

Do you like events with alternative/distrackting objectives?

Member Posts: 93

I would like to know, if you guys like events, that distract each side (survivor and killer) from the usual game objectives.

For example I am talking about the pustular flowers and about the lanterns you could collect or destroy.

I have to say, since I play quiet a lot of Dbd during the year, I just love the events, that bring up alternative objectives. In my opinion, they also take out a lot of salt and swaet in the game, since everybody wants his event items and wants to get the special cosmetics.

Ofcourse this means, during the two event weeks, you usually will not get normal games. Like killers granting you to get your special event items, before hitting you or survivors letting you get some special hooks, before they leave the game.

I know some players dislike those events, because they still want their normal Dbd matches. I have to say I enjoy these events, since they anyway last just a few weeks and I love that most people suddenlty start being nice to each other instead of the usual trash talk and tbagging, etc.

What is your opinion?

Do you like events with distracting alternative objectives? Or do you dislike them and do you prefer just "special hooks" and "special gens" without any alternative objectives?

Do you like events with alternative/distrackting objectives? 148 votes

Yes, I like alternative objectives that don't go with the usual gameplay.
129 votes
No, I dislike alternative / additional objectives that don't go with the usual objectives.
11 votes
I don't care about it.
8 votes

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  • Member Posts: 4,299
    I don't care about it.

    While nice for astethics it does tend to change the game too much for those that don't care about events.

    I don't care either way as I enjoyed the extra objectives but at the same time I don't mind the old event which were hooks and gens.

  • Member Posts: 3,627
    Yes, I like alternative objectives that don't go with the usual gameplay.

    @twistedmonkey but I think if you don't care about events, you don't need to do the extra objectives. So that should go in line with that

  • Member Posts: 4,299
    edited November 2019
    I don't care about it.


    There by lies the problem as those players who don't care just want to play the normal game which they payed for.

    This extra objectives means it in turn affects their enjoyment of the game as the ones who do like it are less likely to do the actual game objectives which leaves them over all disadvantaged.

    Even killers as instead of having a challenge they have survivors running around doing the extra part and some even killed themselves on the hook once it was completed to move on quicker.

    It had quite a ripple effect.

  • Member Posts: 93
    Yes, I like alternative objectives that don't go with the usual gameplay.

    @twistedmonkey Yes, you are right, I think.

    But that's why I started this poll. Because the player base actually tends to shout out loud, if they have to complain about something. But just few write here, if they enjoyed something the devs did.

    And I would like to state, despite all the critisism, that I liked the special objective events all very much and want to see, if there are not some more players out there, who like them.

    I actually think, if there are many more players who like the special objective events, the devs should not remove them just due to the few who complain. (And ofcourse vice versa, it more dislike it.)

    But about your points: You didn't just pay for the "usual game". Some of us also paid for the nice events, which I always enjoy more than the usual sweaty and salty matches. At least for the few weeks they last.

  • Member Posts: 3,627
    Yes, I like alternative objectives that don't go with the usual gameplay.

    I wouldn't design an event on people's reasons for disconnecting. The other points might be a thing, ok

  • Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 7,501
    Yes, I like alternative objectives that don't go with the usual gameplay.

    I like having something new to do. Playing survivor and working on gens is either boring or frustrating, and playing killer is repetitive and stressful. The challenges provided something new to do for a couple days. It would've been nice if the event provided something different to do within the game, too.

  • Member Posts: 4,299
    edited November 2019
    I don't care about it.


    The forums are actually a tiny minority of the playerbase they are more likely to take the survey feedback, look at who played normally compared to in these event along with the impact it had on games overall.

    While I also liked the extra objectives there is no denying how some abused it as like I said once they were completed they didn't feel the need to finish the game and got themselves killed.

    Actually people did just pay to play the game. Events are never guaranteed and they could dissapear at anytime. Much like any in game changes anything is possible.

    All the original events were about gens and hooks only two have had extra objectives pustuals and lune4 vessels were the only ones with an extra objective so to change them after that tends to say something wants going as planned which was first done with the event prior to this was also just special gens and hooks for the third anniversary with a dbp which should have been an insight into what this would be.

    What we like isn't always whats in the best interest for the game or everyone playing it's just personal preference.

  • Member Posts: 93
    Yes, I like alternative objectives that don't go with the usual gameplay.

    @big_fellas Yep, I like the point of having something else to do aswell. After we got the pustula flowers and the lanterns, I was so exicted to see, what we get this time.

    But I can't blame the devs, since there were so many troubles with the dedicated servers and the archives.

    The more do I hope they will come up with something cool for the next event.

  • Member Posts: 3,786
    edited November 2019
    Yes, I like alternative objectives that don't go with the usual gameplay.

    Personally I loved the Moonrise event, with the lantern mechanic. It merged well with the current game mechanics (unlike the pustulas from the Halloween event) and was a lot of fun.

  • Member Posts: 2,135
    Yes, I like alternative objectives that don't go with the usual gameplay.

    DBD is in desperate need of alternative objectives. I think most will agree the standard gameplay is stale. In fact, a large amount of posts here on the forums are about adding additional objectives or alternative game modes.

    At this point, I'm begging for anything that will shake things up. And the Halloween event is a disappointment in that regard.

  • Member Posts: 7,669
    Yes, I like alternative objectives that don't go with the usual gameplay.

    it gives those events a unique feeling.

    i love to see new gameplay elements!

  • Member Posts: 2,336
    Yes, I like alternative objectives that don't go with the usual gameplay.

    I'd like to see map specific objectives that are optional personally. Something that is hard to achieve but if the survivors complete the objective it rewards them in some way gameplay wise for the rest of the trial. Such as access to a new shortcut or something along those lines.

    The Grim Pantry is a good example of this when the doors actually spawn with generator requirements. I'd like to see every realm have its own unique objective personally that doesn't involve generators.

    To clarify on what I want with Optional Objectives

    1. The reward incentive for survivors to complete them is rewarding enough to choose them over completing generators
    2. The threat is big enough that killers will occasionally check on them
    3. They're a consistent part of gameplay and not a HEX style objective where a perk is required to be used.

    Regarding the event itself I believe the Survivor side of the event is as good as it's getting. For killers I hate how there are so few hooks in such awful locations that it's unlikely you get them unless RNG is good. Even with offerings overall I'd rather just play survivor for this event it's less of a hassle.

    In my opinion each offering should give 2 hooks minimum possibly even 3. That way killers have less of an incentive to farm as there would be more hooks scattered around the map.

  • Member Posts: 3,965
    Yes, I like alternative objectives that don't go with the usual gameplay.

    I like them, but I feel like I need to add a caveat that it isn't necessarily "fair" to survivors. Especially at the lower ranks where they already struggle.

  • Member Posts: 3,627
    Yes, I like alternative objectives that don't go with the usual gameplay.

    well, at lower ranks the killers should struggle same. If this is a problem, it is a ranking problem, not an event problem

  • Member Posts: 9



    "it is a ranking problem"

    2 years is the same problem

  • Member Posts: 13,616
    Yes, I like alternative objectives that don't go with the usual gameplay.

    I don't dislike either, but I like it when regular things (gameplay, top perks, top killers, etc.) get shaken up.

    That said, I prefer the lantern one to stay in the past...

  • Member Posts: 882
    edited November 2019

    Last year with the whole harvesting of the nectar was frankly terrible. Lots of disconnections or signaling the killer to 1 hook them once survivors collected their vial. Personally I was not a fan of it because no one did the objective for survivors. Killers didn't have to worry about anything because all they had to do was hook on event hooks, which weren't able to be sabotaged. That was already in line with their objective.

    I much prefer the lantern one for new years.

    This Halloween event isn't the most exciting, but at least survivors are doing gens and have an incentive to look for the event gens for those extra BP. Would it have been nice to have gotten something different? Yes. Do I want something like harvesting nectar from last year's event? No thanks.

    I am not going to vote on this poll as I feel that my personal opinion does not reflect any of the poll options.

  • Member Posts: 33
    Yes, I like alternative objectives that don't go with the usual gameplay.

    I love events with alternate objectives. Not like with what they did for 2019's lunar event, but definitely like with what they did for the 2018's blight event. For me, it was like a vacation from the norm of the game. Most everyone was being casual and not being 100% serious. It was so nice! The people who would complain about such events; they can just not play until the event ends if they don't like it.

  • Member Posts: 93
    Yes, I like alternative objectives that don't go with the usual gameplay.

    @inutilem That was just my experience. =)

    I didn't dislike the lanterns, but when it was out what the event would be like, I already disliked that the killers and survivors alternate objectives were opposing each other. They want to take the lanterns out, the killer destroyes them => salt in endgame chat garanteed.

    The event then turned out to be nicer than expected. But it was really difficult to grant something to the survivors. Like, when you hit a lantern after the gate was opened, the survivors mostly would ecpect that this is baiting them to get another hook.

    I also liked the pustular flowers much more. Like you said, it really was a vacation from normal gameplay.

    Just a little anecdote:

    Best thing that happened to me was, when I granted some flowers to the survivors and one of them destroyed my event hook just into my face so I wasnt able to get my hook. Fortunately I was playing Myers with tombstone at the edge of tear 3. So I stalked and moried him while the others were tbagging him around me. ^^

    The other 3 survivors didnt even fear to get moried, after I granted the flowers to them. So one waited with me at the event hook, until it respawned and I the got it. ^^

    The moried teammate after all wasn't mad. He waited in the lobby and said sorry cause he didnt get that I was letting them get their flowers. He thought it was hilarious that I first stared sadly at my broken event hook and then turned around and moried him. =D

  • Member Posts: 4,188
    Yes, I like alternative objectives that don't go with the usual gameplay.

    As a killer, it makes my job only slightly easier. Sure, they're not highlighted, but they distract survivors from Gen Rushing, which is always a plus.

  • Member Posts: 8,850
    Yes, I like alternative objectives that don't go with the usual gameplay.

    It really all comes down to exactly how its done imo. The lanterns were a good example of how to have a side objective without taking away from the core gameplay. Players were rewarded for finishing the game. The flowers on the other hand... players were rewarded for farming. People would load into the match, farm flowers... then find the killer to hook suicide and repeat.

  • Member Posts: 93
    edited November 2019
    Yes, I like alternative objectives that don't go with the usual gameplay.

    @LordGlint That's totally not what I experienced. I actually didn't have survivors that just suicided to get faster into matches with more flowers. There also was the mechanic that you would loose progress on you viles, if you died.

    Are you sure that is what you experienced during the flowers event. Or is that maybe just what you think would happen with such kind of event. Or was it your strat?

    No offense intended. I just had an experience that completely differs from what you describe here.

  • Member Posts: 2,197
    No, I dislike alternative / additional objectives that don't go with the usual objectives.

    Alt objectives are great if everyone is involved. If even one survivor or the killer dont wish to participate it puts them at an immediate disadvantage/advantage respectively.

  • Member Posts: 2,197
    No, I dislike alternative / additional objectives that don't go with the usual objectives.

    The only issue I had with the lanterns was that they made survivors glow. As killer it was just too easy to find people.

  • Member Posts: 93
    Yes, I like alternative objectives that don't go with the usual gameplay.

    @Raven014 You're right, that's a plus. But as @inutilem mentioned, it also eases down killers. There is not so much pressure on them to play strait forward to the 4kill, cause the know survivors will search their other objectives first. Especially with the flowes that was the case.

    For exampled I would not bring ruin in a game with flowers, since the game is already slowed down. I would more likely bring agitation to make sure I can reach my special hooks.

    With the lanterns, which are picked up very easy, I might need ruin at high ranks to get against gen rushes.

    But anyway: Both earlier events made people bring event offerings. With the actual event I barely see event offerings. With swf, from time to time we get a random that brings one. As a killer I am usually the only one who brings an offering most of the time.

  • Member Posts: 93
    Yes, I like alternative objectives that don't go with the usual gameplay.

    @Divine_Confetti Hm ... sorry, but I think "special hooks" and "special gens" are just boring as an event. I know events from other online games and most of them are spectacular and bring up something extraordinary. "Bring someone to this hook and not to the other" is none of both as well as "do this 'special' gen first".

    And it seems not to matter to most other players, too. Because the actual event doesn't bring anything else but special gens and special hooks and no one brings the offerings for them.

    I ofcourse respect your opinion. But pls make me understand:

    Are you one of the players that go one gen rushing and did you ignore the flowers on the event? And did you not get any friendly killer players letting you farm some flowers, or do you kind of need the super sweaty play and maximum competition to enjoy the game?

    (Real question! Outside of events I play this game for the competition as well!)

  • Member Posts: 93
    Yes, I like alternative objectives that don't go with the usual gameplay.

    @SleepyWillo Sorry, but as killer I also want to know where the lanterns are. Ofcourse the lanterns maybe should not make it easier to spot survivors, if that's possible. But there definitively should be a hint where the lanterns are. Would just be unfair if you hook a survivors and then you have to check all the lantern spots again to see if the hooked survivors had one.

  • Member Posts: 8,850
    Yes, I like alternative objectives that don't go with the usual gameplay.

    I started right before the event happened, so that event was pretty much my first experience with this game as killer. Survivors would lose progress to the "checkpoints" on the vials, but thats about it. I had PLENTY of survivors who would find me and point at hooks, then suicide.

  • Member Posts: 17

    I am a gamer who only plays one game at a time. I don’t know why, but I get a favorite multiplayer game, and I will play it for months or even years. However, I used to make one exception. During October, I would drop my current game and go back to play Team Fortress 2 for their Scream Fortress Halloween event. My suggestion is based on some of their events.

    Pick a map for the event and spookify it. Pumpkins, scarecrows, spiderwebs, whatever. Do it up. Add map offerings for it in the bloodweb.

    The game starts as normal, except all survivors start with unlimited Halloween flashlights. After a short time, an alarm sounds. Survivors are unhooked, gens partially completed are reset to zero, killers cannot harm survivors.

    Soon, a boss spawns in the middle of the map.

    Survivors can stun the boss or it’s adds with flashlights, to let the killer damage it. If someone dies, they respawn in the basement and have to run back to the fight. After a certain amount of time, the boss leaves, and the game continues.

    After a few minutes, the boss comes back. If you can kill the boss before it leaves completely, both killers and survivors get rewards at the end of the match.

    You could also have the adds drop rewards right there during the game, so even if you “lose” you get something.

    Cooperative events tend to work much better and end up more fun for all involved.

  • Member Posts: 8,850
    Yes, I like alternative objectives that don't go with the usual gameplay.

    That could be a fun thing to do for an alternate game mode, similar to how Overwatch separates their holiday game modes from the normal ones.

  • Member Posts: 4,467
    edited November 2019
    Yes, I like alternative objectives that don't go with the usual gameplay.

    Hell yeah I do! I love the fact that we have a secondary objective to complete. It did a good job at slowing the game down. There should've been something in place to prevent Survivors from suiciding on hook once they got their nectar from the plants though.

  • Member Posts: 93
    Yes, I like alternative objectives that don't go with the usual gameplay.

    @Divine_Confetti Nope, I think that won't work: You are just thinking this from the survivors "we shall all escape" point of view. The killer is pertty much wasting time to get his catched survivor to the proper hook, he usually can't just pick the one next to him.

    That's why I also liked that the flowers cost extra time. It gave me th opportunity to waste somt time to walk a longer distance to an event hook. (Since the killers anyway just got event hooks, even thou the survivors had these cool flowers.)

    That's also what happens to me now. I usually cannot get all my event hooks. They are either to far away anyway, or I waste too much time carying survivors around, so the gens pop to fast.

  • Member Posts: 984
    Yes, I like alternative objectives that don't go with the usual gameplay.

    This idea is amazing!!! Realistically, I don't think the dev team would be able to implement it, because it will completely change the game and I imagine it could be pretty difficult to code, but I would absolutely love to see something like this in an event!!!

  • Member Posts: 243
    Yes, I like alternative objectives that don't go with the usual gameplay.

    Yes, i like them BUT it kind of makes my games way more stressing

  • Member Posts: 93
    Yes, I like alternative objectives that don't go with the usual gameplay.

    @Accullla I also think there might be a problem deviding the community. Not sure how many players are online at the same time. But as you could see, the flowers already made it difficult for killers to find games, when the survivors recognized they would not be able to farm any more flowers once they are through.

    That made a lot of players change to the killer side to at least get some more extra bloodpoints.

    Same happened with Freddy, when he was out. Everybody wanted to play him.

    I think there might be a problem with a game mode that rund without event during event weeks. As far as the poll shows right now, there are only 10 % of the players who dislike the alternate objectives. They might have problems finding games, maybe.

  • Member Posts: 56
    Yes, I like alternative objectives that don't go with the usual gameplay.

    To be honest I think the old Summer BBQ event was the best I liked Thebes uniquely design for the margarita gens and the grill hooks but I also thought the new year lamp thing was cool as well

  • Member Posts: 571
    Yes, I like alternative objectives that don't go with the usual gameplay.

    I liked the events from year 2 of DBD, The summer event had cool looking gens, hooks, music, and cosmetic system, Hallowed Blight was a breath of fresh air, Lunar Event was awesome and fun. But so far the 3rd year is looking bland, this was the first real event we've had this roadmap other than the disappointing anniversary update and it focuses all on the rift. Isn't as fun as the other ones we had

  • Member Posts: 1,238
    Yes, I like alternative objectives that don't go with the usual gameplay.

    goodbye pustulas, we will never see them again because of some players 😢🥀

  • Member Posts: 1,238
    Yes, I like alternative objectives that don't go with the usual gameplay.


  • Member Posts: 93
    Yes, I like alternative objectives that don't go with the usual gameplay.

    @Walker_of_the_fog_96 Never loose hope. ;) That's another reason why I opened this poll.

    I also would like to see the pustular flowers again. Maybe the survivor farming mechanic should just be different. Like a) you should be able to farm the extra points. And maybe b) survivors that already have all viles maybe don't deplete flowers for others who don't have all viles yet, but just deplete them for survivors that already have all viles. So they still can get the points, but don't steal the viles from the ones still on the run.

  • Member Posts: 93
    Yes, I like alternative objectives that don't go with the usual gameplay.

    I have just seen a poll "Do you prefer Hollow Blight Withering Blight" here.

    So I would like to push this poll up again, since it is the same subject. =)

    Pls vote. Maybe the devs will see this.

  • Member Posts: 93
    Yes, I like alternative objectives that don't go with the usual gameplay.

    If survivors get distrackting objectives, why would not killer get their own new objectives, too?

    With the pustula flowers event as a killer I also would have liked to get something to do other than special hooks. I think that was done by the lantern event, where killers would search the map for destroyable lanterns after hooking a survivor.

    But I would more like, if the alternative objective for killers would be not against the survivors objectives. I mean, by destroying the lanterns you were also denying them to the survivors. I would more like an addional objective for killers, that does not deny the survivors event objectives.

    Also the killers alternate objective should not be as time consuming as the survivors one, right? Since you anyway have not too much time to do anything else but putting pressure on the map. Not sure what would be the right way to balance, that killer and survivors waste an equal amount of time on their additional objectives.

    What do you think?

  • Member Posts: 41
    Yes, I like alternative objectives that don't go with the usual gameplay.

    This is why the current event is kind of lackluster. With the old ones you could get a few decent event-filled games in and earn the coins/etc you needed for the cosmetics you wanted, but with this you're entirely dependent on how much you're willing to grind for the rift. It's unfortunate, really.

  • Member Posts: 93
    Yes, I like alternative objectives that don't go with the usual gameplay.

    I also think it's the "lets do something else than the usual thing" that is missing. If you just had to grind special hooks/gens for the viles, that would not be the cool thing as well. People would indeed bring more offerings to get their cosmetics, but it still would not feel the same.

    There is something missing that let's you know in game, that really something is happening.

    (Just to mention it: Everquest 2 had for example two tinkerer nsc characters that were actually played by game mods. You had to convince them in game by chatting that you are worthy to get the special tinker-fest quest. The complete ui was made up like they were normal npc characters but you could tell by the chat, that there were humans behind chatting with you and making you explain why you are the one that can fullfill the quest. THAT's an event!)

  • Member Posts: 830
    Yes, I like alternative objectives that don't go with the usual gameplay.

    Yes! This event is so boring :(

  • Member Posts: 93
    Yes, I like alternative objectives that don't go with the usual gameplay.

    Well ... it was kinda nice when we had it first time, with the slush machines or the bbq fest.

    I would say special gens and hooks are nice when it comes to double blood points.

    But as a halloween event I also expect something more than that.

  • Member Posts: 288
    Yes, I like alternative objectives that don't go with the usual gameplay.

    Yes, but there needs to be a bit balancing to it. I don't really have any suggestions to offer though

  • Member Posts: 93
    Yes, I like alternative objectives that don't go with the usual gameplay.

    So what do you think is not balanced properly?

  • Member Posts: 93
    Yes, I like alternative objectives that don't go with the usual gameplay.

    Ok, I just read the new devs post. They are not going to make any new event objectives and want to keep just the extra bloodpoint stuff and the "event items" in the free Rift path.

    So it will just basically be a grind.

    @Devs: Why don't you just put up the old events again, since you said you want to invest your time on game health instead of new event objectives. Just put on the flowers again and after that maybe the lanterns again? Or do you just delete your code, after the event is over?

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