replies, some in denial over a game saying they did cause I tunneled them, lol ok then you losing to what you think is trash means you're good? That's some mental gymnastics
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You're watching us set up our toolbox before the game? Time to sing the campfire song biatch
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I like it cause I have a community I can compare rainbow 6 on lol (it's a close call, people kick you after they team killed you for no reason, oh and you're trash end off, even if you turn out MVP and carry your team, not them though, they was chilling over your try hard ass)
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That's typical when playing killer sadly/stupidly. We all went through the same thing, i think its been going on since the game started
Welcome to Dead by daylight, go ######### yourself!
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Im getting told to kms or that my family should suffer because im "camping" (going to chase someone else after i hook someone) and "tunneling" (downing someone)
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Nah Vault Tec secretly owns the whole game
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Go into your console settings and make it so you only receive messages from friends. Just ignore them
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I've been called camper for trapping hooks and escape routes as Hag. The rules people have in their minds are pretty funny sometimes.
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Oh yeah!... some of the community can be serious arses!....
When I first started playing. I had a horrible game as killer got my first hook with one gen left and that was 99 so I had to camp and excepted my K.... after the match the guy messages me that I deserved to have my head curb stomped while my mother was being raped....... wish I had reported that guy to psn.
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I spy you guys trying to take me down everytime I start the game up. Kumbaya my ass lol.
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Oh you're installing the game? Allow me to bust out the marshmallows
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Lol at the moron who said something about camping. It isn't against the rules.
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Oh you on the marketplace about to pick up the game? Let me welcome you with my Brand New Parts.