Give everyone legacy

Since the devs are going everyone exclusive so no one feels left out I feel like the devs should give everyone legacy too. I know that players feel left out for not having legacy so you guys should give it to them.
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Why? Legacy is the only exclusive that makes sense to stay that way. I didn’t play the game when legacy was around and don’t feel entitled to it at all because I’ve seen what those bloodwebs looked like. They are a bragging right and should stay that way.
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As someone who missed out on legacy: no. That was something earned with lots of time and effort, not any money, back when the game was still finding it's feet.
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First of all, No.Second of all, No.The devs also said ''No'' so it means No.
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as someone who plays for just a few months (so obviously i don't own any legacy):
maybe, JUST MAYBE, devs could make new version that you could somehow earn. But old version should never be given away. It's reward for supporting game early, before it was well-known, and players actually had to work their asses off for it.
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no, let the cheeto covered characters be exclusive.
If you really want a legacy, impress the devs with your modeling talent and make a new legacy - pink/red/blue/rainbow. Maybe the'll take your work and put it in the game?
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IMO legacy skins should be aviable only for players that got them by the hard bloodweb. Yes i like Legacy skins too but i think for players that playing a long time should have a reward.
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If they are giving away EVENT EXCLUSIVES to people that were not there for said event, then they might as well give legacy to everyone. I mean, think about it. You worked for that event item because it was unique and only around for a limited amount of time. All of your effort was for nothing.