

Thoughts on new spirit

Member Posts: 689

Thoughts on new spirit 61 votes

she needed these nerfs
32 votes
She didn’t need changes other than prayer beads
6 votes
She was fine as before no changes needed
8 votes
All changes are fine except keep collision
2 votes
All changes are fine except add on nerfs
3 votes
10 votes

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  • Member Posts: 13,616

    I'm fine with these, i'm fine without these.

  • Member Posts: 26

    not enough

  • Member Posts: 689
    She was fine as before no changes needed

    She def doesn’t need more than this

  • Member Posts: 26

    the main issues was not being able to understand what the spirit wants to do. and they did nothing about this. spirit needs directional phasesound back again and an animation when starting to phasewalk.

  • Member Posts: 1
    She was fine as before no changes needed

    Nerf a killer is frustrating for us who like to play as killers.

    Survivors play on four players using Discord. We need strong killers for the match to be balanced

  • Member Posts: 689
    She was fine as before no changes needed

    Then that kills her power there’s no point

  • Member Posts: 16,668

    She needed some changes, but I cannot say for sure how those changes will affect her, without testing her.

    Prayer Beads, Collision and Vault Animation are great tho.

  • Member Posts: 85

    We really need the collision and vaulting fixes. Everything else I would be fine without.

  • Member Posts: 198

    nothing happened to spirit that wasn’t logical. Like it makes sense for her to phase between survivors and not have collision and I honestly thought her not having a vault animation was glitch and not intentional. I loved her before and I love her now.

  • Member Posts: 689
    She was fine as before no changes needed

    She should be able to go thru walls if she can go thru survivors then

  • Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 7,503
    She didn’t need changes other than prayer beads

    If they're going to remove collision while phasing, they should fix the audio so I can actually hear survivors. I can never hear a dang thing in this game; I've never been able to track via sound.

    And can someone make a video of her just doing her current vault (ie phasing through the window) over and over? I love how it looks, but it's rare to see it from a good vantage in a video. I'd just like to see someone record it from a bunch of different angles before it goes away. I'll miss it.

  • Member Posts: 250

    The vault and collision changes are solid. But they missed the mark with the rest in my opinion. No audio changes or anything, which is where I feel she needs it most.

  • Member Posts: 26

    so if the power is broken we cant balance the game cause "it kills her power"

    and btw, it wouldnt

    she'd still a killer that press m2 and then gain extreme speed, can hear you and get you very easily, but at least the surv knows a little your intentions.

    i mean, you can see nurse while she blinks, but she's strong anyway

  • Member Posts: 7,314
    edited November 2019
    she needed these nerfs

    She needed these nerfs greatly, any nerf to her would make her less dull to play against... and actually give a counter to her phasing.

  • Member Posts: 294

    I'm okay with her as she is now. But the changes seem to be okay as well, so I don't mind them.

  • Member Posts: 877
    she needed these nerfs

    Wouldn't really call them nerfs, more like, removing the "training wheels".

  • Member Posts: 2,789
    she needed these nerfs

    idk, she still has no new tell that she's phasing outside of prayer beads, and no change to how well she can track at the same time; that's the biggest issue she has alongside the lack of a vault animation (who tf thought that was a good idea!?)

  • Member Posts: 877
    she needed these nerfs

    They're adjusting Prayer Beads so you know 'when' she's phasing, just not 'where', which is significantly better than not knowing at all.

    Her tracking capabilities are fine. The indirect issue with her tracking was caused by the collision, but that's being removed.

  • Member Posts: 2,789
    she needed these nerfs

    I know, i addressed the prayer beads in my previous comment. Perhaps wasn't obvious what i meant, sorry.

    Her ability to hear survivors without them having information on when she's phasing or where she could be (since sounds are broken and the one time we got to be able to hear her footsteps in any capacity, it went away with a hotfix like a week later) is the issue. I can know a spirit is phasing, but it doesn't matter because of how fast her power activates and how fast she moves inside it. unless I'm running a build jsut to counter her, that is not going to change...and that build is counterable by her perk build too, rendering it futile to bother.

    Some issues are addressed, but not the most important one. Scott Jund actually made a video on this explaining my issue much more eloquently.

  • Member Posts: 877
    she needed these nerfs

    I will have to watch the video, but without the aide of her collision both Survivor and Killer should have equal footing in the situation and should attempt to mind-game each other.

  • Member Posts: 73
    she needed these nerfs

    And billy should be able to chainsaw down trees. The game doesn’t make real life sense, but the balance changes are fine, you can’t just say because of one thing, another thing must happen because in real life it would work that way

  • Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 1,719

    I agree with all the changes except for the windows vault and post phase slow down. I felt that that was an interesting an unique part of her kit. It makes sense within the context of her ability (which is a kind of teleport) and it wasn't an overpowered ability. The post phase slow down is going to make her much more difficult to play and is unnecessary (but that's a guess, I'll have to wait for the PTB to make a final judgement call on that)

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