Make Legacy skins available.


The reasoning behind coded cosmetics make sense and no one has any qualms about that.

Event cosmetics are different.

They were a reward for a one-time event that players at the time took part in.

If they're going to be given out because you don't want anyone to feel left out then the same logic should be applied to Legacy cosmetics.

I had reached P1 on Wraith before the bloodweb changed and at the time I felt that earning prestige was a waste of time. Balance was an issue and I left the game for several months.

When I came back I found out that Legacy was a thing, but I missed the window.

I missed out and was pretty upset for awhile but I got over it.

Ever since, I've P3'd every character in case something similar happened again... and it just did, but not in a way anyone expected.

Consider your reasoning for giving everyone Event cosmetics and apply that same logic to Legacy cosmetics.

Either keep them both exclusive or make them both available.

The most fair option is to make Legacy cosmetics available to everyone.


  • Kumakx
    Kumakx Member Posts: 262

    "Balance was an issue and I left the game for several months."

    And Legacy is a reward for those that did not quit. For those, who supported the game by building the player base, actively playing and grinding the points. Why people like you or me, who did not support game back then, should be rewarded for supporting the game back then. I don't understand.

    And from what I understood (correct me if im wrong) the main reason for those skins to be given to everyone is to fight with scammers. Here, beginning of the first sentence:

    Most importantly, the codes for these cosmetics were also being sold by code resellers for exorbitant amounts of money. Others were taking advantage of this by creating fake listings to scam people out of their money [...].

    And since legacy is not available anymore people cannot get scammed into buying it, so there is no reason to give it for free.

  • SpaceCoconut
    SpaceCoconut Member Posts: 1,962

    Why should others be rewarded event skins if they didn't participate in the event?

    The logic to keep legacy exclusive applies to event skins also.

  • OMagic_ManO
    OMagic_ManO Member Posts: 3,278

    Not happening.

    Legacy is not being released.

  • Kumakx
    Kumakx Member Posts: 262

    Why should others be rewarded event skins if they didn't participate in the event?

    The logic to keep legacy exclusive applies to event skins also.

    Well, since i wasn't here back then i don't know how it is with event skins. If they were not unlocked via code, so couldn't be sold, then im also against releasing them again for free. It's kinda like giving the face slap to those, who worked for them.

    The code could also be solved diferently, by like removing all the codes instead of giving them away for free, i wouldn't mind that. But there would still be people falling for the shady code sales, and they will spend money on scammers instead on the game.

  • Aven_Fallen
    Aven_Fallen Member Posts: 15,415

    Explanation for Event Skins:


    Unfortunately the way these event cosmetics were stored made it possible for certain players to lose them at random. They would need to be returned manually, but doing so ran the risk of causing further loss of progress.

    Regarding Legacy:


    Unless we are able to identify every player that lost legacy, it will not come back. At the moment, we are still unable to identify the players that lost their legacy, therefore, we are not refunding or unlocking legacy.

    Besides that, they promised and told it like 1000 times that Legacy will not come back. There was nothing about the Event Skins staying exclusive.


  • Just_Playing
    Just_Playing Member Posts: 156

    I don't agree with giving legacy skins to everyone yes event skins for me can go in the Game but legacy should be IMO only for players in 2016 that got them with the hard bloodweb.