Title Edit: We need to buff some killers...

Carlosylu Member Posts: 2,948
edited November 2019 in General Discussions

They need BUFFS, not nerfs! Please look downwards, some killers desperatelly need love! Legion, Doctor, Pig, Clown... I almost never see them in purple and red ranks...

Edit: Don't get me wrong, I play both survivor and killer the same amount of time, for me, AS A SURVIVOR, Spirit was fun and counterable, forever Freddy gives me a challenge, and Nurse was pretty cool to play against even when she owned the full team, now, AS KILLER, I was ok with the insta heals, brand new parts, etc. they were part of the game and only purple and red ranks knew how to properly give a challenge with them.

I only want to see more variety of killers in red ranks (XBOX), right now it's always a Spirit, Freddy, Billie and an ocasional Myers, I don't want to have to de-rank in order to play against other killers being controlled by noobs...

Post edited by Carlosylu on
