Bots at rank 17-20?


Everyone complains that early ranks are horrible with camping and tunneling.

Does anyone think that having a computer controlled killer that won't face camp be a good learning alternative to the current throw em in the fire gameplay?

Same thing with killer? Have 4 survivors that run around doing objectives without tbagging and being deranked reds to practice on?

Then after 17 you are asked whether you want to go against real opposition and get promoted to rank 16?

Consider it a more in depth tutorial that may teach new players how to avoid certain killers. See how they work. Or let killers see that camping isnt always the best strategy. Learn maps in safety. Bring friends in to help teach without decimating a low ranked killer.

Just a thought


  • LordGlint
    LordGlint Member Posts: 7,984

    Imagine the devs trying to program a Huntress bot that doesnt just completely demolish everyone from across the map, or try to program the bots to NOT instantly see every survivor trying to be sneaky.

  • Viracocha72
    Viracocha72 Member Posts: 207

    I definitely agree it would be a great idea. Especially to get more people to try out playing killer without all the pressure. Heck even as an experienced player to be able to go into maps and try out new things with Killers you're not experienced with. Try out new places for traps and stuff like that.

  • concious_consumer
    concious_consumer Member Posts: 282

    I thought that there are killer/survivor bots even on red ranks...

  • Spirez
    Spirez Member Posts: 674

    New Killers are going to get gen rushed with bots hitting all great skill checks and repairing in the killers face.

  • Artyomich
    Artyomich Member Posts: 281

    Maybe but honestly once they'll meet a killer with half a brain they'll shut down entirely. In my opinion I think it's awful to try learn against a computer, Humans don't behave that way. If it's just a method to boost your confidence then yeah I guess.

  • Mr_K
    Mr_K Member Posts: 9,099

    The killer A.I. is still in the testing phases. There are still many logic bugs and freezes with the current implementation.

    1) The killer A.I. freezes after hooking a survivor and only moves again when another survivor tries to unhook or is sacrificed.

    2) If the survivor is rescued from the hook the A.I. will only chase after the injured unhooked survivor.

    The same bugs pop up while testing different machine learning methods.

    Hopeful soon™ we will be able to test this out on a PTB build. Once all these bugs are patched ofcourse.

  • Blackburne
    Blackburne Member Posts: 141

    Even artificial intelligence knows that facecamping and tunneling are the only reasonable way to play the game.