

Should Survivors Be Able To See Killer

Member Posts: 90

Since Killers can see Survivors (Assuming the survivors don't have all perks unlocked), shouldn't survivors be able to see the killer.

Should Survivors Be Able To See Killer 54 votes

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  • Member Posts: 2,948

    Not who is the killer cause they'd change perks and items depending on it and THIS IS A HORROR GAME FFS, playing as a survivor I wouldn't like knowing who I'm going to play against, it's part of the fun you know?

    BUT, if you're talking about the username/gamertag of the player, I'd say yes, I'd like to know if I'm going against a facecamper (I wouldn't dodge lobbies, it's just to know if I'm going against a toxic gamer, regardless of which killer he picks)

  • Member Posts: 3,278

    This is too in general to I don't know what you mean, but no, you should not see Killer tag or steam profile link, ps4 or xbox link, etc. until after the game.

  • Member Posts: 1,623

    This will make lobby dodging a serious issue for a killer. Also, knowing who the killer is means you'll have an advantage, because you will know the killer's power.

  • Member Posts: 3,059

    I'll put on Iron Will, Fixated, and Spine Chill for every Spirit.

    Small game for Trapper and Hag

    Flashlights for Hag


  • Member Posts: 1,129

    @wait4him2leave why yes?

  • Member Posts: 41

    Would kinda defeat the point of the whole game, tbh.

  • Member Posts: 118

    @8obot1c Because I suck

  • Member Posts: 987

    Killers can see survivors, who they’re playing as, what they’re holding. Why shouldn’t survivors get to at least see the killer they’re playing against? Dodging isn’t an excuse because killers always do it.

  • Member Posts: 126

    Because there exist perks that range from soft to hard counter specific killers. For example, the Doctor runs at an extreme disadvantage against anyone with Calm Spirit.

    Whereas the killer only has one thing they know for sure, the item you're carrying. Survivors can even find items while they're in the match or change them mid-match when they find another one (or give it to someone else). Survivors don't have unique qualities between them since it's just about the perks.

  • Member Posts: 2,092
    edited November 2019

    To be honest I don't think Calm Spirit is even that effective against Doctor. It prevents screams, but if you're running Restraint addons, it doesn't prevent tier up screams, and it doesn't prevent madness build up, meaning Doctor can still cuck your item use. You still pretty much have to snap out of it unless you just don't care about using items you brought into the trial/found.

    That said, I don't think survivors should see killers. But I also don't think killers should see survivors. It's pretty BS that a killer can go "Hm, 2 flashlights, time to bring a mori!" whereas a survivor can't say "Hm...a mori, time to bring a key!"

  • Member Posts: 126

    Oh, so it only mostly destroys his main mechanic unless Doctor makes sure to always run a specific class of addon. Then it only kinda destroys his main mechanic.

    It's still a Perk that remains extremely effective against Doctor when compared to all other killers. Just as Saboteur, Slippery Meat, and Small Game have additional effectiveness against Trapper.

  • Member Posts: 2,092
    edited November 2019

    I'd argue Small Game is significantly more powerful against Trapper and Hag than Calm Spirit is against Doctor. Sure, it prevents screams, but you still have your tracking with the illusions.

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