Spirit changes are fair
- The prayer bead change is needed, so it's good that it's gone
- I can accept vault animation and collision (I know it's frustrating, but it's a bit sad that her unique vault animation is gone)
- Slight basekit change, nothing too crazy
- Some add-ons change, but nothing too crazy either
- At last... she still plays the same before, which is good
This is what "slight change" is IMO
Great job on this one, can't say the same for nurse though
lol and here all the spirit mains thought she was gonna get butchered xD
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Then I need to disagree with them lol. How are these changes gonna butcher her?
Btw I play without add-ons, so any changes to add-ons does not affect me
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No I meant before they released the patch notes , spirit mains on the forums were threatening to not play anymore if she was nerfed lol.
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That's because what happened to nurse. Everyone, included me, afraid devs would kill her. You know.. bad past experience can harm a person badly
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I swear there’s two balance teams.
one team did Freddy and now Spirit.
the other team did Legion and Nurse.
Sure feels like it anyway...
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I agree, they simply fixed what was unfair BS without gutting her in the process. Just about 10/10.
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Yeah they certainly did a great job on this one
Now i'm hyped for doc's change
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Lol maybe.. only devs themselves know :)
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Spirit got the Freddy rework Dev. I was expecting a way for survivors to track her phase walking.
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Agree, one of the few times devs got it right
Let's hope they revisit the nurse.. counter her by running in straight line is unacceptable
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Regarding the nurse many say that for those who know how to use it is still strong ....
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Funny how that comes from those that don't know. Dedicated Servers hurt her even more.
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I’m honestly relieved these changes are what they are. I think most everyone wanted to see her remain a strong killer and I think she will. I’m glad they didn’t over do it.
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Yeah, Spirit changes weren't as bad as expected them to be. Better than "96% ms killer with 2 separate cooldowns" and "add-on that turns your power off for 115% ms".
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Spirit: Freddy treatment
Nurse: Legion treatment
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Guys all that was changed was her add-ons being nerfed, how is this counterplay and how will that help Survivors?
I can see the no collision helping as both players will be 100% in the guessing game, that helps.
The window thing feels too much as that in itself was a mind game and it was super creepy when you saw her actually vault so I'm sad that's changing, that felt too much.
So instead of just giving her no collision they gutted several add-ons why?
Now when you use Prayer Beads the person right in front of you knows you're phasing....Frank's Mix Tape all over again.
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I usually play without add-ons, so that's fine
But i agree that i'm sad the unique vault animation is gone. It was a good mindgame place, and not a lot of windows can be used for mindgames.
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either iv misread/missed it but theres still no indication or feedback of when shes phasing
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She has, but barely noticeable. Good players can notice it (i can't btw)
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its been proven hundreds of times that those small physical things are unreliable. especially with skins that arent her base
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Then the problem is the skin i guess.
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I play mostly Spirit these days and these changes seem quite fair. The no collision I'm most concerned about, but it may just make her more difficult to play, which IMO is completely fair.