Reworking Keys

NMCKE Member Posts: 8,243
edited November 2019 in Feedback and Suggestions

Keys are on the hot seat right now ever since insta-heals been reworked. However, my suggestion won't remove their two core components, but will make them more fair to both sides!

Keys: Aura Reading

This is probably the most under used aspect to a key because they don't offer enough tools to the survivor. Therefore, my goal is to make the keys' aura reading more powerful to the survivor!

Broken Key:

  • Duration: 10 Seconds > 20 Seconds.
  • When used, see all survivors within 24 meters.

Dull Key:

  • Duration: 5 Seconds > 30 Seconds.
  • When used, see all survivors within 28 meters.

Skeleton Key:

  • Duration: 30 Seconds > 40 Seconds.
  • When used, see all survivors within 32 meters.

Add-ons Update

I'm not going to go through every single add-on, but I will suggest what most of them will do and add two ultra rare add-ons for the key.


  • Increase Duration: 5 Seconds (Common) to 20 Seconds (Very Rare).
  • Increases aura reading range: 4 meters (Common) to 16 meters (Rare).
  • Increases activation speed by: 25% (Common) to 100% (Rare).

Iridescent Emblem (Ultra Rare):

  • When the key is being used, all auras you see are shared with all survivors in the trial.

Golden Skull (Ultra Rare):

  • While in a chase, using the key will reveal the killer's aura to your teammates.
  • When the keys' duration is all used up, this add-on is consumed and the key regenerates 100% of its starting duration.

Bloody Amber (Very Rare): Change

  • Decreases item efficiency by 50%.
  • Reveals the killer to you when the key is being used.

Keys: The Hatch

This is what most players complain about because the killer is left helpless as the survivor can just open the hatch in their face. Therefore, I'm going to keep this feature of the key, but add more counterplay for the killer.

  • All keys can open the hatch.
  • Opening the hatch with a key takes 10 seconds.
  • Failing or successfully opening the hatch will consume the key (unless the have the milk-stone add-on).
  • HUD blinks the hatch icon when a survivor attempts to open the hatch.
  • Killer gets an audible notification (but doesn't see where the survivor is opening the hatch at).

My goal with these changes is to make all keys useful by granting the ability to open the hatch, but giving the killer some counterplay to stop survivors from escaping through the hatch. This should also reinforce, "Whoever finds the hatch first wins" rule.


What's your thoughts about these changes, and if you could change something about keys, what would it be?

Constructive feedback is appreciated! 😁🤗

Post edited by NMCKE on


  • Elk
    Elk Member Posts: 2,267

    I think that all keys can open hatch, however each with their own times. Broken is 15 seconds, Dull is 10 seconds and Skeleton key opens it in 5 seconds.

    This doesn't need to happen, but after each failed opening the hatch, the key goes down a tier. Like if you get hit during the opening with a Dull key, it becomes a Broken key.

    The killer knowing what is happening is fine, the HUD and audio.

    Maybe even a new add-on to make a key go up a tier. Like Ultra-rare 'Repair kit' Holding the secondary button for 'x' seconds makes the key to a Dull/Skeleton key

  • GrootDude
    GrootDude Member Posts: 14,110

    I like the idea

  • Viceus
    Viceus Member Posts: 145

    Seriously ?

    they already nerf instant heal and now keys need to be used for 10 sec ? killer main detected....

    why don't remove all mori's , all instant-down add on, and barbecue & chili ?

  • se05239
    se05239 Member Posts: 3,919
  • ThatOneNurseMain
    ThatOneNurseMain Unconfirmed, Member Posts: 2

    I generally like the key rework/change idea, but unlike some people where they think (balance or fair) is unhealthy for the game

  • CakeDuty
    CakeDuty Member Posts: 994

    I really like the change. I have no problem with keys being able to open hatch, but I hate the ability for keys to open the hatch in the killers face. I hate when I'm in the middle of chasing someone and they find the hatch and then they're just gone. It'd give a lot more counterplay to have the opening animation be 10 seconds.

    It's also nice to see a buff to Broken key as finding it in a chest atm is useless. I fully support your idea!

  • PolarBear
    PolarBear Member Posts: 1,899

    If you want to suggest mori/insta-down add-on/bbq nerfs you can create a thread for that. We are here to talk about keys, not moris, not bbq.

    NMCKE Member Posts: 8,243

    Keys are just one of many things that need balancing: Mori will receive their nerf soon.

    As for the other things you mentioned, insta-downs add-ons are fine since most of them have a heavy requirement (I.E. Tuff Hair needs Myers to stalk a lot, literally).

    BBQ promotes healthy gameplay, it's balanced.

  • Acesthetiic
    Acesthetiic Member Posts: 1,077

    I like this change a lot.

    NMCKE Member Posts: 8,243

    I actually like the aura reading better and my second part is also good, but keys aren't really used for aura reading a lot so ?‍♂️

  • GoatyTCO
    GoatyTCO Member Posts: 64

    Honestly, I really like the idea of this! I don't have any complaints, and you've obviously thought this out quite well.

    It may need some tweaking, and some parts of it may not work as you intend them to in practice, but on paper this sounds like it'd be a great way to fix keys!