Name the Least Fun Things in DBD

Yo just hoping to get some people's opinions on what they consider to be the most unfun things currently in game. That way the devs will know exactly what to balance the game around. Cheers.
Facing Spirit.
Being flashlighted.
Stupid hit boxes.
Dedicated servers (from what I've seen).
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Useless perks for me. Like no not every perk on both sides need to be meta or strong. But why are there so many that are so niche or situational that they rarely see the light of day?
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Map design.
Don't get me wrong the reworked Badham and Hawkins is better.But there are still so many maps that desperately need reworks.
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People disconnecting from matches for any reason, 100% worse than any mechanic.
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Being tunneled/camped
Being hook farmed
FPS drops
Being flashlighted
Seeing a gen pop at the beginning of the match before you can even walk over there
Needing 8k XP for each tier of the Rift
Trying to play Nurse
Trying to get the Skilled Huntress achievement on PS4
Survivors disconnecting to deny you an achievement/challenge
Killers disconnecting so that you get no BP or XP
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Farming Taking One for the team. It’s all I’ve got left, and I’m tired of being the ######### instasave person. And I’m extra sick of how often it doesn’t work out so I get progress anyway.
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Playing with bad teammates who can’t work through ruin and can’t find it so the killer just wins. Literally the worst.
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A mori is enough for me to die inside.
Also, any busted add-on like prayer beads or iri head just ######### sucks to face.
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Facing the same killer or getting the same map multiple times in a row.
I'm pretty okay with everything else. I'll get annoyed at omega-tunneling or camping but I can also laugh at it because they just seem so angry sometimes.
When I get the same killer on the same map multiple games in a row, I'm just sad and it takes a lot of fun out of it. :/ I love the variation.
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*caugh caugh perks like solidarity*
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Poorly designed maps
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Haddonfield as Killer
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Playing against and with optimal SWF teams.
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Skilled Huntress? That one can be gained through multiple trials, From the Void She Kills (I'm not 100% sure if it's this or the From the Void She Walks) where you need to grab a Survivor on you third blink.
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The Nurse ones were easy. On PS4, for Skilled Huntress you have to down survivors 100 times, and it is not easy to aim her hatchets, especially not from over 24 meters away. Even if the survivor is standing still it takes me multiple tries.
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Everything Doctor.
- Constantly scream to reveal your position.
- Rubber band back across every window vault.
- Literal walking lag spike with the screams and notifications.
- Free slugs by putting you into Madness 3 and you can't heal.
- Snap Out before Mend. Nuff said.
- 3 gen strat where they refuse to commit to a single chase for 45 minutes.
IDC if he can be looped his kit is full of some serious BS.
EDIT: Also playing against any Myers trying to get Evil Incarnate because they will literally refuse to kill you if you use a locker to avoid the tombstone then beg for you to give it to them and then complain they deserve it when they really didn't.
Post edited by thesuicidefox on3 -
I didn't play Nurse enough to get this, and when I did the Omega/Multi Blink was reason to DC so I guess having that sweet Platinum Trophy it's gonna take a long time.
The Huntress is my top 1 favorite Killer to run so I guess is just personal preference.
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“Play as Killer”
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Your team disconnecting and then laughing at you for not taking the Hatch.
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Player against killer players that seem to have a grudge against you anytime you hit their lobby.
teammates who farm you on the hook when the killer is face-camping. If he’s focused on me then WORK ON GENS and escape. Stop farming!!
I don’t like how demogorden screams in your face.
I don’t like teammates who try and get their fellows killed. I don’t care if you clean skulls/sabotage and never work on a gen, just don’t be against your team. ( like knock pallets next to you or jumping through windows noisily back and forth next to you.)
There’s lots more, lol
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Pallet looping.
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Hex: Ruin
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10 second gens
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As much as I'd like to list off things that bother me in matches, I won't this time around and just say things happen. I try to enjoy the game and if I can't, hopefully me at least sticking around and trying causes others to continue to enjoy the game.
But I will say that if I had to choose one thing that's most unfun above everything else, it's not even something in a match. I would say the amount of toxicity I see in End Game Chats is unfun. Whether I look at the chat or not, I usually know that someone is rolling their eyes so hard they fall out of their sockets. People jus' needa chillllll.
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swf groups (2-4) with 3-4 toolboxes. I just don't know how to deal with the speed gens pop
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Haddonfield as killer
Swamp as survivor
Ebony mori (Only ebony, others are fine imho)
Not having a Carlton dance emote as a killer
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Object of Obsession kill squads.
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Searching for games as a Killer >:(
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Fps on console and getting stuck on nothing.
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Getting stabbed by Feral Frenzy after I just mended
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Bad killers.
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- All old maps (Mac Millian, Coldwind, Autohaven, Haddonfield)
- Legion nerf
- Upcoming spirit nerf
- Gen rush
- Keys
- Noed
- Bad teammates in solo play
- Infinit windows and save pallets
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People complaining all the time for every thing that happens
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As Survivor: Tunnel-mori, insta-unhook, always crouching mates
As killer: Object of Obsession, Keys, infinite abusing
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When I run a full support build but keep getting screwed by my teamates.
Do you have Second Wind and We'll Make It? That survivor you just unhooked is now going to Self Care for .3 seconds.
Do you have Botany Knowledge and Aftercare? No one wants to get healed when the killer runs SB and Thanatophobia lol (despite BK countering both).
Just some hardships a medic faces.
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Waiting at least 10 minutes to find lobbies as killer
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1.- Facing Spirit
2.- Frames in console
3.- Hitbox
4.- Spirit :D
5.- Red ranks in both sides
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One shots in general.
Strong unfair loops.
Bad Manners on Both Sides (Teabagging, head or body shaking at hooks.)
Turn on and off terror radius (It's a mechanic that gets abused and just isn't all that fun to begin with. Myers excluded since he only has no terror radius in one tier)
Spirit in general.
Flashlight save squads.
Generators popping left an right and you can't do ######### no matter what killer you really are.
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Ok. I'll name them George. Isn't George so cute?
Please remove George.
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Forever Freddy
Cocky Survivors
Stupid Survivors
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Oh and map offerings. Get rid of them. Let RNG decide where we are going through and through. A map can legit change the course of a game depending on who you are, what you are running, etc.
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Flashlight clicking - I personally find it extremely annoying.
Haddonfield - especially if they have balanced landing less because of a speed Boost more because of the stagger reduction.
Unnecessary camping- I get there are situations where you need to for example endgame or if survivors are crowding around the hook. However if there are 5 gens left and I'm the first person you down and you decide to camp me that's kind of ######### moment especially if you have a build that's not tailored to take camping. BBQ and chilli, make your choice, devour hope.
Hell if you're going to unnecessarily camp me the least put on a build that suited to camping
Spirit- mainly a spirit with prayer beads or Strider outside of that I don't mind too much.
Unnecessary nerf- if something gets nerf without another solution at least being tried is very irritating. Rip endgame piggy
Overboard nerfs- if nerfing or reworking is the only solution I'm not too fond when it goes overboard looking Legion and to a lesser extent brand new parts.
Useless add-ons- add-ons that are typically useless on not my favourite. Odd bulb, Franks mixtape, stab wounds study, Amanda's secret and many more but that go in its own separate post.
Useless perks- basically the same thing for useless add-ons. Furtive chase, monstrous shrine, No One Left Behind
Defensive strike- this anti tunneling perk or should I say this don't touch me for a minute perk can be very annoying if you're not tunneling.
First hook moris- I personally find it a bit tackless also if you do this as a killer you're basically screwing over not only your blood points but your emblems it's much more efficient to just mori them on death hook.
Keys- can end a match prematurely which is a real pain in the ass especially considering there's a possibility the killer could make a comeback.
Toxic messages- technically not part of the game but still extremely annoying if you take the time out of your day to message me you can can't complain that you're not salty.
People who farm you- I know you want your blood points but could you at least give me a chance to survive and let someone else save me because I don't blame the killer if they suddenly decide to switch to me.
Looping around the hook- for the love of God leave the hook if the killer is on you. When you loop around it you make it very easy for the killer to prevent any saves or go after the somebody if they do get saved.
Survivors blaming Killers- please stop blaming me because your teammates are potatoes. Also any survivor who claims me taking advantage of their teammates mistakes is unfun to them when they fully take advantage of that annoying af compactor in cold wind farms, you rightly deserve to get decked in the face.
Disconnecting- I really don't like anybody who does this. It's not fair to your team it's not fair to the killer and it's not fair to the survivors if you do it as a killer. Hell even if someone intentionally takes me to haddonfield I know they have balance landing I'll simply just stay afk in the basement you guys could do whatever the heck you want.
Extreme tunneling: I don't have a problem with tunneling in general. If someone farms me that's on that person I don't expect the killer to show me any mercy however as a killer if you go out of your way to try to just pick me out, meaning I get unhooked and you spend a good 5-minutes trying to look for me whilst you're getting gen rushed then I really can't justify that that's just stupidity.
Sandbagging- I'm not fond of sellout or sandbaggers if you actively try to do that I will will just go after you and camp you. the only time I ever let someone selling out somebody slide it's for the next category.
Hatch campers- I use this is an umbrella term to refer to anybody who just doesn't do any work and wait for their teammate to die. Listen Meg there is only one gen left and the only person touching a gen let alone even looking at it was Feng Min. Yeah I hate these people as a survivor and I hate these people is a killer. If you're one of these types of people and your teammate sells you out for it gladly take it.
Potato teammates: these guys might not be as bad as sandbaggers but oh are they annoying.
Finally the last one chasing a survival who I've just recently unhooked even though it's pretty evident that the killer is on the other side of the map and I could just heal them by hook. Bonus points if I have we'll make it.
Double bonus points if the time it took the survivor to run around the killer finished with whatever the hell they were doing and comes back and finds us and of course I'm to blame because I tried to heal their dumbasses.
Ps: whilst not exactly related any survivor who takes it upon themselves to heal themselves whether it be with self-care or inner strength when I'm literally right there. Why take longer with self care or waste your medkit or inner strength when I could heal you
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Hatch campers, Hag traps on teammates so it's either me who dies or the hooked person, one shot hatchet huntrsss, Spirit is just boring to play against.
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People complaining or asking for something to be removed after getting hit with it in game. There is going to be toxicity in this game, you have a killer trying to kill 4 survivors. But the toxicity should not roll over into post game chat or through messages on console.
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How fast gens can be completed........
Actually..... generators in general are boring and unfun.
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Use MoM, very helpful when doing this