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Why do people don't like playing against Bubba?

I don't know why survivors hate Bubba, he's not that good and he is mistake reliant.

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  • Member Posts: 3,842

    Camping isn't fun and I don't see how it's suited to camping. His chainsaw is an AoE weapon. That should mean that a perk like Discordance and running directly into a group of survivors should be his thing. Not sitting next to a damn hook making the unlucky person he found first regret their life choices.

  • Member Posts: 30

    Every single one I've gone up against has camped me specifically they were good players, but they just find me and camp me I didn't even know how to juke, nor did I bring in items (should I mention I'm a killer main on ps4 now or...) Anyways just camped 8-(

  • Member Posts: 634

    He's the best at camping and survivors don't like camping. Pretty simple. If he decides he doesn't want you off the hook, he can just stand around with his chainsaw revved.

  • Member Posts: 1,398


  • Member Posts: 110

    Your supposed to get close before a chainsaw, that thing has no range. Also he has the weakest insta down in the game so idk why that's annoying. But yes camping leatherfaces are very frustrating to go against.

  • Member Posts: 3,842

    They rub against me before charging chainsaw. That's too close. And annoying.

  • Member Posts: 6,807

    Isn't that a good thing? It means you can get further before the instant down can get you increasing your Survival odds.

  • Member Posts: 6,807

    Anyways he always feels so boring to face. His power is so basic and doesn't really require me to do anything I don't already do anyways.

  • Member Posts: 3,842

    You would think, but no. I have tried it, and it doesn't work. He gets that speed boost when he launches his attack. Negating any momentum I've built up.

  • Member Posts: 6,807

    The speed boost is a bit after he releases the chainsaw.

    And even if it wasn't he'd get the same amount of speed if he instead use the saw from a bit further back, he'd just ramp up in speed sooner.

    In other words it just meant you were too far from a pallet/window even with the extra time taken into account

  • Member Posts: 3,842

    Well, yeah. But I'm always near a rock or tree that he CONVENIENTLY ignores.

  • Member Posts: 6,807

    A good bubba (aka not me) will angle their camera such that they won't hit the obstacle. Him ignoring it is no accident.

  • Member Posts: 3,842

    If I was on PC, and they were purple ranks, I'd be inclined to believe you.

    However, this is generally Xbox at green and trust me. That chainsaw animation is clearly over that concrete barricade or in that tree. And that is for me, the absolute biggest problem.

  • Member Posts: 110

    If they wait that long to chainsaw you that's giving you more time to find a window or pallet so it should be a good thing really.

  • Member Posts: 461

    Because people lose to Bubba and then feel bad about themselves for losing to an absolute bottom tier killer.

  • Member Posts: 3,842

    I might have been a bit inaccurate with my initial statement, since it's actually heaps more common for Billy and Leatherface to simply charge within Lunge range then launch chainsaw at bodyblock.

    I've tried the whole "Just put a wall between them" thing and it just doesn't work enough.

  • Member Posts: 3,144

    Bubba is just one of those killers that rubs you the wrong way.

    Also, without warning he can choose to face camp a survivor and at that point there's zero chance of being rescued.

  • Member Posts: 13

    buff bubba

  • Member Posts: 97

    Guess Bubba is OP now, insta down is too OP and needs to be nerfed!1!1!!

  • Member Posts: 1,310

    99% of bubba I face if I pallet stun them once they will stand in front of my hook with chainsaw up.

    However, most LF players are really bad no offense.

  • Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 1,719

    This game is more than winning or losing. Spirit's very strong, but I'd rather vs a Spirit than Bubba who is fairly weak. Spirit's kit does not encourage face camping, is rewarding to the survivor when she's outplayed, does not have an insta-down in her base kit. Now I know that the Spirit is unfun for other reasons, but she's still more fun to go against than Bubba (IMO)

  • Member Posts: 1,080

    He's overpowered. Downing all 4 at once, hello?

    Bubbas are either noobs getting bbq, toxic insidious campers or memers who abuse his op status. The games are usually not tense. I've only played one skilled bubba player so far and imo skilled bubba players should be banned

  • Member Posts: 338

    complaining about a d tier killer (almost E) from A to E? the cream at the top indeed survivor dont even know about what else to complain.

  • Member Posts: 2,334

    90% of the ones I face are just campers it seems.

  • Member Posts: 4,321


    There's little room for mistakes when playing Bubba IF you are going against decent (not even elite) survivors because his whole concept is all about getting loads of instadowns throughout the game due to the fact he has NOTHING ELSE going for him (base). No tracking (i.e. Doctor), no stealth (i.e. Ghostface), no mobility (i.e. Hillbilly), no gen stall (i.e. Pig), no (actual) anti-loop (i.e. Spirit) etc.

    Now here's the thing. His base range is a lousy 15 meters that you cover with a combination of a speed DEFICIT of 86.25% and a slightly above average speed of 126% (end animation). This means -combined with his base charge time of just over 8 meters of survivor running distance- that many people who pick him up will struggle to get instadowns throughout the game during a chase especially without decent addons IF survivors manage to route between pallets and windows efficiently.

    As a result Bubba may quickly turn into a killer with no power. In some aspects his power can even cause chases to take longer than they should.

    A common mistake is bumping into objects resulting in his relatively long tantrum-stun AND revving up the chainsaw whilst moving towards a pallet. Experienced survivors will just keep running causing the Bubba player to lose distance due to the speed deficit of 86.25% that kicks in while revving the chainsaw resulting in longer pallet looping.

    This causes frustration on the Bubba player's end and makes them eventually just camp everyone they catch.

    Good chainsaw control (using it at high distances and successfully steering through doors or other narrow spots while keeping only inches of distance to walls and objects without actually bumping into stuff) should be rewarded imo but since that's not the case everyone will just have to live with the fact that there's only 3 kinds of Bubbas:

    1) the frustrated facecamper

    2) that guy who took his time to master the chainsaw for whatever reason

    3) the meme Bubba who will defend his chest with his life.

  • Member Posts: 7,779

    First time I've ever seen anyone complain about The Cannibal's chainsaw maneuverability from the survivor's side.


  • Member Posts: 172

    He's ability is a crutch. You don't have a pallet or window near you and your on the hook

  • Member Posts: 4,321

    His ability is the most skillful instadown in the game and everyone who gets caught by his chainsaw needs to git gud.

  • Member Posts: 7,779
  • Member Posts: 1,470
    edited November 2019

    Because 90% of Leatherface players are campers and/or tunnelers.

    I can understand why because he’s basically an m1 killer at high ranks but he’s just annoying.

    If they are to buff him in the future they should make him more effective in a chase and less effective as a camper.

    Post edited by Inji on
  • Member Posts: 938

    I'd say the stereotype of Insidious Bubba.

  • Member Posts: 1,413

    It's all about stereotypes and stigma. Just how some survivors characters are seen as toxic turds, some killers are seen the same way. Bubba for example is associated with facecamping. People see a bubba and they automatically assume he'll camp them hard since he's a weaker killer. A lot of survivors will dc if they get downed near the basement.

  • Member Posts: 510

    Most Bubba's I run into a cute little tunnelers and campers, In most of my games as survivor I usually take the responsibility of running him mostly because I don't care to die, and I know I can last longer than my randoms.

  • Member Posts: 141

    I play both Survivor and Killer. Bubba is my Killer Main and I gotta say I'm pretty damn decent with that chainsaw. Also got over a hundred hours on this guy.

    Lately I don't get that much hate, which is surprising. Just ggz and that's it.

    Used to be alot different. No matter how I played I was always a camper, tunneler, slugger, ect.

    Gotta admit tho, here and there just for the lulz I rev up my insidious noed basement Bubba to farm that sweet fan mail.

    I think people don't like it when they think they can make you bump into things with your chainsaw, but then you don't and end up downing 2 people in 1 go.

    Reminds me of one match I've had where I downed all 4 in the first minute of play. Fastest match of my life. Nobody in this game can kill faster than bubba when the conditions are right.

    Many dc's were had. I also think it is because everyone says Bubba is a low tier killer, on every tier list he is very low and people think they will have an easy time. Not many people play him either so they think they can ######### on you but if you're good you can ######### on them unlike any other killer in the game.

    Bubba is Legend
  • Member Posts: 2,092

    99% of Bubbas hold the game hostage for that one survivor they managed to hook. A lot of them run Iron Grasp and try to take you to the basement, and the ones that don't bring an ebony and crab walk from one area to another while staring you down at the hook.

  • Member Posts: 1,836

    Because hes the master at facecamping, once he has someone on the hook theyre most likely never coming off

  • Member Posts: 1,310


    thats why

  • Member Posts: 203

    I like Bubba's because they're like upgraded Mega


    ᵃⁿᵈ ʰᵉ ᵖʳᵒᵗᵉᶜᵗ ᶜʰᵉˢᵗ

  • Member Posts: 982

    He's suited for camping because survivors can't get an unhook against him using brute force. He HAS to leave the hook if you want to get a successful unhook.

    You can get an unhook against most other killers if your whole team swarms the hook, because they have a cooldown between hits. But Leatherface's power doesn't have a cooldown between hits, so it doesn't matter how many survivors try to swarm the hook, they're all going to get downed.

  • Member Posts: 1,201

    Take Bubba on a tour of all the pallet landmarks and ruin along with 2 generators will be done before he decides you're his camping victim. If he camps you everyone else, given that they are smart, will escape. Everyone will get squat for blood points but at least noone DC'd like a little bish.

    He has nothing to prevent pallet throwing. You should pray that your friendly Bubba is running spirit fury because then you have yourself a true to form gamer who doesn't care all that much about the individual but rather prefers the whole world to burn.

  • Member Posts: 8,850

    Meh, spirit fury just shows he doesnt know how to get those hits in. Just because he has spirit fury and enduring as 2 of his perks, doesnt mean one of his other 2 isnt insidious, lol.

  • Member Posts: 241

    I know camping isnt the most fun thing for survivors but LF is perfectly designed.

    Anyone who has seen the original Texas Chainsaw Massacre will know if you get caught and taken to the basement, you aint gettin out

    Bubba is designed to be played as he behaved in the film, reckless, skill-less but very dangerous.

    I get why people dont like it but its hard to deny he has been made perfectly

  • Member Posts: 461

    I know this is an old post but I have a number of issues with it. Nothing personal, sorry.

    1: Without speed boosts from perks or add-ons, Bubba's chainsaw is very cumbersome to use. Getting up close and personal is the right call most of the time.

    2: Ditto for it being brainlessly easy to use, that's just not the case. It might not require a PhD in Chainsaw Physics like Hillbilly, but he still slows down on the rev and the speed doesn't come back until near the end of the attack's channel. It's very easy for Bubba to loop himself by revving at the wrong time vs a good survivor.

    3: That squealing is one of Bubba's trademarks, it was minted on the big screen in 1974. It's been around longer than most of this forum's posters have been alive. Like the name of his flick implies, he is a mentally challenged Southerner from an inbred family of cannibals. Leatherface isn't just drawing on a stereotype, he's part of the reason it exists.

    All that said, yeah. I imagine most people dislike Bubba because he's designed to camp. His instant down isn't actually all that great in a chase vs experienced survivors and hook rescues are pretty much the only time when you can take advantage of the chainsaw's AoE.

    Bubba is both rewarded for camping by having a power that's good at it and punished for not camping by having a power that sucks at everything else.

  • Member Posts: 227

    2 reasons

    1. Best camper.

    2. You can kind of gather from these comments that there's a lot of salt. That's because Bubba is a bad killer. He's almost just a worse billy in everyway. Because of this people feel really stupid dying to him lol.

    For proof that btw look at the complaints people have about his chainsaw and apply them to Billy. Better control of moment and the actual chainsaw, insane speed, no 30 minute long tantrum when messing up. But people understand Billy is High tier no shame in dying to that. Not being able to loop a bubba boy tho? Sus

  • Member Posts: 3,842

    I get the whole inbread Southerners stereotype kinda started with him, but it's just the frequency I hear it.

    I also had a thread how I said that I'm fine with Hillbilly and Leatherface having a chainsaw and their overall ability, except for the instant down. If they didn't just instant down you, I'd be fine with his camping style kit.

  • Member Posts: 227

    Bubba destroys me, so that's why I hate him. Bubba, Plague and Hag are my least favorite killers. Plus that horrible noise he makes when he uses his chainsaw.

  • Member Posts: 1,201
    edited November 2019

    I have found spirit fury good for only one or two hits in the match but if a Bubba is running it, he feels comfortable with just those extra one or two hits. Maybe he won't be tryhard face camping maybe he will. All I know is the insidious, moonshrine? agitation, iron grasp build isn't the most dreaded version. The most boring perhaps but DC worthy?

    I can't count how many times I've hung defeated on the hook wanting death against a ghost face who is proxy camping me, who only "got" me because he was proxy camping the previous guy. I feel like there are less blatant versions but all the more effective.

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