Spirit should only get 2 changes.


Her Terror radius should get lowered so she can't abuse certain TR perks and could use Monitor and Abuse as a mobile stealth killer and she has more audio counterplay if survivors get distance in a chase. This way survivors have to listen or watch her power for counterplay. Prayer beads should get reworked to reduce Phase sound by 50% and increase survivor sounds in Phase by 50% this way it retains a bulk of its function and can allow Spirit players to have a different perk setup than Stridor. The only other issue I have is her 360 extended lunge out of phase, but if a Spirit is that skilled to use it I'm honestly ok with it and don't find it game breaking, but it's a counter to practical survivor sneaking.


  • FriendlyGuy
    FriendlyGuy Member Posts: 2,768

    I'm okay with that changes tho.

  • Objectively_speaking

    Heavy nerf to her Phase (Terror Radius lowered means survivors will literally do what they're doing to nurse currently *run in a straight line*.) Also, although I don't like prayer beads, last time I checked chase music is near silent during phasing so even just reducing noise wouldn't do anything because everyone would know spirit is phasing. All in all, I do concede to the opinion that some of spirit should be changed, but the what you suggested seems heavily flawed.

    Tl;Dr Big phase nerf, Not good prayer beads rework.

  • akbays35
    akbays35 Member Posts: 1,123

    It really isn't a buff, it will actually nerf some of her power strengths and it will change some of her builds. In direct chases you would be able to hear her phase sound within 16m so it would damage her singular mindgame potential, but it would make her less power reliant and more stealthy. Survivors will have to pay attention to sounds or visual cues and Spirit won't have direct nerfs. It would also make her like a reverse Wraith in some aspects. Many people don't realize this but Spirit is actually really loud out of power and has a lot of audio tells.

  • DeKillerKiller
    DeKillerKiller Member Posts: 547

    I actually think this is a reasonable change for her. It would allow for easier counterplay, relies on survivors paying attention, and gives Spirit an edge on something other than just her power.

  • akbays35
    akbays35 Member Posts: 1,123

    That's why I suggested the 50% survivor sounds, it would give them a free Stridor and still have some functionality. Not only that if she had a TR nerf with Monitor she would have an innate jumpscare like T1 Myers and not be so addon reliant plus a survivor could hear her spooky ghost screams before her TR.

  • Aven_Fallen
    Aven_Fallen Member Posts: 15,377

    Currently Spirit is bugged so that you hear her Phasing inside the Terror Radius. And still she is really strong, the only thing which does not work anymore is this TOTALLY SKILLBASED MINDGAME she has at Pallets/Windows. Because you still dont know where she is when she is phasing and you still cannot really get away, because she moves way faster than a Survivor. So changing the TR would only be a Buff, she would be able to sneak up on people easier (less distance = higher chance to catch someone with Phasing) and Perks like Nurses Calling would be even stronger on her than they are right now (with M&A this would be 8 Meter TR...).

    The change to Prayer Beads would give the Spirit a Perk Slot so that they dont even need to equip a Perk to counter Iron Will, while the Survivor still has a useless Perk at this point.

  • akbays35
    akbays35 Member Posts: 1,123

    It would be a nerf at high ranks which is probably what the devs are looking at. If her TR is low and she uses her power any survivor twice in her TR would know she's phasing and can react. If she doesn't use her power she's really loud and twitchy so a survivor would have to ignore her loud screaming and noticeable glowing twitching body in order for her to sneak.