Spirit changes are revealed!

prayer beads change and a vault animation is all I'm happy about
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Yeah, and the no collision while phasing is amazing aswell
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So sad she was fine. No collision that really sucks
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Really good and fair changes. Can't wait to see people crying though
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Inc spirit mains
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I'm actually fine with all of these changes. Im glad they didn't do her like they did nurse :-)
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I've mained Spirit since she came out and I gotta say I LOVE those changes! This will bring her more in line with other killers without completely making her unplayable.
The Prayer Beads update was actually was I suggested which is nice, I am actually surprised she didn't get nerfed harder like a longer cooldown of 20 seconds instead of 15.
I just don't agree with the vaulting animation nerf. I think the mindgame was actually fun as a survivor but well.
Good job, interested how she will play after the patch. Curious to stack yamaoke amulet and the green talisman and get a ~10 seconds haunting.
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Yes finally !
I must start writing topics to nerf Billy > Freddy > Hag > Huntress
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They didn't address the main point.
Giving her a tell for when shes using her powers.
Other than that...seems fine to me
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I'm happy.
No vaulting animation was a lot stronger than people thought. Glad they did something about it.
Prayer Beads WERE broken, and now they aren't. I dislike the new change specifically but glad that god awful add on is gone.
Collision removal was the one I was surprised about. Glad to see her way more high risk-high reward than low-risk high-reward now.
I'm ######### RAVING over that animation vaulting change, it's a good day to be Survivor lol
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They seem like pretty sensible changes to me.
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I actually liked the changes as well, they make her more skillful and make her harder to use. I play a lot of Spirit and she definitely is still a strong killer even with these changes.
I didn't like the vault change though, still it's kind if weird thinking she gunna go though a window normally now. I wonder how it will look.
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Wonderful changes. Especially with the vaulting animation and the awful prayer beads.
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Very fair changes! I’m happy with them. There was no denying she was just a bit op. They didn’t go too far like they did with nurse.
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I’m glad she wasn’t hit harder but the no vault was a cool effect that came with playing her
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Looks good. Fair and balanced.
*collects tinfoil hats*
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I'm cool with the changes.
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Much MUCH better than what I was expecting from BHVR. Glad it's not too much.
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I'm fine with it. As a Spirit main I'd rather not have collision and still be able to mind game standing still at pallets.
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Only really overpowered thing about her were "Prayer Beads". Luckily they turned them to something better for both sides, oh wait, something nearly useless, thanks for that one.
Now survivors can do the hated "stand-still-mindgame" themselves, pretty good job so far.
A nerf to vaulting, bad word why?
A nerf to a bunch of her addons, bad word why?
Spirit don't got destroyed here, but way more weakened than needed.
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Damn. Prayer beads were the only jump scares I got from this so called "horror" game. Oh well, another killer that's boring to play against. At least they're consistent in that way.
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Scratched mirror myers
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I could be okay with prayer beads changes even though I think they went too far and just made it complete trash.
The other changes are completely unnecessary. My opinion.
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What changes? I'd like to hear your point of view. In my opinion, she seems... ok.
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If you're going to downgrade Spirit's abilities, raise the other killers. It takes three to five minutes for a Korean server to match a survivor The reason is that when a killer catches a survivor and puts it on a hook, it turns on three generators. So many people in Korea server go to North America server or Japan server. I want you to integrate Korean server with Japanese server. And please raise your killer's ability.
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Other than the prayer beads, all of them.
I don't believe Spirits base kit or other addons needed to be nerfed at all.
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Not happy with the vault animation thing, other then that I am pretty happy with the changes
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Spirit needed these. The killers you mentioned don't.
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Well I'm overall satisfied with the game but I'm concerned about over performing getting a killer nerfed, especially if the DC's in the game are a factor. The changes make it fair for 1v1, but SWF 1v4 she's probably mid tier now.
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Honestly the changes aren't to bad some add-on changes felt a bit to much but other than that they did good they didn't gut Spirit nor her add-ons now hopefully they will start buffing weaker killers in turn my bing bong boy wants some love
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Pls survivors, now make post on how any other killer is OP in order to nerf him/her.
Thats how this works right? complain about any killer, and lately, it gets nerfed.
But hey! This game its totally killer sided Xd
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Glad they are making incremental changes. I still would like them to address the issue where survivors can't tell whether she started using her power or not. We will see with this first patch how she plays and if needs further tweaking.
Also, props to devs for addressing Spirit sooner than later.
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Some changes where needed like removing collision, But they always take it to far. Nerfing addons NOONE COMPLAINED ABOUT!
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No more collision makes me super happy. Got found a few times last night with iron will because she happened to bump into me. :(
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Not happy about the basekit changes.
But I like the addon changes, including the non-prayer beads addons.
I've said many times that I think addons in general are a problem, so reducing their impact is always a plus in my book.
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I still think she shouldn't be able to hear Survivors grunts of pain but maybe I'll be proven wrong once Update 3.4.0 goes live in PS4.
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Yeah, but with my headphones I can hear him breathing. Especially because the killer usually takes us to maps with ambience that doesn't do much to cover it up. Also, I have yet to face a scratched mirror Myers that poses a challenge. I'm on console so the pool is shallow.
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So, have fun finding anyone with Iron Will? Great
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Plenty of people are able to find and attack a Survivor while they're healthy. There's no skill behind that aspect of her Power.
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You know she can't see blood, right? Survivors tend to be more careless when healthy, really careful when injured
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The problem is that it takes skill to catch a healthy Survivor while Phase Walking, but it's basically game over if you're injured.