Spirit is the line in the sand..

We are at a point in this game where we were looking at some true quality changes being made to the game..but these exciting developments have been overshadowed by the seemingly lack of foresight into how certain changes have not been taken well by the community.

Nobody really minded the nurses addons getting a pass..because..they were too much..and better nurse players didnt rely on them..but then the devs held back information on their true plan until the day before the ptb..it was low..it felt like they had been intentionally lying because they knew what the reaction would be..is this their reasoning ? Who knows? But the result has not sat well with the community at all because it was too much..it feels aweful..and increases nurses difficulty while considerably maximizing her capability which was supposed to be her reward for the stress and effort involved.

Now we are at the real line in the sand..spirit is next..a killer whom is loved by many and hated by others for reasons that vary from her being "unfun" to her being "skilless"..but spirit isnt just another killer in the rister..she and nurse are the only killers considered viable enough at present to fight on equal footing to well equipped teams. And the fact both are being targeted around the same time despite the fact that survivors have a boost of some kind coming their way feels rushed, one sided, and will likely result in her either being weak..or maybe still strong but very stressful and not fun to play much like nurse is presently.

All of this is merely adding to the belief the devs are not bipartisan as they should be..because they make plenty of promises to review the killers and "update" them..but no promises of improvement to underperforming ones while the best ones get cut down with no regard for what the ones playing them have to say or how they feel..This I believe will only end badly..unless we can come to a consensus and we can start feeling like equals in the devs eyes. That is all

